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Biden says military would help oust Trump if he loses election but refuses to leave

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Don't be ridiculous.

Of course 45 was impeached.

He was not convicted and removed.

This is basic stuff, dude.

They are two separate things.

Okay, my bad then. I wrongly assumed, that impeachment only applies, if "convicted" and removed, and that otherwise it's only attempted impeachment. Thanks for correcting me.


Doesn't change all the other points though, ie him not being "convicted", and that Hunter Biden and his daddy engaged in severely corrupt behaviour, and that Trump was right to get an investigation started. Ukraine's society/government is not exactly known for their corruption fighting efforts (one could argue nothing/not much has changed, since Janukovich stepped down, except the US substituted Russia as the new puppet master, causing a war), so a nudge in the right direction was the right thing to do, regardless of Biden being a candidate. It's standard practice to put candidates under the microscope, and if there are nepotism and corruption allegations, they need to be proven/disproven, which is what happened.


"foreign government bla bla" or not, the US has no jurisdiction in Ukraine, so who else was supposed to investigate how and why a Ukrainian company employed a US citizen, who doesn't even work at the highly paid job he received.... And once the evidence was there, the next step should have been charging Biden for whatever the charge is, when you trade political favors for personal (even if it's for your family, not you directly) gain...

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1 hour ago, johnpetersen said:

 The reason you put it in quotes was because he didn't say it? Time for a punctuation review.

You probably prefer watching figure skating and such, but in "toxic" man(ly) sports such as Boxing, MMA, Muay Thai, etc. fighters often have nicknames. And those nicknames, are usually put in quotation marks, when listing/writing their name. Ie. Floyd "Money" Mayweather, Manny "Pac-Man" Pacquiao (though personally I call him Fanny "Pac-Roids" Catchweightiao) etc.


Which is why I said it's the nickname I use for him, in this case (I usually have others for him, but since we were talking about politicians lies, I used that particular one). Obviously, I am not going to bother looking up his exact words. You know as well as I do, that one of his biggest campaign promises (other than the enigmatic "Hope" & "Change" catch all bs, his healthcare promises/lies, etc.) was the withdrawl of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. And, that not long after he took office, he doubled troop strenght.


I am not sure on the correct English literature view on quotation marks, however general uses for them are actually quoting what someone says, nicknames (as stated above), and when using terms that don't really apply, ie calling (extreme) left wingers (as many of them refer to themselves as such) "liberals", because they're not really liberal....


If I really had to explain any of this to you, it would be sad... but you know all of this, and are just resorting to the usual strawman tactics. Kind of sad also, though...

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On 6/11/2020 at 9:30 PM, Walker88 said:



When it looks as if Repub efforts to suppress the vote--by doing such things as everyone saw Tuesday in Georgia, like closing polling places in largely Black neighborhoods, or having a sudden rash of broken voting machines in large Dem districts---then Repubs get all worried about the kind of voting 45 and his cohorts already do.  Sounds.....hypocritical, which is a synonym of republican.



So uh, who actually controls the voting machines in the districts that had problems Tuesday?  Who screwed up?

6 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

On the one hand you claim Trump is innocent because he was acquitted by the Senate. On the other hand, you accuse Biden and Son of being corrupt even though they haven't even been indicted, much less convicted of anything.


(And of course there is the tiny fact that Biden was simply carrying out US policy in the Ukraine. And was in agreement with the EU and the World Bank. None of the actions he pushed for including the dismissal of a failed and potentially corrupt prosecutor, stemmed from his own initiative.)


And do your standards extend to Trump's family? Ivanka was given expedited approval of trademarks by the Chinese government, many of them around the time that Trump decided not to take measures that would have put the major Chinese corporation ZTE out of business for violating international sanctions on Iran.


And Jared Kushner's family got bailed out of his bad investment decision concerning 666th Fifth Ave via a sweetheart deal. The only known investor in that deal is the government of Qatar. In case you're not aware of it, Qatar is located in the Mideast, an area of special interest and authority for Kushner.

Both Jared and Ivanka are U.S. government officials. Hunter Biden is not. So the potential criminality is far more serious in the case of Trump's daughter and son-in-law.


So not a fan of The Don then John?


It's a wonder how he got elected. Perhaps Hilary will step in at the last minute to unseat him!?

  • Confused 1
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20 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

So not a fan of The Don then John?


It's a wonder how he got elected. Perhaps Hilary will step in at the last minute to unseat him!?

 Millard Fillmore got elected, too. What's your point?

  • Confused 1
18 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:

You want to talk about Trump's support of angry mobs? Where have you been the last week? At least he didn't make a martyr out of a career criminal and then sublimate the involuntary and armed co-opting of the new "autonomous" zone of Chaz into a latter-day Woodstock of "peaceful protestors." Trump should send Delta Force into that zone, although probably not needed to oust a bunch of soy boys, purple-hairs, and Beatniks. Just cut off the supply of humus. That should be sufficient.

So if I am reading this correctly, The Commander In Chief should send elite American military forces because the "soy boys, purple-hairs and Beatniks" are turning Capital Hill into a "Latter Day Woodstock". Its that damn M-TV, warping their minds....I think they all might be on The Marijuana too...maybe we should send the Navy Seals for good measure...since Seattle is a port of entry and all. The only reason I would even hint at buying into that is because that would look so horrible on TV and the internet that it would make Trump's Lafayette Park Bible Rally look like Romper Room and would be the nail in the coffin for his re-election. HOOAH!!!!!!!


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18 hours ago, earlinclaifornia said:

Beatniks? Wow really ages you well lol

Well, I just turned 50. Is this "movement" that we're seeing in these protests really that different that we need an entirely new nomenclature to characterize it? Take away the goatees, the berets, and the terrible poetry, what you end up with is basically a pitiful Beatnik movement any other name ????


Not sure what the prediction of Trump not accepting the result of presidential election is about.


So, unless I'm missing something, Biden predicts Trump will 100% cheat and if the cheating doesn't work then The Donald definitely won't leave the White House unless unceremoniously evicted by the military.  


Is euthanasia an option for Biden?  Not sure what the laws are on assisted suicide in the US.  





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1 hour ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

So if I am reading this correctly, The Commander In Chief should send elite American military forces because the "soy boys, purple-hairs and Beatniks" are turning Capital Hill into a "Latter Day Woodstock". Its that damn M-TV, warping their minds....I think they all might be on The Marijuana too...maybe we should send the Navy Seals for good measure...since Seattle is a port of entry and all. The only reason I would even hint at buying into that is because that would look so horrible on TV and the internet that it would make Trump's Lafayette Park Bible Rally look like Romper Room and would be the nail in the coffin for his re-election. HOOAH!!!!!!!


Delta Force was present during the Branch Davidian debacle (which is why I ironically made mention of it). Why should Chaz get a free pass? Maybe, unlike Clinton, the Orange Man is loathe to burn down a compound full of innocent women nd children. And obviously I am not seriously suggesting that he should actually do this. Only left-wing presidents can get away with things like this, and only if the victim is right of center.

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7 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

The Republican governor and legislature screwed up. They were repeatedly warned not to get this expensive complicated system. Instead they were advised to get a simple paper ballot system. It would have saved a lot of money and is much more reliable.

Of course it may not have been a screwup at all. The areas most affected by such a screwup would be those where the population is densest. Where Democrats just happen to be in the majority.

Aha.  Well let's see if it was teething problems or something more nefarious.  Always fascinating how government makes a simple thing like voting so messed up yet they can tell where the winning lottery ticket was bought at what time of day.  

11 hours ago, johnpetersen said:


While many Capitol Hill Republicans want to avoid a repeat of the Affordable Care Act repeal debate, President Donald Trump keeps promising a health plan that will be “phenomenal” and make the GOP “the party of health care.”

Last month, Medicare chief Seema Verma said, “We’re actively engaged in conversations” on what to do. Earlier in August, Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway indicated an announcement might come this month.



Obama slams Congress for blocking efforts to close Gitmo

President Barack Obama blasted Congress on Thursday for playing politics in repeatedly blocking his efforts to close the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which will still have 41 prisoners when he leaves office Friday.

In a terse letter to leaders on Capitol Hill, Obama said "there is simply no justification beyond politics for the Congress' insistence on keeping the facility open."


Politicians shouldn't make specific promises if they can't guarantee to see them come true. That includes Trump.

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, torturedsole said:

Not sure what the prediction of Trump not accepting the result of presidential election is about.


So, unless I'm missing something, Biden predicts Trump will 100% cheat and if the cheating doesn't work then The Donald definitely won't leave the White House unless unceremoniously evicted by the military.  


Is euthanasia an option for Biden?  Not sure what the laws are on assisted suicide in the US.  

Of course, Biden said neither of those things. If you read the original post, he said he:



worries President Donald Trump will try to "steal" the November election but he is confident soldiers would escort Trump from the White House if he loses and does not recognize the result.

So neither a 100% prediction nor a statement that Trump would definitely refuse to leave.


Other than that, you're spot on.

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19 hours ago, heybruce said:

Why don't you explain what vote problems in Austria have to do with US elections?  Better yet, why don't you come up with a single example of election fraud affecting the result of a national or state-wide election in the U.S?


There probably some idiots who use mail-in ballots to vote twice in an election, thus providing documented proof they committed a crime.  Most people look at the risk, which is high, and the reward, which is generally non-existent, and choose not to.  That is why there is no evidence of voter fraud on a scale that would affect a state or national election.

And that's pretty much what happened (along with other parties colluding to start "counting" votes in some places, without the FPÖ party rep being there yet to verify the count. There was similar hysteria over  the possibility of a "far right" candidate being elected, as there was with Trump 2016 and even more so now in 2020, thanks to idiotic media, and people like you. There even briefly was a schism in the population, similar to the divide in your country. We get over things though, and we healed. Though I doubt the result would have been the same, if the lefties hadn't gotten their way...


So you basically acknowledge it CAN happen in the US, but "mail voting is safe". Ok.

  • Thanks 1
16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Let's not forget Obama's biggest lies. Promising to close Guantanamo before becoming president, and such monsters as "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" and "if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr".

True. All presidents lie. Trump is certainly no different. We will build a great wall, and Mexico will pay for it! 


There is no honor at the national level. Name just two people of honor working in Washington today, in a high level office. I dare you to find two. 

14 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

On the one hand you claim Trump is innocent because he was acquitted by the Senate. On the other hand, you accuse Biden and Son of being corrupt even though they haven't even been indicted, much less convicted of anything.


(And of course there is the tiny fact that Biden was simply carrying out US policy in the Ukraine. And was in agreement with the EU and the World Bank. None of the actions he pushed for including the dismissal of a failed and potentially corrupt prosecutor, stemmed from his own initiative.)


And do your standards extend to Trump's family? Ivanka was given expedited approval of trademarks by the Chinese government, many of them around the time that Trump decided not to take measures that would have put the major Chinese corporation ZTE out of business for violating international sanctions on Iran.


And Jared Kushner's family got bailed out of his bad investment decision concerning 666th Fifth Ave via a sweetheart deal. The only known investor in that deal is the government of Qatar. In case you're not aware of it, Qatar is located in the Mideast, an area of special interest and authority for Kushner.

Both Jared and Ivanka are U.S. government officials. Hunter Biden is not. So the potential criminality is far more serious in the case of Trump's daughter and son-in-law.


Of all of that is true, and proven (I put emphasis on the latter, as I'd like to see evidence other than CNN accusations and Berkeley blue hairs screaming it into a megaphone), then yes. They should be dealt with the same. I don't see corruption as a party issue (and I will even give you that ie Cheney was very corrupt, during his time as Bush's VP), I see it as an issue for the whole nation, or for all nations, rather.

9 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

You are right, you are missing something...it isnt that Trump will cheat so much as...wait..lol...we are talking about DONALD TRUMP...of course he will try and cheat if he thinks he can get away with it....and come to think of it probably even if he doesn't think he will get away with it...Donald will just call anybody that opposes him some sort of demeaning nickname that the MAGA crowd and Fox News will repeat back to him like a parrot needing a cracker. Go on a barrage of well placed twitter rants to charge up the base. Then if anybody has proof to back up the accusations they will be labeled "FAKE NEWS" because the truth is only able to come from one source....the fountain of truth himself, Donald Trump. Then him and his lawyer Attorney General Barr (although I really think Saul Goodman would be a better fit for POTUS) will present a truckload of ALTERNATE FACTS that Fox News will treat as Moses bringing the tablets down from the mountain...so on and so forth.


But what you are missing is that if and when he knows he is going to lose, especially if and when it is apparent before the day of the election, he will start accusing any and everybody else of cheating and that the election is "rigged". And then run the playbook from the proceeding paragraph starting with "Accuses them with some demeaning nickname" and fill it in here from there....

And that is just who the man is, and how he rolls. Fair play is not in his vocabulary. Win at all costs. Does not matter the extent of the trail of destruction left behind. Honor, nobility, decency, grace, kindness or heart, are always absent from the mix. 

  • Haha 1

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