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Thai Chana to get into your condo or village?


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11 hours ago, digger70 said:

Plain stupid .Are they going to supply Everyone with a No1 smartphone ? I think Not . I don't sign any Ledger .Don't do QR code . I wear mask  to go in a shop (not in the car)and the the Alcohol thing. anything else is Not Needed.

No mask, no Q Code = No entry.  What will you do?

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On 5/28/2020 at 4:38 PM, baansgr said:

I know a guy still regularly taking streetwalkers off Jomtien beach back to his condo...makes perfect sense really for the protection of others.

Yes, he is protecting all the others on Jomtien Beach from these nasty streetwalkers.   PML

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On 5/28/2020 at 1:12 PM, robblok said:

Not in my village, I think its easier to do for condo's then for gated villages with multiple entries. 


It also makes no sense for villages as its not as if there are shared communal area's and such. 

So not for you obstinate Thai Chana supporter :tongue:, now a sudden no need for (your) gated community :cool: , should be needed more as several entry's hose infected could sneak in or out  :biggrin:


Anyway my local 7/11 and condo guards do all this things veeeery relaxed , 711 no QR and I use now just my dumb clamshell phone , so highest pen and paper....keep the resistance alive for those nosy big brother Thai gov. 

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On 5/29/2020 at 8:42 PM, Moonlover said:

Why? The concept of Thai Chana is to establish a link between an infected person and another person, who are complete strangers to each other, but happen to be in the same place at the same time.


People who live in villages or condo buildings are not complete strangers to each other and are often in the same place at the same time.


What is it that Thai Chana can achieve that having a list of occupants and knocking on a few doors can't?


That's the difference between Terminal 21, and a condo block.


Oh, and by the way. Thai Chana does not 'track and trace'. It 'identifies and informs'. There's a big difference.


"Oh, and by the way. Thai Chana does not 'track and trace'. It 'identifies and informs'. There's a big difference."



so not same ….? It identify you ,and where you are , and inform where you are …...so that is not tracking ?? 

"Shakespeare's what is in a name" at the ultimate :cheesy:

Edited by david555
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The security post at the village entrance has now got a large QR code sign, but it's just lying inside at the moment. Maybe they've just got it ready in case the authorities start insisting on this?


If they do start doing it, I don't see it lasting, too much hassle for everyone. The nearest 7-eleven was insistent on you scanning the QR code or signing the book a few days ago, but it seemed to have become more of a voluntary thing by yesterday afternoon. The village Family Mart has the kit inside the shop, but it's entirely voluntary there and nobody does it.

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3 hours ago, david555 said:

"Oh, and by the way. Thai Chana does not 'track and trace'. It 'identifies and informs'. There's a big difference."



so not same ….? It identify you ,and where you are , and inform where you are …...so that is not tracking ?? 

"Shakespeare's what is in a name" at the ultimate :cheesy:

No it is not the same.


Thai Chana cannot identify you as you only give a phone number. The phone company will not divulge your ID unless a warrant is issued.


Neither does it track or trace you. Again only the phone company or security services with phone companies cooperation can do that. Thai Chana can only take a snapshot of your location at a particular time, if you choose to provide that information.



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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

No it is not the same.


Thai Chana cannot identify you as you only give a phone number. The phone company will not divulge your ID unless a warrant is issued.


Neither does it track or trace you. Again only the phone company or security services with phone companies cooperation can do that. Thai Chana can only take a snapshot of your location at a particular time, if you choose to provide that information.



It seems you are a true believer in that ....so we just have opposite opinion in this Thai Gov. 'thing" 


Feel free & happy to use ...i dont 

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16 minutes ago, david555 said:

It seems you are a true believer in that ....so we just have opposite opinion in this Thai Gov. 'thing" 


Feel free & happy to use ...i dont 

Aren't you lucky that you live in a country that allows you that free choice. ????


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2 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Aren't you lucky that you live in a country that allows you that free choice. ????


You mean ..."taking " that choice ...right ? ????

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4 hours ago, david555 said:
4 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Aren't you lucky that you live in a country that allows you that free choice. ????



4 hours ago, david555 said:

You mean ..."taking " that choice ...right ? ????

I mean what I say, always!


Anyway, if it makes you feel good signing in as Donald Trump, Micky Mouse or whatever, that's fine by me. But please don't complain about having to touch that 'dirty pen' as so many others have.


Stay safe.

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2 hours ago, Moonlover said:


I mean what I say, always!


Anyway, if it makes you feel good signing in as Donald Trump, Micky Mouse or whatever, that's fine by me. But please don't complain about having to touch that 'dirty pen' as so many others have.


Stay safe.

I dont mind to sign with my real name.....but from my smartphone they stay of ????.....all the other precautions i follow .....even when it just to please the crowd ????


As an example what can get inside very sneaky ....i just cleaned my contact list in microsoft email program and boy o boy ...i did not knew i had so many emailcontacts i never put in by me .....big cleaning , i think google mail is the culprit so i stopped them synchronizing .....

Just check once the contact list to be surprised who "invaded " it ,and i have 2 good security softwares ...just the auto synchronizing did it i guess...

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On 5/29/2020 at 4:12 PM, Guderian said:

Yes, HiSo gated villages only. I believe the government plans to carpet bomb the Isaan-style villages at the first sign of a C19 outbreak, so there's no point in them doing the Thai Chana thing as well, lol.

Lol Hiso gated villages. I have never thought of my village as that. All normal people that live here as far as I am aware. Mind you we do have a communial gym and swimming pool, so that could be targeted. Hiso village so funny what next.

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On 5/31/2020 at 8:28 AM, digger70 said:

I go in Tesco  & Big C. I said I wear mask (read the post) .That's it, don't have any problems to enter.



We all put up with archaic and out dated visa laws, why, because we have to, it's the law.  It's their country, they make it a law, comply, or face the consequences. 

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1 minute ago, Leaver said:



We all put up with archaic and out dated visa laws, why, because we have to, it's the law.  It's their country, they make it a law, comply, or face the consequences. 

There's No Law as yet in Thailand that states that one has to Wear a mask Outside on the Road or working outside in ones yard. 

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27 minutes ago, digger70 said:

There's No Law as yet in Thailand that states that one has to Wear a mask Outside on the Road or working outside in ones yard. 

So, if it became law, would you move to another country? 

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