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Lockdown easing latest: Calls to open bars and clubs ahead of schools rejected

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52 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

In the BP Facebook page today, South Korea will have mandatory QR codes to enter bars, clubs and karaoke clubs from 10th June. You just know that Prayut will implement this. https://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFKBN239075

Not a problem for me. Helps protect me actually. Test, track, trace. What is hard to understand about that?



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Coronavirus May Be a Blood Vessel Disease, Which Explains Everything

Many of the infection’s bizarre symptoms have one thing in common

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3 hours ago, mickymouse1 said:

Do you have proofs that what you said is entirely true for the entire population?

What is the total population in Thailand right now and how many of them were tested? Regards.

If you don't test you don't know, a not so favourite Thai relative is telling me how bad UK are handling the Virus and when pressed he tells me yesterday 8000 proved positive and its sane  same each day, when i sit in the lazy git ( not worked all his life 50 year old) i ask him if he has or had the virus he laughs and says no, when i ask him he knows he goes into fits of hysterics and asked my wife where she found me, her reply an absolute classic, was, not at your work place for sure.

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He warned against going to Japan despite the country opening up.

An exception might be essential business travel. But for tourism purposes it would mean going into 14 day quarantine on return and was just not worth it in his view. 

He warned against going to Japan despite the country opening up. An exception might be essential business travel. But for tourism purposes it would mean going into 14 day quarantine on return and was just not worth it in his view.


He suggested that all foreign travel for pleasure was not sensible at this time, was problematical anyway and people might wait until there was a vaccine. 


A bit hypocritical...

Especially when any one entering Thailand has the 14 day isolation anyway. 

Whats he trying to say?

4 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

Except if they want to change the actual world reputation for Thailand

and get ride of the girlies bars, It could be the unspoken project

Add to that further reduction of farang retirees..

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30 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Not a problem for me. Helps protect me actually. Test, track, trace. What is hard to understand about that?



But there is no covid-19 in Thailand to test, track, trace...

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Should be able to open the open air bars now. 

On the point of international travel. If your saying for your people to stay home. You can expect the countries your hoping to save tourism to stay home as well. You just forecasted your fate for the remainder of this year and perhaps next year. 

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47 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

But there is no covid-19 in Thailand to test, track, trace...

Probably why.

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This is a way for Thais to get rid of farang business owners keep us closed but yet invite Thais to open but yet expat news groups are too scared to say it  .... this is thailand push toward a more thainess state .... this is Thailand land of smiles

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6 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Good point. Well if there were.......555

Better to be safe than sorry as they say 55. I still don't agree with the tracing system especially in bars, it's private hmm.

7 minutes ago, Advocatus Diaboli said:

Though a lot of restaurants can open, I have seen a lot that have stayed shut. A lot of not just restaurants but bars rely on annual 30 million tourists that visit every year. At a guess, a lot of bars would not reopen until the return of the tourists. Would the small expat community be able to keep the bars afloat? Will the bars have the custom to pay staff? Least alcohol is still available for those that like a tipple. For that we can be thankful.

Just had a tour round the Darkside, Pattaya.  2 restaurants closed days a go were open. A third restaurant that I went in, serving beer in coffee mugs. BJ bar around the corner from me which has had no signs of life since mid March had all the girls outside, eating food.


I smell the wind of change......

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1 minute ago, Phil McCaverty said:.

I smell the wind of change......

‘Nice to here there is some life appearing. But the smell is coming off the beach I bet. After all that pollutant flowing into the ocean recently. That which you are smelling, good chance it’s not change ???? ????

  • Haha 1
12 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Doesn't bother me............unless you need a QR code for barfines.

I have a solution for that. Just tattoo one next to the tramp stamp.

Just now, Advocatus Diaboli said:

‘Nice to here there is some life appearing. But the smell is coming off the beach I bet. After all that pollutant flowing into the ocean recently. That which you are smelling, good chance it’s not change ????????

I live a few miles from the beach. wasn't pollutant, it was detritus washed out of the storm drains after a big thunderstorm. Happens regularly.


You're going to fit in well in this forum.

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4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I have a solution for that. Just tattoo one next to the tramp stamp.

Sorry no tramp stamps for me. Or baldy head. Or wifebeater vest. Or flip flops. Or cargo shorts. Have I missed any of your stereotypes out?

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Sorry no tramp stamps for me. Or baldy head. Or wifebeater vest. Or flip flops. Or cargo shorts. Have I missed any of your stereotypes out?

I think you mixed them a bit, tramp stamps are on the ladies. You could scan for a quick in-and-out and should one of the fellas you're then joined by the hip with get COVID, you'd be the first to know.

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1 minute ago, DrTuner said:

I think you mixed them a bit, tramp stamps are on the ladies. You could scan for a quick in-and-out and should one of the fellas you're then joined by the hip with get COVID, you'd be the first to know.

Sorry yes, got the wrong end of the stick.

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You are dealing with an anti-fun government. Stiff and starchy and will do anything to prevent any enjoyment!! Also so anti-alcohol. Who the hell elected them????

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5 hours ago, Thomas72 said:

They want domestic tourism, but they refuse to open bars or allow you drink at a restaurant.


Who would waste money traveling under these circumstances?

lol. no beer at restaurants and bars closed. i am sure thats a big problem for Thai families traveling. lol. 


Looking in from the outside, it is 2200 hours in Oz, freezing cold and I have turned on a heater. I have also just opened another of my $2 a can (40 baht) real Oz (large) beers and reflected on all the news on T Visa. Missus speaks to her extended family in C Mai almost daily - they are all hurting financially but I can't help, as the boss says "there are far too many of them and anyway they are all lazy" - (but the MIL sure aint included, 'cos I sent her 50K baht last week, but that's a secret). Once every ten months - no sooner. Even Thais can keep secrets from their own families. Our farm is just outside a tiny town with two pubs. Both are still shut although they could open if they wanted, but the govt. Covid-19 limit of a maximum ten patrons at a time is useless. Nobody drinks seriously in pubs here anymore - the police breathalyser presence killed that years ago, - it is about meeting friends and having a cheap healthy meal. Covid -19 ? Not a single confirmed case in over a hundred miles (160 kilometres) since we locked down in February. Almost all cases in NSW can be linked to returning overseas travellers, mostly from cruise ships. I pity all my friends in the bar business in LOS - as others have said, it is almost as if a blanket ban on alcohol consumption in LOS has been quietly implemented, by stealth. Although the boss says she will never return to Thailand, I would like to at least visit sometime if flights ever return, as I spent half my life there and still have many friends living there, most being too old, too settled in or just too poor to leave. However, I think the LOS that many of us grew up with and adored for all the wrong reasons, is finished - or at best, changed completely for ever.

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