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18 months of pandemic pain ahead, warns govt panel

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"As such, a plan was needed to handle the impacts of Covid-19 up until December 2021"


Oh dear, bars closed and beaches off limits for almost 18 months (especially in "World Class" Pattaya) - 555555555!!!

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Every year, between 290,000 and 645,000 people worldwide die from respiratory diseases as a result of an influenza infection, according to the latest estimate by an international research network led by the US health agency CDC.

How exactly are the numbers of people killed by the flu now? Strange you don't hear anything.
Where are the annual flu deaths now?
Are the normal flu deaths in the C 19 statistics or not?
Are there any differences now in the hospitals regarding the cause of death?

How many of the C19 dead would have died of old age, pneumonia, heart failure anyway, even without the C19? Apparently there are no clear figures at all, neither at the country level nor at the WHO.

Fears are aroused by the mass media and serious political decisions are made that cause the world economy to collapse. How many millions more starvation will there be from the collapse of the world economy?

There are 2 deaths per second worldwide.
2 * 60 * 60 * 24 `= 172,000 deaths per day.

If you assume that the C19 virus is active from January 1st to May 9th,
we would have 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 9 = 130 days

172,000 * 130 days = 22,360,000 dead
That is the number of deaths worldwide that we statistically always have for 130 days.
We have corona dead almost 275,000 worldwide.
The proportion of deaths caused by Cornoa is 1.22% of the total deaths worldwide.

And now everyone can wonder whether our governments have not lost any measure of reason here.


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9 hours ago, brain150 said:

The 18 month time frame seems to be a very common thing these days ????


6+6+6=18  => 666   if you know what it means ????????????   ... but that's all conspiracy nonsense ????

You've lost all credibility now.

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I think Thailand is over-paranoid with this low number of cases.


Many people will die from poverty instead of the virus. Thailand should open up their economy to low risk countries.

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3 hours ago, misterphil said:

With only 161 cases don't you think they should reopen the country? 



They could attract tourists from places like New York and London. What could possibly go wrong?

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20 hours ago, bodga said:


10% - 20% is possibly a realistic figure if we restrict ourselves to only considering nursing homes with patients over 80 years of age, and then further restrict ourselves to only looking at those cases which present with serious symptoms requiring hospitalization.


In any normal population under 60, such percentages are absurd and off by several orders of magnitude. But don't ever let a politician be held hostage to actual facts.




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19 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Not to mention those important historical records of how you were clipping your toe nails or were reacting to the latest episode of "The Bachelor". And yes, the world also must be kept abreast of your baby and how much it has grown since the last time you posted a picture of it... about 16 minutes ago.


In an age of lockdowns and social isolation if you don't understand the significance and importance of social media you just don't get it. Do you understand the irony of posting useless stuff like this on a social media platform? 

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21 hours ago, mr mr said:

i fear the 2nd wave will kill a massive 67 people in thailand. you know like a regular day of car accident deaths.

8,000 killed on the road and 54 killed from C19 in the same time period, nothing done about the Los Road Virus

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23 hours ago, ezzra said:

but if experience taught me anything living in this country is to expect thing to be done half baked or over kill..

Experience has taught me that as soon as any restriction is lifted most Thais will revert straight back to the old way of doing things, we've seen examples of that already, social distancing being the main contender.

The government will have to come up with an education/information plan that is simple for the public to follow. They must abide by the "new normal" of they will be shut down, no exceptions.

Also the government is going to have to come up with new training schemes to get thousands of unemployed workers back into some other occupation, rather than sitting around waiting for the tourist trade to pick up in the next six months, which most have been pinning their hopes on thinking this is a short term scenario.

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8 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

How exactly are the numbers of people killed by the flu now? Strange you don't hear anything.
Where are the annual flu deaths now?

If it's true that US hospitals get $ 4,000 for the flu patient and $ 40,000 for diagnosing covid and putting on a respirator....

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On 5/8/2020 at 6:56 PM, mr mr said:

i fear the 2nd wave will kill a massive 67 people in thailand. you know like a regular day of car accident deaths.

Yes . . because everyone knows cars and viruses are the same thing. 

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5 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

8,000 killed on the road and 54 killed from C19 in the same time period, nothing done about the Los Road Virus

If they introduced social distancing on the roads the whingers would have a field day.

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It is reasonable to ask the question, "which is worse, the virus or the governments reaction to the virus?" Often it seems like the solution is much worse than the problem. 


I know that question will not be asked by the bureaucrats who are lusting for power. So we know where this is headed. 


The question I have "is there any place left in the world where life will get back to normal soon?" Clearly, Thailand will not be that place. 

Edited by dpcjsr
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17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Jaras is another ill informed panic mongering moron. Rather than letting him advise the government, he should locked up for inciting the public. 


It is true that it is going to take a long time for things to normalize here. But, it will have nothing to do with a fictitious second wave. It will be due to shutting down the economy for so long. The longer this insanity continues, the harder it will be to return the nation from oblivion. 


Let the people get back to work. Regain your senses. Maintain your sanity. This is NOT the Zombie Apocalypse!

2nd wave in the US will likely conveniently happen right around September/October, that's when they'll start pushing mail in voting.  A lot of states are already closing polling places for the DNC primaries and implementing mail in voting instead

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On 5/9/2020 at 8:59 AM, ezzra said:

He did not elaborate 10-20 percent of what? the whole population or the number of people who got infected, in any case, the back to normal can be done wisely and with care mindful not to implode the fragile economy  but if experience taught me anything living in this country is to expect thing to be done half baked or over kill...

You understand we talking about Thailand here

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I am going to be interested in how the Australian plans go it will prove one way or another just what is real and what is not ( good for them) and for Morrison now that he has admitted too much of Australia was sold to China he needs to get the government moving start buying back at a cheap rate all power and start up the steel mills forget the clean Australia for now this virus has proved they not ready yet

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On 5/9/2020 at 6:48 AM, bodga said:

Could  they not  cope with the very small  numbers they already had then?

Evidently not, which is itself indicative of something deeply dodgy In the reporting of COVID-19 statistics by this government. Sadly, in my view the numbers reported have no credibility at all, and I shall henceforth leave it to others to either support or detract from the released numbers as their own expertise and consciences dictate.

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On 5/8/2020 at 11:49 PM, bodga said:


The mortality rate is around 0.1 % (one tenth of one percent ) .Far less than seasonal flu. Thats the real numbers not manufactured ones which are all over the place.Governments are making use of this Plandemic for their own agendas. 

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15 hours ago, dpcjsr said:

It is reasonable to ask the question, "which is worse, the virus or the governments reaction to the virus?" Often it seems like the solution is much worse than the problem. 


I know that question will not be asked by the bureaucrats who are lusting for power. So we know where this is headed. 


The question I have "is there any place left in the world where life will get back to normal soon?" Clearly, Thailand will not be that place. 

Indeed Thailand is not that place. I don't believe that place exists. Still, at least this guy has the balls to be honest. This is not going away. Not enough tests, and whose they have are of very dubious quality, especially in USA. An effective vaccine is a year away.


Everyone with an eye to a quick buck is already tooled up and on their way.



Edited by ParkerN
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US, UK, Europe all well over 10% mortality. New York 20% +

Back in March the TV showed young people collapsed and allegedly dieing in the streets of Italy. Was that going to be the new norm?
No-one's seen anything like that in the UK. Th main thing that's happened is hospitals have taken all the elderly and morbid cases in other wards and moved them all into the covid ward. The other wards are unusually quiet or even empty, as hospitals are reluctant to take in new patients unless they are covid.
Other than that there's nothing unusual wrt health here. Everyone seems well. The gov read out a bunch of big scary numbers every evening, but they don't correspond to what we're seeing on ground at all.


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3 hours ago, djuiiy said:

Back in March the TV showed young people collapsed and allegedly dieing in the streets of Italy. Was that going to be the new norm?
No-one's seen anything like that in the UK. Th main thing that's happened is hospitals have taken all the elderly and morbid cases in other wards and moved them all into the covid ward. The other wards are unusually quiet or even empty, as hospitals are reluctant to take in new patients unless they are covid.
Other than that there's nothing unusual wrt health here. Everyone seems well. The gov read out a bunch of big scary numbers every evening, but they don't correspond to what we're seeing on ground at all.


The death numbers are all faked. One good example was a famous comedian in the UK. He was 85, massively overweight and had heart failure. He died but of course was classified as a Covid 19 death.

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