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Coronavirus scrambles 2020 expectations for Trump in must-win Florida

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4 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

If liberals want to change the republic—fine, have at it.  You’ll need to pass a Constitutional Amendment.  And that means a majority of States must agree.  Ever since Hillary lost in 2016, liberals have trashed the US Constitution.

Trump also is against the electoral college voting system.

4 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

The oddest post I've read for a long time, is there a typing error. If you lose you can't do anything about the constitution. It has been trashed and abused for 4 years, and everyone capable of logical thought knows who did it, the only person who can, the man/woman in power.

Huh? Did I read that right? You're saying only the president can trash the Constitution??????

5 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

If liberals want to change the republic—fine, have at it.  You’ll need to pass a Constitutional Amendment.  And that means a majority of States must agree.  Ever since Hillary lost in 2016, liberals have trashed the US Constitution.

So, wanting to amend the US Constitution means wanting to trash it? Interesting. Don't you just hate it how those liberals trashed the Constitution when they pushed for the 14th Amendment? The one that outlawed slavery.

In total, the Constitution has been "trashed" 27 times.

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The Trump administration projects about 3,000 daily deaths by early June

As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of cases and deaths from coronavirus over the next several weeks, reaching about 3,000 daily deaths on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double from the current level of about 1,750.

The projections, based on modeling by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases now.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: While the United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks, not much has changed. And the reopening to the economy will make matters worse.


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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Actually you are completely wrong.

What happens now is that there are only less than ten states out of fifty that are so called swing states.

Candidates focus almost all of their energy on that very small minority of states.

Some of those swing states are small like New Hampshire and some are very big like Florida.

There is always an effort though to convert currently set states like Texas and Georgia into swing states but that's a very slow process.

Big states that are sure things like New York and California are used for fund raising.

it's a horrible system. It was designed to assuage the slave states. It should go away but of course it won't. That would require a constitutional amendment which won't happen. 

Maybe you're on to something. I wonder why your Democrat party is still using the delegate system, which is identical to the electoral college, to choose their nominee. Shouldn't they be using the same system for choosing their nomination that they want for the entire country?


Of course, we all know why. They're very good at rigging primaries using this system.

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Trump raises potential coronavirus death toll to 100,000


While seeking to reassure Americans that it’s safe for states to reopen, President Trump increased his prediction for the coronavirus death toll in the United States.

“Look, we’re going to lose anywhere from 75,000, 80,000 to 100,000 people; that’s a horrible thing,” he said at a Fox News virtual town hall.



14 hours ago, sprq said:

Idiotic American presidential election system. Electing a national leader state by state is totally illogical, especially given the electoral college aspect. Name me another major nation that elects its leader this way instead of simply counting the total nationwide votes, which is the ONLY fair way to do it. Look to France for how to do it: a first round with multiple candidates, then a second round two weeks later with a run-off between the top two, both rounds counted nationally.

In the UK we vote for Members of Parliament to see who controls each constituency and the elected member then represents that constituency in the House of Commons who in turn controls the national government.


The party that wins the most constituencies (seats) as opposed to the number of votes in the Houses of Commons forms the government. So in the UK it's not the most votes that decide the outcome, it's the most seats. A similar system to what you have in the US.


There is no point bitching about the system after an election. It's a system that can go either way and in either party's favour.

34 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:


Maybe you're on to something. I wonder why your Democrat party is still using the delegate system, which is identical to the electoral college, to choose their nominee. Shouldn't they be using the same system for choosing their nomination that they want for the entire country?


Of course, we all know why. They're very good at rigging primaries using this system.

How a party choses a delegate has nothing to do with how a nation choses a president.


It is also of no concern to anyone other than registered dems. Trump supporters will never register to vote for dems so why worry.


You do realise trump wants rid of the voting system dont you.

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Crazy Alex said:


Maybe you're on to something. I wonder why your Democrat party is still using the delegate system, which is identical to the electoral college, to choose their nominee. Shouldn't they be using the same system for choosing their nomination that they want for the entire country?


Of course, we all know why. They're very good at rigging primaries using this system.

Yours is an utterly invalid argument. For one thing, in most states with I think the exception of Maine it's winner take all in the electoral system. In the Democratic primaries, the amount of delegates a candidate wins is proportional to the percentage of votes a candidate gets. In addition, the number of delegates is a lot higher for each state than the number of electors for that state. So the number of delegates each candidate acquires corresponds very closely to the total vote.

And please share with us how the Democrats rig the primaries?

Actually the most unfair primaries are the caucuses which discriminate against working people since they take up so much time. So a much smaller percentage of eligible voters actually participate.  You know who did best in the caucuses? Bernie Sanders. 

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6 hours ago, Brigand said:

The American electoral college system does have it's merits as well as some flaws. The founders had to give some power to individual states or it wouldn't have flied for so long. The electoral college system basically means that all politicians have to engage everyone from everywhere as otherwise it would be 4 states deciding the outcome every time and the other 46 would just look on helplessly and that would be a recipe for trouble/discontent and the forefathers had the sense to see that. Yes, it could be tweaked to more reflect the modern realities but the essential idea should stay as it makes politicians work for every vote from everywhere and forces a need to address the issues of every state.

Actually it's the reverse of what you claim. Since the total number of votes for a particular candidate don't matter in states that lean heavily republican or democratic, there's a lot less incentive to address the citizens of those states since the final totals in those states won't matter at all whether a candidate wins by 50,00 votes or 500000.

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9 hours ago, CaptRon2 said:

The fact that you think President Trump needs to deflect or distract anything to divert attention from your list of concerns is pretty amusing. Those are all losing items for the out of touch Democrats, and I think the majority of Americans will side with President Trump on most of them.

as far as you placing any blame on President Trump for this virus shows that your hate has replaced any logic you may have once possessed. The virus, is on China, a d any delay in reacting is on the misinformation from China and the WHO. President Trump’s travel ban on the Chinese was a lifesaver and one month after he implemented it Pelosi was in San Francisco’s Chinatown telling people to come on down and join the party. Biden called Trump a racist for implementing it. I think the Democrats delaying the stimulus package and then filling it with pork will come out to haunt them.

All measurements of unemployment where at historically low levels before the Virus, and it is the Democrats who are now prolonging the lockdowns and keeping people from their sources of employment. President Trump will have a field day discussing those points and only a fool or a traitor would be laying the unemployment on President Trump instead of China.

So it is my opinion, President Trump would love to be talking about those issues, while adding the illegal immigration problem along with the associated crime, and the continuing efforts of the Democrats to confiscate our guns. 

President Trump is not hiding from or distracting from anything, especially the list you provided 

Oh I beg to differ lol bigly lol he’s dead just doesent know it yet and btw believing trump is full of bs doesent make a person a traitor now selling out our elections.......

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

Huh? Did I read that right? You're saying only the president can trash the Constitution??????

Ahhh he did many many times

2 hours ago, Sujo said:

How a party choses a delegate has nothing to do with how a nation choses a president.


It is also of no concern to anyone other than registered dems. Trump supporters will never register to vote for dems so why worry.


You do realise trump wants rid of the voting system dont you.

The point remains: Democrats continue to use a system to choose their nominee that they oppose for choosing a president. Many logical-thinking people see an obvious disconnect with their principles. You may not. That is your right.

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3 hours ago, frenetic said:

Yours is an utterly invalid argument. For one thing, in most states with I think the exception of Maine it's winner take all in the electoral system. In the Democratic primaries, the amount of delegates a candidate wins is proportional to the percentage of votes a candidate gets. In addition, the number of delegates is a lot higher for each state than the number of electors for that state. So the number of delegates each candidate acquires corresponds very closely to the total vote.

And please share with us how the Democrats rig the primaries?

Actually the most unfair primaries are the caucuses which discriminate against working people since they take up so much time. So a much smaller percentage of eligible voters actually participate.  You know who did best in the caucuses? Bernie Sanders. 

Very funny response. You cannot spin your way out of the facts: Democrats like one way of nominating presidential nominees- one that gives select individuals power over the vote. Now, I do appreciate you reinforcing my points by highlighting what's wrong with caucuses. But that point of yours doesn't help you at all. It helps mine. Thank you.

18 hours ago, sprq said:

Idiotic American presidential election system. Electing a national leader state by state is totally illogical, especially given the electoral college aspect.

Study Constitutional history and the writings of the framers and then you'd understand the rationale.  I don't think they even teach Civics in US schools anymore.  So the functionally illiterate (not the fault of the students but the system) don't understand how the system works and can not grasp the logic of it.  There is a reason for how the US presidential elections are set up.  I wouldn't worry though.  In another 4 to 8 years the US will run more like Mussolini's Italy or the CPC than a Constitutional Republic, if not sooner.


I would really like Trump to win. He has made himself and America the laughing stocks of the world. Without him, there won’t be any more material for comedians. 

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Please remember, this topic is about the following:


Coronavirus scrambles 2020 expectations for Trump in must-win Florida


TAMPA, Fla. (Reuters) - Before the coronavirus pandemic, Desi Marinov considered herself "apolitical." The Fort Lauderdale, Florida, flight attendant didn't even bother to vote in the 2016 presidential election.


Losing her job due to lockdowns to curb the spread of the coronavirus and then waiting weeks for unemployment benefits has changed all that. Now she is determined to make sure President Donald Trump is not re-elected in November.


“I will go and vote and will convince as many people as I can … that this is the wrong type of leadership,” she said.



So far, some off topic posts and replies have been removed.  From this point onward, if the posts are not related to this topic as posted above, posts will disappear without further notice. 


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I am in Florida right now, and i can tell you the natives are restless.

 Trump and his buddy DeSantis have made a <deleted> show of this. First of all the Florida State Unemployment insurance website finally seems to be working this week. My wife, daughter  and her friends  have being trying to apply for the past few weeks, by the time you got to the end of the application, you got an Error message , Finally they have what we think is a completer application, (we are not sure) and the status has being pending .

I don't know of anyone who has received Unemployment compensation.  

I personally know dozens of people  in the same situation. in the meantime all the federal funds Florida has received , is sitting in the bank earning millions in interest, 

"State unemployment fund earning millions in interest, as Floridians wait on unemployment checks "


I think everyone will be approved a day after they get back to work.  

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A derogatory troll rant aimed at an imaginary sector of the American people has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

7 hours ago, Tug said:

Oh I beg to differ lol bigly lol he’s dead just doesent know it yet and btw believing trump is full of bs doesent make a person a traitor now selling out our elections.......

Well first of all the Democrats need a candidate who can put two sentences together, until then President Trump is looking good, a long ways from being dead.

You have absolutely no documentation that The President is “selling out our elections” Without documentation your statement is nothing more than slanderous, libel, defamation, which could be viewed as criminal behavior.

I am glad to hear you do not consider siding with a communist country and promoting their destructive propaganda against your own country because you hate our President a traitorous act, it does not change my opinion.

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