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1 minute ago, mr mr said:

i guess the more popular you are on this site the increase in freedom of posting goes with it. seems cheap shots are allowed based on this. 

Your cheap shot was trashing folk who work outside LOS.....



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2 minutes ago, frantick said:

So you worked 20 years post-grad and you're complaining about the generation that put in 50. Retired already? Sounds like you're the one hoarding all the money.

i am not complaining about them putting in 50. i am pointing out the mess they made doing during that time. 

i have managed to save enough from work and investing to have a simple life. spare me with that. the top 100 companies on earth have more money than god. 

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17 minutes ago, transam said:

Your cheap shot was trashing folk who work outside LOS.....



trashing the decisions of those coming online and crying that those decisions have put them in a hard place.



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7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Have you ever tried your luck as a professional doomsday prophet?

Oh, I´m sorry. I forgot, there is no professionals in that area. My bad, mate!

There are plenty of professionals in that area... they continually predict stock market crashes and then are right one day every ten years... 

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5 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Everybody made, and will make, a mess of things during their time. Nothing new under the sun.


Of course, I am always reminded of the great Oscar Wilde:


"I'm not young enough to know everything".


Your generation, plus those above and below you, will make a mess of things. The job of upcoming generations is to point that out, then get their comeuppance as they screw up, too.


When you admit you're human, you'll understand.

most of my life all i did was make mistakes. did a few things right too but more mistakes by far. 


heck. scroll back and read some of my comments. 

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27 minutes ago, mr mr said:

i am not complaining about them putting in 50. i am pointing out the mess they made doing during that time. 

i have managed to save enough from work and investing to have a simple life. spare me with that. the top 100 companies on earth have more money than god. 

So what's your problem with rich companies? Distribution of wealth? To whom? We're all self motivated; human nature. If we weren't, you'd have worked 30 more years and given your money to the poor instead of hoarding your earnings and retiring early.

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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

Everybody made, and will make, a mess of things during their time. Nothing new under the sun.


Of course, I am always reminded of the great Oscar Wilde:


"I'm not young enough to know everything".


Your generation, plus those above and below you, will make a mess of things. The job of upcoming generations is to point that out, then get their comeuppance as they screw up, too.


When you admit you're human, you'll understand.

Agree with your Statements completely Walker.  However, some kids want to cry over spilled milk when it happens, instead of just getting the rags out and cleaning it up, then going forward like our generation has done.  This generation just wants it handed to them on a silver plate, and some have been lucky to find a product to become rich (Bitcoin etc...) instead of busting there backsides putting in 50 hours a week and more in order to raise a family and save for the future while still working 40 or so years until retirement.  I was lucky to retire after 36 years, but not after having taken bullets from downrange, and having dirt bags trying to kill me while trying to protect the rights of these whining sniveling snowflakes....@mr mr

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1 hour ago, frantick said:

So what's your problem with rich companies? Distribution of wealth? To whom? We're all self motivated; human nature. If we weren't, you'd have worked 30 more years and given your money to the poor instead of hoarding your earnings and retiring early.

good you know my story then eh ? 


i got lucky on 2 deals that set me up. that's it. bought a house at the right time in the right location. then took a huge gamble after that which paid off.

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7 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Agree with your Statements completely Walker.  However, some kids want to cry over spilled milk when it happens, instead of just getting the rags out and cleaning it up, then going forward like our generation has done.  This generation just wants it handed to them on a silver plate, and some have been lucky to find a product to become rich (Bitcoin etc...) instead of busting there backsides putting in 50 hours a week and more in order to raise a family and save for the future while still working 40 or so years until retirement.  I was lucky to retire after 36 years, but not after having taken bullets from downrange, and having dirt bags trying to kill me while trying to protect the rights of these whining sniveling snowflakes....@mr mr



 can't wait until we don't have to hear this kind of thing anymore. did you also walk 10 miles uphill to school in 6 feet of snow ? 


just because you worked your life away doesn't mean others have to follow the same way. what is the saying work smart not hard ?


we all chose what we do with our time on this planet. you chose to serve and spend most of your free time working. good for you. i am happy it worked out for you. 


let's try to ease off the name calling and talk about these things as adults ? 

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9 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

They see how useless going to a Thai university is if they at all want to aspire to be hired or working for large international companies in more than secretarial positions at low wages. 

Or taking up positions at 7/11 or KFC when finishing university.


While I amongst others are fortunate enough to be able to make have the finances and can make an informed decision, e.g. to be or not to be in Thailand, I am now leaning more to picking up the family by years end and tailgating it back to my motherland for the good of the kids futures as I agree with what you are saying.


The last thing a parent would want to see is their kids working for low wages, been there done that till I picked up my degrees, these days degrees in Thailand aren't going to be worth the paper they are printed on and these bozos can only think about tourism as opposed to creating jobs for their own kind.



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41 minutes ago, mr mr said:

let's try to ease off the name calling and talk about these things as adults ? 

Wishing for a generation to stop breathing for their mistakes is surely the adults talking.

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8 hours ago, stevenl said:

So nothing has changed. When we were young the elders were complaining about the youth, and now we're older we are complaining about the youth.


BTW, if you were anti establishment, where are the Sex Pistols in your rockband overview?

I loved The Sex Pistols but couldn't resist posting this...

Johnny Rotten a few years after the Pistols......




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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I am now leaning more to picking up the family by years end and tailgating it back to my motherland for the good of the kids futures as I agree with what you are saying.

Good idea and worth it in the long run.  My Thai wife's a British citizen and much easier life for her to have two passports.  

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20 hours ago, mr mr said:

you make a sad dad quip and i am the one to grow up ? 


the boomer generation will go down in history as one of the most hated ever to walk this planet. 



Had it not been for the 'boomer' generation, just where would you be now?????

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20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Care to expand on your "The most hated generation ever to walk this planet".  You sound like a very judgmental person whose beliefs and values do not line up with what the real world is all about.  Without the Boomer generation, then your generation would not have the computers invented and the internet which is just one of the many contributions, but then you knew that already didn't you and so you believe we are just sucking up needed air and resources your generation thinks they need.  I get it.  You want us to move on so you can move upward, well stand in line for a long time, we will not be dying off for a long time as the last of the boomers were born in 1964, which is where I come in as the last of the boomer generation, so at my age of 56 you unfortunately have a long wait ahead......

Yes, and many who were ahead of you by 20 years plus, are still hanging on in there. Each generation depends upon it previous generations. So, maybe when he grows up, he will realise this? 

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20 hours ago, Brunolem said:

I am a boomer, born right in the middle of the boom, but I am also well aware of what my generation has done.


First it didn't invent computers, or anything significant for that matter.


Computers were made possible thanks to the discoveries linked to quantum theory, around the 1920s, with the first machines appearing by the end of WWII.


Boomers were hippies in the 60s and 70s.


Then in the 80s they became golden boys, and came up with their only significant, and disastrous, creations: the financialization and globalization of the economy.


Also, from the 80s on, they released the vast majority of the toxic emissions and poisons that have contaminated our soils, waters and atmosphere to this day.


Under their enlightened guidance, inequalities have reached new heights, while education and morality have reached new lows.


As for the internet, there is not much to be proud of, considering how it has zombified a large part of the population in just a few years, while contributing to the restriction of freedom of expression thanks to the very few monopolies that rule the web.


Now in 2020 the boomers are actively working on the final destruction of the remnants of what was a quite wonderful society before they took charge.


By 2030, most of them will be gone, but not after having left the world in ruins...


Would hate to think you had been left with nothing to do?

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So let me get this straight for you.  The youngest Boomers' will only be 66 in 2030, but as you put it "Most of them will be gone".  Really now!, I think you need to start being realistic in your view and look outside your narrow window.  My father is a boomer, who is at the beginning or at the top end.  He is 76 is in perfect health, runs 5km a day, still drives a logging truck and loves to be productive.  I know that a few will move on by the time 2030 comes on, but then they will only be 86 years old, and many will still have many years of fun life ahead.  You better re-think where you will be as a Boomer by then, but who knows your health may either be no good or it may be great.  I do not know you, never will nor do I care to.  It is people with bad attitudes and regrets that live their life like it was full of bitterness because of the mistakes they made but still want to blame others.....so take care of yourself before the bitterness inside causes you to not carry on further.

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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:


So let me get this straight for you.  The youngest Boomers' will only be 66 in 2030, but as you put it "Most of them will be gone".  Really now!, I think you need to start being realistic in your view and look outside your narrow window.  My father is a boomer, who is at the beginning or at the top end.  He is 76 is in perfect health, runs 5km a day, still drives a logging truck and loves to be productive.  I know that a few will move on by the time 2030 comes on, but then they will only be 86 years old, and many will still have many years of fun life ahead.  You better re-think where you will be as a Boomer by then, but who knows your health may either be no good or it may be great.  I do not know you, never will nor do I care to.  It is people with bad attitudes and regrets that live their life like it was full of bitterness because of the mistakes they made but still want to blame others.....so take care of yourself before the bitterness inside causes you to not carry on further.

That is because you assume that things are going to remain the same during this decade, as they were during the previous decades.


I, on the other hand, assume that they are gonna get much much worse, and that 2020 and its pandemic is just an appetizer.


First, remember that the actual pandemic is not being kind with the boomers...just look at the average age of those taken by the virus.


Also keep in mind that life expectancy has been declining in countries such as the US and UK.


Then there is the pesky financial issue: the retirement systems were not conceived to support so many retirees, and most of the retirement funds are broke or will soon be.


The result is that pensions, mine included, are going to shrink, and this won't help to increase life expectancy.


In the US, again, many can't even afford to retire and when asked, say that they plan to work until they die...again not good for life expectancy.


What the boomers have "achieved" is unsustainable...a word that pops again and again.


They have built a house of cards on a mountain of debt.


Since you are not a boomer, keep in mind that your father's pension, as well as mine, are paid with debt...debt that will be left for you to pay back, or default on.


The boomers have done very well for themselves because they have used all the wealth they have produced, PLUS the wealth that their descendants will produce.


No other generation has done that.


I am not bitter in the least, and don't blame anybody in particular.


I was part of the pack, and it took me a lot of time to realize what I was participating into.

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There will be at least one effective vaccine available by the end of the year, and probably several sometime in 2021. The annual C19 shot will become a more important version of the annual flu jab, and when people see that it works and doesn't have any dangerous side-effects life will get back to "normal", though with many changes compared to life in 2019 (much more home-working, for example, and more expensive flights).

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