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Social Distancing- NON Existent

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17 minutes ago, n00dle said:



Like mask usage, social distancing now is little more than theatre.


Perhaps instead of obsessing on the beahviour of others you should be happy for the freedom you are all too slowly regaining.


As an adult, you should also be able to make decisions and jusdgement regarding your own safety. If you feel you are at risk, perhaps you should remain at home 



Never said I felt at risk, just surprised so many not following simple government guidelines

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You don't get it. 

The public health measures are to protect others. 

If most people do them the ultimate result is protecting yourself and people you care about. 

It's way too early to abandon public health measures on this. 

Yes there can be opening up but with measures in place. 


I protect myself and the people I care about by making informed choices about how and when venture out and the types of hygeine we practice as we do so.


I adhere to the rules to the best of my ability and get on with my life, what more is there to get?

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3 minutes ago, JESSVANPELT said:

Never said I felt at risk, just surprised so many not following simple government guidelines

If you did not feel at risk, why dwell upon it in so many words?


The guidelines are often impractical, but did serve to create enough awareness to apparently avert mass infection.


This isnt going away, time to let people make their own decisions.  

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3 minutes ago, JESSVANPELT said:

Never said I felt at risk, just surprised so many not following simple government guidelines

You come to my village and see all the masks yet they cram together at the market like sardines. Go to Central Festival, people everywhere, no such thing. Hasn't been since the start of all this rigmarole. This is in Chiang Mai.

Edited by totally thaied up
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1 minute ago, n00dle said:

If you did not feel at risk, why dwell upon it in so many words?

I simply stated my clear observation of what I saw occurring ...its called communication

1 minute ago, totally thaied up said:

You come to my village and see all the masks yet they cram together at the market like sardines. Go to Central Festival , no such thing. Hasn't been since the start of all this rigmarole. This is in Chiang Mai.


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I am staying very near to where I live and not travelling much, would be more or less the same even without coronavirus..

I do notice there is not much social distancing going on in the  local Tesco Express store and 7/11 .


There was very little when the free food for Thais was being handed out near me.

Some effort made by naklua/pattaya officials but to little effect.

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9 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Did you live in fear before this pandemic also?


Just get on with it mate, life's too short!

You unfortunately don't live with your 85 year old multi sick mother who wouldn't stand a chance if she got covid-19, I do.


Shall we switch? I don't care, I give covid-19 to you and you kill your own mother instead of vice versa. 


She wouldn't be missed anyway, she couldn't even teach you to respect others

Edited by MikeyIdea
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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Social distancing only compound the ruining of the economy of this country and many others, it was good idea while the pandemic was raging, no need for it now, even at the cost of few more infections, the economy is in tatters continue like this and it will bring more misery to people than any virus/ pandemic ever can...

Unfortunately, you dont seem to have grasp on whats going to occur. Yes the recent lockdowns etc..have helped, but If we do not use safe guidelines going forward, like face masks and social distancing what do you thi k will occur once the airports open for international flight...or possibly your from the group that thinks it won't happen.

Well in my book you do the best you can to prote4ct yourself until there is a vacine, do less is just idiotic and irresponsible.

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It’s only a matter of time before the 2m distance gets relaxed. Originally 1m was advised by the WHO then the whole world decided to make it doubly safe and it’s stuck.....for now. 

Totally Impractical and with infection rates so low, unnecessary. 

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