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Will buying a BB gun get me in trouble.


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I am bored stiff.

Shooting targets is OK, but shooting live things has to be more fun.

So a neighbours' noisy dog, a neighbours' noisy chickens, a neighbour a who makes a noise, are all these valid targets.


Probably not but wouldn't I love just to shoot all the <deleted>.

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I think you were being sarcastic and not serious I hope. But good luck with finding a BB gun or pellet pistol of any sort other than kids toys  airsoft guns. I have looked high and low when I wanted to deal with a pesky pigeon problem. The only air gun I have come across are the home made ones that shoot ball bearings  wildly inaccurate but  I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of those thats for sure. If you do find one please PM me

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11 minutes ago, Randell said:

I think you were being sarcastic and not serious I hope.

I hope this too, OneeyedJohn.

However I'll understand you well.


24 minutes ago, stupidfarang said:

You may find a neighbour with a real gun and they may just use it to shoot back at you.

In our village most men have guns. They like to shoot birds. Crazy.

(I'm happy they usually don't shoot at me.)

But they don't shoot horribly screeching roosters, incessantly cooing pigeons/doves,

at night barking and fighting dogs. - What they should!

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1 hour ago, tifino said:

...pop a soi dog; and then magically, it is owned by someone

Or hit neibor dog whit your motorpike and magically it's soi dog ! Only neibor was kind and put collar on it whit hes name! 

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I bought 2 high power pellet guns in Chinatown in the open, from a public kiosk.  Then I found out that pellet and BB guns that shoot metal projectiles are illegal in Thailand (or, technically, treated as a firearm, for which I have no permit).  I ended up giving them away to a friend with a pigeon problem, a lot of land and a well connected Thai wife.


There are a lot of old TVF threads on the topic with details that I don't remember off the top of my head.  Sadly, they may have been knocked off the search function by one of the many forum upgrades.  Basically, if you're shooting metal projectiles, it's a gun and you need a permit to own it.  And you're not allowed to torture animals, even with an airsoft.

The kiosk where I bought mine disappeared during one of the many cleanups of Chinatown street markets.  I saw the guy a few blocks away over the next few years.  But all of his inventory was under a tarp.  The nice lady nearby was still there selling pellets and pepper spray (which are also illegal). 


Edit:  And I'd add that he turned the box inside out so the label didn't show when I bought mine, telling me it was to get it home on the MRT.  I took a taxi instead.


Edited by impulse
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