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Rhodes Must Fall - Oxford protesters target statue of colonialist

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22 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I can actually envisage George Floyd having stuff named after him, or a statue going up. I heard a clip of Reverend Al praising him to the rooftops at the memorial. Praising this violent career criminal and heavy drug user who once held a gun to a woman's stomach while burgling her home. Is this what Reverend Al wants his 'people' to aspire to I wonder ????‍♂️


I didn't know about George Floyd's past. This from Wiki:


"...After several arrests for theft and drug possession, Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion which he committed with five other men; he agreed to a plea deal in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison.[2][16][17] He was paroled in 2013 after spending four years at the Diboll Unit.[5] After his release, he became involved with Resurrection Houston, a local ministry,[2] where he mentored young men in a Christian church community.[15]

In 2014, he moved to the MinneapolisMinnesota area to find work, as some of his close friends had done.[18][19] He worked as a truck driver and a bouncer, and lived in St. Louis Park.[3][5][20] In 2017, he filmed an anti–gun violence video.[2][9] In 2020, he lost his security job because of the COVID-19 pandemic..."


But it looks like he was trying to turn his life around

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

I didn't know about George Floyd's past. This from Wiki:


"...After several arrests for theft and drug possession, Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion which he committed with five other men; he agreed to a plea deal in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison.[2][16][17] He was paroled in 2013 after spending four years at the Diboll Unit.[5] After his release, he became involved with Resurrection Houston, a local ministry,[2] where he mentored young men in a Christian church community.[15]

In 2014, he moved to the MinneapolisMinnesota area to find work, as some of his close friends had done.[18][19] He worked as a truck driver and a bouncer, and lived in St. Louis Park.[3][5][20] In 2017, he filmed an anti–gun violence video.[2][9] In 2020, he lost his security job because of the COVID-19 pandemic..."


But it looks like he was trying to turn his life around

Then had his life snuffed out by a rogue policeman which has set off an unstoppable chain of events.

9 hours ago, sukhumvitneon said:

More SJW nonsense that is completely out of control


Are they going to replace the statue with some rainbow colored phallus?


Probably Robert and Grace Mugabe and Winnie Mandela.


The honest upstanding totally not corrupt black politicians.

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:


But it looks like he was trying to turn his life around

The guy had fentanyl and meth in his system when he died. I'd have to guess he's been doing these drugs for a long time. 

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

The guy had fentanyl and meth in his system when he died. I'd have to guess he's been doing these drugs for a long time. 

...that's interesting. Do you have a link to that information. Okay found it

5 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

I didn't know about George Floyd's past. This from Wiki:


"...After several arrests for theft and drug possession, Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion which he committed with five other men; he agreed to a plea deal in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison.[2][16][17] He was paroled in 2013 after spending four years at the Diboll Unit.[5] After his release, he became involved with Resurrection Houston, a local ministry,[2] where he mentored young men in a Christian church community.[15]

In 2014, he moved to the MinneapolisMinnesota area to find work, as some of his close friends had done.[18][19] He worked as a truck driver and a bouncer, and lived in St. Louis Park.[3][5][20] In 2017, he filmed an anti–gun violence video.[2][9] In 2020, he lost his security job because of the COVID-19 pandemic..."


But it looks like he was trying to turn his life around


Indeed. He certainly didn't deserve to have his new life unlawfully terminated by someone sworn to protect and serve all citizens. 


The old hag Pelosi struggled to read a list of names that someone had prepared. Shame she didn't bother to learn about them. Several people on that list. All black, all killed by the police in very dubious circumstances.


If anyone doesn't like Mr. Floyd because of his past, plenty more to choose from.

2 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

...that's interesting. Do you have a link to that information?

It's conspiracy theory stuff to paint him as a bad man.




The autopsy notes signs of fentanyl, methamphetamine and THC — the ingredient that produces marijuana’s high — in Floyd’s body.

Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid with heroin-like effects, said Bruce Goldberger, forensic medicine chief at the University of Florida College of Medicine.

“People who use it regularly or chronically develop tolerance to it,” and the amount reported in the autopsy could kill someone who has not used the drug in the past, Goldberger said.

However, “we don’t know what Mr. Floyd’s use of fentanyl was,” he stressed.

Methamphetamine, a stimulant often called “speed,” was found at a low level, Goldberger said.


“I believe that the presence of these substances is not relevant,” Goldberger said. “We know his death is not due to toxicological means” because of the video of the circumstances, he said.

“I don’t believe that these drugs played a significant role in causing Mr. Floyd to become unresponsive while being restrained by law enforcement officers.”


  • Sad 1
3 hours ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

...they were offered free passage to the UK and a passport to help us out with labour shortages. True, no one forced them to come but they did so to better their lives in return the helped build the UK post world war two....When they got here they most definitely did 'have' to go through a lot

What did they have to go through....and please not the "no blacks" signs....minimal and was almost immediately outlawed

47 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Roman and Greek stone/marble statues are tourist attractions and preserved in museums mostly. The statues being pulled down are not tourist attractions and generally dirty.


Who cares about someone from the 1800s, it's not even recent history. The statue of Bobby Moore outside Wembley is more relevant.

Bobby Moore will be on that list soon...no black players in the team.... superior white racism at work there...pull him down 

  • Like 1

Just seen this on Facebook, things likely to be nasty on Saturday.


On Saturday 13th June Tommy Robinson ex-leader of the English Defence League (EDL) along with racist football hooligans from the DFLA, and many other far right groups will be attending the Black Lives Matter protest to express their anger at the toppling of racist slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol.


So it's incredibly important that we have as many people on the ground this Saturday to make sure that everyone is safe.

We are hoping for a peaceful demonstration. However, that's not to say we won't defend ourselves and other demonstrators if the far right attack, but we won't be the ones starting anything.

The fascists have said that they're merely there to protect monuments. The racist figureheads who represent all that is wrong with this country. The racist figureheads who represent slavery, murder and the systemic racism we are fighting against today as a result of colonialism.

They're trying to tell us that a change won't come, they're trying to tell us that we should accept things the way they are. Well, we can safely say we don't want things to carry on as they are and we will fight fascism wherever we can.

That's why this Saturday we need all of you to come and support Black Lives Matter in their fight against systemic racism. We need to ensure that protestors are safe because if right wing racist groups are let loose in London it's bound to get violent.

We must organise, mobilize and strategize. We need to make sure we come prepared. Join the antifascist section at Hyde park, Speakers Corner at 12.30, Saturday 13th June. Spread the word & make this huge

41 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

Edmund Hillary, the New Zealander who took all of the credit for being the first man to reach the summit of Everest. His Sherpa guide Tenzing was nothing but a side note. I see the PC brigade have caught up and he now gets a surname. 


James Cook, on that list, is quite debatable too. He dispossessed, for the Crown, Australia's indigenous people from their land. Does that make him a hero? His first encounter with the Maoris resulted in a fight that killed some... of course they weren't important because they were "natives". No doubt the Aboriginals and Maoris would have been quite content had Cook never come to visit.


All this colonization was not for the benefit of the original inhabitants and in most cases destroyed their lives.


Add North America and Canada to that list. The native populations were robbed of land, possessions, culture, everything. All in the name of progress.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

You claimed that is was the White farmers who applied for it , it wasnt them, it was the Political leaders who applied 

Who were all white farmers. Have you no clue at all as to what was happening in Rhodesia at the time?

Even the political leaders had huge farms. Thats why other white farmers voted for them.

1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

Rhodes Scholarships. . .  have allowed more than 8,000 students from countries around the world to study at Oxford 


Assumedly these will be be given the elbow along with Cecil, as no black student will want to benefit, however indirectly, from the fruits of imperialism and slavery.


Ndjodi Ndeunyema, this plonker has benefitted and is the main driving force behind having the statue removed....what a two faced hypocritical POS...and all the education he has received he answers questions like a 2 year old...if he don't like it he should go back to Africa where he is from.....this is what stirs up racial hatred, bottom feeders like this

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Ndjodi Ndeunyema, this plonker has benefitted and is the main driving force behind having the statue removed....what a two faced hypocritical POS...and all the education he has received he answers questions like a 2 year old...if he don't like it he should go back to Africa where he is from.....this is what stirs up racial hatred, bottom feeders like this

Hardly a bottom feeder. Tommy Robinson uneducated, Ndjodi Ndeunyema educated.


At present, Ndjodi is Research Director for the Oxford Human Rights Hub and serves as a founding Editor of the University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal. He is an Editor of the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal and was previously a Research Officer with Oxford Pro Bono Publico. https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/people/ndjodi-ndeunyema

38 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Unless you haven't seen any news for the past week you know about the drugs in his system. As for the length of his drug use, that was my personal opinion. A 47 yr old guy doesn't just decide out of the blue that fateful day or relatively close to try some fentanyl and meth and alcohol....and then drive to the store. Nope this is a working addict that's been doing this for a long time.

......and was murdered. 

  • Confused 2
  • Thanks 1
36 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Add North America and Canada to that list. The native populations were robbed of land, possessions, culture, everything. All in the name of progress.

If we start dissecting the past of all our revered historical figures, few will be worth remembering. Where do we draw the line? Should all our history be revised?

16 minutes ago, BillStrangeOgre said:

...he was no angel, armed robbery is a pretty serious crime but it was quite a time ago (2007) and other minor theft and drug convictions . But all that's completely irrelevant when you see how he met his end at the hands of the Minnesota police. Shocking 

Agree, no angel


9 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

......and was murdered. 

for the whole world to see. Movements sometimes appear from nowhere and gather momentum, this is what is happening now. Another big protest in Amsterdam today at 4pm, 18,000 expected.

40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


In the OP, an Asian or British-Asian student complains that seeing the Rhodes statue offends and upsets her. And adds that Universities are not responding to the needs of ethnic minority students enough.


Now a black guy complaining about Dickens. Read on the BBC a comment, from an MP too IIRC, that people should not keep reading things by white authors. The must read things by black authors so they see things through black people's eyes; or words to that effect.


So easily "offended" and always seem to want special treatment to compensate for their own inadequacies, entitlements, and glass like fragile sensitivities. All this has been fostered by years of left wing liberals pandering to them and demanding all white people shame themselves. 


A teenager commented in one BBC article that it's no longer fashionable to be a white teen in London. 


London is not representative of the whole of the UK. Not even close. 


Sadly Powell was right when he predicted rivers of blood. Not because British people are racists. Most aren't. Not because British people of African descent are racist, most aren't. Racism is unfortunately more likely to be found among British Asians. But the main instigator of racial hatred is the patronizing, white people condemning, politically correct, left wing liberals who want to destroy society, which is facilitated by destroying history, and replace it with their vision of utopia which all must conform too or be denounced. This is the spark that will light the flames of violence.

Grenfell's 3rd anniversary on Sunday will provide that spark when that lot throw themselves on the floor wailing & demanding everyone join in.

  • Like 2
42 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Rather than simply pronouncing your opinion, as something sacrosanct which it isn't, why don't you explain why you think Mr. Chelseafan is misrepresenting the London Mayor.

It's obvious  that what was posted is a misrepresentation to anyone who has actualy paid attention to what Khan said, however, for the avoidance of any doubt here's what was said:


Statues of historical figures linked with slavery could be torn down across London, Sadiq Khan said today.

The Mayor launched a “diversity commission” to investigate which statues should be retained and which new ones should be erected to represent the achievements of all Londoners, especially black and minority ethnic Londoners.


Mr Khan said: “It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade and while this is reflected in our public realm, the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been wilfully ignored.”


The Mayor’s Commission.....will review the landmarks that make up London’s public realm, “further the discussion into what legacies should be celebrated”, and make a series of recommendations. It will consider murals, street art, street names, statues and other memorials.




To sum that up as Khan being "dictatorial" is certainly a misrepresentation in my opinion, wouldn't you concur?

37 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Hardly a bottom feeder. Tommy Robinson uneducated, Ndjodi Ndeunyema educated.


At present, Ndjodi is Research Director for the Oxford Human Rights Hub and serves as a founding Editor of the University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal. He is an Editor of the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal and was previously a Research Officer with Oxford Pro Bono Publico. https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/people/ndjodi-ndeunyema

Sounds like a real right winger.

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