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An end may be in sight to separation of Thai-farang families


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4 hours ago, scorecard said:

Interesting, hope this becomes more specific very soon. 

Thailand must be very careful as to which country that person is coming from.personally Europe would be my last   place i would let ppl re enter.That's how they have kept it low here by not letting all and su dry in 

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47 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

There are still more than 40,000 Thai citizens trying to return to there homeland these people have to be repatriated and placed into quarantine for 14 days in a couple of days it will be June . My wife is stuck in the U.K. I will be amazed if she manages to get back to Thailand by the beginning of August if there is no hope of that I am considering pulling the shutters down on the house and returning to the U.K. and not returning until 2021 at the earliest thankfully we have a U.K. base. I cannot see the Thai authorities allowing flights to resume until they have repatriated all Thais and they are extremely slow in doing that at the moment 


Yes thai's should be brought home first definately .but are they been cautious for isolation when they get here which is excellent .more than some countries SELF isolation what a load of <deleted> .well done Thailand for been more savvy.also think which country they are returning from plays a big part.Europe should be last on list 

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35 minutes ago, AndySilverfox said:

Very misleading to state that the end is in sight. This is possibly applicable to about 5% of separated families. Fathers working overseas will rarely have Thai WP or residency status. So this is a useless post.

as for the guy coming in on 6 excemptions per year . That is not technically allowed . I used to do that and got stopped and told by immigration to get a visa  or refused entry. We had 4 of us doing the same and we all got got stopped. 
Just because you get away with it for years does not make it correct or compliant. He will get stopped eventually.

I had a pal who was warned a couple of times about using the 30 day voa . He was compliant with the amount of times he could use that in the given period , however he is not a tourist and was asked why he came to Thailand and told the IO he was here to see his wife . Turned back to origin on the next flight . He eventually got a non o visa .

I think we all have sympathy for split families and guys like Barry Mutch . These cases like this could be solved at a stroke of a pen under extenuating circumstances .

In Barry's case  the Thai IOs are equally to blame for not picking up the 8 years of visits using a tourist visa .

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2 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Well if he's on a 4/4 rotation and coming to Thailand every time he's 'off' should that not require some sort of visa?


I'll help you out here, that's 6 months ( approx ) a year here or 6 visits.

As the guy in the article said he only spends 25-28 days per visit, in Thailand.  So given there's a 30 day stay, (visa exempt) on arrivals - this probably negated any reasons for him to go through the cost and hassle of applying for a Non O retirement/ married.  

Fairly logical and reasonable steps in the pre Covid world.

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23 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

You mean the policy to allow Chinese tourists without any checks in January and February?  By the time the government closed borders they should have been overrun by sick people. 

When did travels restrictions get put in place..... was after January and February wasn't it ?

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