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Covid-19: "Hi-So" face shields on their own are pointless, says leading Thai public health official


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14 minutes ago, davemos said:

A lot of experts saying a lot of things with no proof or facts .How about backing up all these comical regulation and rules with some research.? Just reading the daily list of expert opinions is a total head spin .

A good logical comment. Refreshing.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

An increasing number of people have been seen out in Bangkok wearing just shields - many look more like a fashion statement and are being worn by those that can obviously afford what they mistakenly believe is a better form of protection against infection.

Fashion statement over health protection... bit like the whole beauty business.. 


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6 hours ago, keith101 said:

Dr Fauci has said on tv they are acceptable as a replacement for a face mask as long as they go below the chin and back to just in front of the ears and this a man who knows what he is talking about .

How about just putting a clear plastic bag over their head ?  Just waiting for that fashion to catch on.

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6 hours ago, samran said:

Human nature. Even in crisis, people feel the need to differentiate themselves to show they are ‘better’. 

To 'show' ... TV shows ... they made it a fashion. People just follow ...




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3 hours ago, Crash999 said:

Maybe he should turn on the TV as several local programs and game shows are using these face shields only. 

That is what the article is mostly about....an effort to look better, more hi-so...look at me I can afford one. What are the in crowd wearing this season dear...pity the poor proles...



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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Then why are health workers in US and UK wearing them.

they can stop infections that can enter via the eyes,but what

do I know,compared to Thai health spokesman.

regards Worgeordie

i agree, the virus can get in through your eyes so a shield logically offers more protection then a cloth face mask that does not protect the eyes. also a cloth face mask is porous whereas a plastic shield is not... go figure,,, seems scientists / professionals just cant seem to agree a consistemt message... 

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There’s no way a virus gets through the plastic face shield. It will project your whole face eyes included. But of course it won’t deter people from touching their faces which is a big problem with them.

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It’s a splash guard. Unless people are going around coughing and sneezing in other people’s faces, your regular face mask is fine. 

trying to be as a splash guard would be its only weakness... mainly for those splashes travelling vertically from a puddle 


and much like how a horn was an olde way of directing Sound

- with the pictured face shield; a downwind wet cough from behind, could be channeled forward and bounced around into your face! 

 - a virtual plastic waveguide 


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7 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I went into Big C a couple of days ago.

The cashiers have been issued with face masks and also face shields. I noticed three out of the four cashiers had their face shields pushed up above their faces, on top of their heads. Pretty pointless having them.



Yes, most cashiers wear the shield as a visor... 




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4 hours ago, brain150 said:

Directly copy/paste from the WHO:

"f you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19."


... makes me wonder why everybody is shouting out about a Pandemic that is only

a Pandemic because the WHO said so [the numbers clearly show it is not a Pandemic !]

but nobody follows their advice ?

There is also guidance on specific situations such as dense populations, crowded buses, crowds, etc.

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Then why are health workers in US and UK wearing them.

they can stop infections that can enter via the eyes,but what

do I know,compared to Thai health spokesman.

regards Worgeordie

Then why are they dying by the thousands everyday for months in both US and UK? Maybe the good Thai doctor actually knows a little more compared to you?

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10 minutes ago, Morakot said:

They are pretty effective in some pubs to keep patrons apart.



As much as I like those, one of the factors causing transmission is loud speaking or singing, obviously because the virus gets aerosolized better when you're piping at 130dB. It would just fly over the partitions. 

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4 hours ago, DrTuner said:
5 hours ago, brain150 said:

[the numbers clearly show it is not a Pandemic !]

Yeah, only 6,273,402 confirmed, 375,683 dead in nearly all countries. 



I guess it'll have to be in the billions or trillions to be a legit pandemic.

to put it all into perspective. 


that is not even 3 full days of normal death on this planet. on average it is around 150k people that die every single day - give or take. 



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5 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

650.000 people die on the FLU every year, check CDC


so, yes, no pandemic

Completely incorrect. 


the CDC states show as many as 56,000 people die a year from Flu. 


So yes Covid is very much a Pandemic 

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9 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It’s a splash guard. Unless people are going around coughing and sneezing in other people’s faces, your regular face mask is fine. 

But it's not Hi-so though.. ????

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9 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

How long are you willing to wear a mask for?

1 year, 5 years, forever??

They will have to or the hypocrisy of the wearing of them to protect others is utter B S ! 

Save the vulnerable from seasonal flu which wipes out more folk in Thailand than Co Vid 19 has. Go one further shut down the airports to international flights to save Thailand the spread of seasonal flu from outsiders.


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10 hours ago, keith101 said:

Dr Fauci has said on tv they are acceptable as a replacement for a face mask as long as they go below the chin and back to just in front of the ears and this a man who knows what he is talking about .

The masks only help when an infected person sprays from nose/ mouth. 0 effect inhibiting  filtering oral transfer to healthy person.

I know, so saw it on tv.


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10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Then why are health workers in US and UK wearing them.

they can stop infections that can enter via the eyes,but what

do I know,compared to Thai health spokesman.

regards Worgeordie

Maybe they are wearing them AND the masks?

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