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Thailand looking at quarantine waiver for selected tourists


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SEA countries will be in a competition to get some tourists back. The ju..a will monitor what the other countries are doing and take it from there. Main criteria, what are the chances to divert funds into their pockets without it being too obvious.

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Just a little perspective on “Numbers”.


China has approximately 1.3 Billion people.  Total Covid 19 Infections:  83.000 and deaths:  4600(allegedly??)

The State of California has 40+ Million People:  Total Covid 19 Infections:  90,000 and deaths: 3700.


This makes the average Chinese Traveler the safest person in the world  to let in to any country?? Welcome “My Chinese Brothers”.  The Welcome Mat will be spread long and deep.  


FYI: I am from California with an American Passport.  What category will I be placed in?  DO NOT LET IN??? At least I’m not from New York.  

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COVID 19 will definately be back but next time no closures as the current lockdown has cost too much both in monetary terms and the suffering, hardship and deaths as a result of closure. The deaths due to closure far outweigh the 56 mostly elderly, frail and sick people who supposedly died from COVID. I myself believe that COVID is an exasserbation to an already weak immune system and would never "on it's own" cause death. 

The "weak virus" dies at extremely low temperatures so we don't want people recklessly going into saunas and on threadmills and gym bikes raising temperatures and killing it, do we? 

Strange how Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos had no deaths? ( some of the poorest and least equipped countries in Asia) isn't that lucky?

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9 hours ago, rasmus5150 said:

Sounds like they wanna herd the tourists around like sheep - yellow sheep over here, black sheep here, white sheep here.

Maybe that's how they've looked at us all along ????

Yep - and the yellows can be identified as "stinking rich" China. High rollers from Europe would be black and the white sticker is reserved for kee-nee-ow westerners that arrive in knickers and a Chang T-shirt.. Should be interesting to follow on who will get tagged first with a visum 

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Australia doing the same soon and the China's are number 1 their as well. Good work Thailand , great job so far and time to open borders a bit!!


Will they let in the UK and USA ? Absolutely no chance And rightly so !

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43 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

COVID 19 will definately be back but next time no closures as the current lockdown has cost too much both in monetary terms and the suffering, hardship and deaths as a result of closure.

That's not a safe bet. The US is taking a helluva gamble, opening up faster than any alphabet group (CDC, WHO, etc) says safe. If it comes back worse, and could have a double whammy of the seasonal flu to boot, there may not be a choice. Of course, we're ALL just armchair quarterback guessing.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Tourism is not returning to Thailand anytime soon. If you think about it, the group that comprised perhaps 60% of all arrivals (lower to middle income Chinese and Indians) are the ones who have been hardest hit by this idiotic worldwide economic shutdown. Tourism in Thailand will never recover to even close to it's former levels, and that leaves millions out of work.


Will most countries will still be required to have Covid letters, as the virus is still raging in many countries. And some countries will not issue that letter (impossible to get in the US).

Plus, will mandatory health insurance be required? Will it be a policy without a pandemic exception, which is costlier? 

Will the restrictions be even stricter than before?

Will the restrictions be based on the numbers of infections on the country you are coming from? That would make sense. So, the hardest hit, and the most radioactive tourists in the world, for the next year or so will be:


1. US

2. Brazil

3. Russia.

4. Spain

5. UK

6. italy

7. France

8. Germany

9. Turkey

10. India


China is presently #14 on the list, but they seem to have beaten this thing long ago (as it would appear, if the deleted are the be trusted), and are an important sector for Thailand, so my guess is no restrictions on Chinese. But, looks like they lost the Indian market for the next year or so, with nearly 140,000 cases, and over 4,000 deaths. 


There are so many unanswered questions, it boggles the mind. One thing is for certain. Thailand will be feeling the effects of this for a very, very long time, with 20% of it's economy dependent on tourism. So will the rest of the world. 

Watch China in Focus on Youtube it appears China is far from defeating the virus.

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Are the Chinese still spitting these days or have they stopped? My condo has signs up by the smoking station and inside by the elevators and trash cans... "No spitting in public"... since the Chinese invasion started 2 years ago...  surely that would be worse than not wearing a mask outside..  or could they do both?

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30 minutes ago, J Town said:

That's not a safe bet. The US is taking a helluva gamble, opening up faster than any alphabet group (CDC, WHO, etc) says safe. If it comes back worse, and could have a double whammy of the seasonal flu to boot, there may not be a choice. Of course, we're ALL just armchair quarterback guessing.

As Joe Biden recently said “Come On, Man”.  40% of the Covid 19 cases are in NY, NJ and CT.  Those states have combined population of 30 Million.  The US has a population of 330 Million.  So 10% of the total population represents 40% of the infections and deaths.  Presently those states are more or less locked down.  But if one is in Montana or Idaho then it won’t be much of a gamble to open up.  The Doomsday Gods on mass media predicated disasters in Florida and Georgia and it has not happened.  At least not yet.  

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40 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

Watch China in Focus on Youtube it appears China is far from defeating the virus.

Or dont.


Watch the Scottish World Cup win instead.


It's truer.

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  5 hours ago, Almer said:

Easy, White skin quadruple  the entrance fee



30 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:


That might catch on in Thailand ????

Since there was no "Entrance fee" before, quadruple of nothing is still nothing. Maybe you were referring to the National park fees? in that case, quadruple the Thai Citizen fee would be a savings!

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11 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Translation : If your country regularly starts pandemics or lies through its teeth and doesn't do any testing, you can come back 

I can't see any country matching these criteria ... :unsure:


And about testing, China currently manages to tests more than 10% of Wuhan population daily! More than 1 million tests daily for this city only! No other country (that I know) takes this Covid-19 fight so seriously.

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Just test people on re-entry.  Put a cell phone app which traces people.  Make people get a medical check in a few days and use technology.  I think Australia is proposing something like this.  People should pay for the testing.

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1 hour ago, Ketyo said:

Are the Chinese still spitting these days or have they stopped? My condo has signs up by the smoking station and inside by the elevators and trash cans... "No spitting in public"... since the Chinese invasion started 2 years ago...  surely that would be worse than not wearing a mask outside..  or could they do both?

oh, they can do both!

betelnut consumption continued despite wearing masks.

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14 hours ago, Traubert said:

Or dont.


Watch the Scottish World Cup win instead.


It's truer.

You must be a General in the Chinese 50 Cent Army with your endless posts of blind devotion to China and Emperor Xi.

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14 hours ago, koratkarlos said:

Just test people on re-entry.  Put a cell phone app which traces people.  Make people get a medical check in a few days and use technology.  I think Australia is proposing something like this.  People should pay for the testing.

Oh yeah, can you imagine the look on the Health Ministers face when he can charge the B-Jesus out of farangs coming into the country ?   Don't give these lot ideas..... 

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