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How You Went from Faith to Unbelief in God

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6 hours ago, JimmyCrow said:

In contrast to most of the posts on here I went from a position of unbelief to faith. In 28 years there has never been a moment when I have doubted the existence of God. I have had numerous experiences of God and know beyond a shadow of doubt that he is there. I think the defining criteria for knowing whether or not he is there is how badly do you want to know. Revelation of God is priceless. Why would you give that to someone who fundamentally is not interested ? Its only given to people who really want it. God is very real. The only person stopping you from knowing that is you. There are numerous of cases of healings, miracles, etc,. I once knew a woman who was paralysed, could not walk, received prayer and got up out of her wheelchair at a Christian meeting. Channel 4, or some other UK channel, did a documentary on her back in the 80s. It was a verified miracle. She is not the only one...

But I have made my decision, long ago, for good constructive, realistic reasons I don't believe in god.


I have absolutely no reason whatever to want a revelation. 

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14 hours ago, fvw53 said:
At this moment the leading astrophysicists of our times such as Lawrence Krauss (which are nearly all atheists) confess that we understand at maximum 5% of what happens in our universe (before I thought it was 25%)
I would not trust the diagnostic made by my any doctor if he could understand only 5% of my body....would you?

It's impossible to put a number on it, but I would put the number closer to 0.0000000001% or much less. Suggesting that man might know 5% of what happens in our universe is preposterous (or extremely arrogant). Considering the timeline of the universe, we are just a blip past the stone age.

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8 hours ago, JimmyCrow said:

In contrast to most of the posts on here I went from a position of unbelief to faith. In 28 years there has never been a moment when I have doubted the existence of God. I have had numerous experiences of God and know beyond a shadow of doubt that he is there. I think the defining criteria for knowing whether or not he is there is how badly do you want to know. Revelation of God is priceless. Why would you give that to someone who fundamentally is not interested ? Its only given to people who really want it. God is very real. The only person stopping you from knowing that is you. There are numerous of cases of healings, miracles, etc,. I once knew a woman who was paralysed, could not walk, received prayer and got up out of her wheelchair at a Christian meeting. Channel 4, or some other UK channel, did a documentary on her back in the 80s. It was a verified miracle. She is not the only one...

With a name like Jimmy Crow you are probably a bigoted and racist Southern Baptist. Your experiences are delusional and your miracles mumbo jumbo like statues of Mary bleeding tears of blood. The lady rising out of her wheelchair has very real physiological reasons for such to occur.

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6 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Im glad that you have found a physchological crutch that comforts you. Others prefer alcohol or cocaine , no different to religion , let the habit get out of control and they each cause problems.

I am not glad. Alcohol etc causes harm to one person plus his/her family and perhaps a few others. Religion causes wars and social disharmony and much more.

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9 hours ago, JimmyCrow said:

I have had numerous experiences of God and know beyond a shadow of doubt that he is there. I think the defining criteria for knowing whether or not he is there is how badly do you want to know. 

You keep saying "he" as if God could be a man, as described by Christians.


Just doing this tends to prove that God is a human creation, devised to satisfy human needs.


And what was "he" doing during the 13.8 billion years before humans showed up?


If God created man in His image, why not do it right away, instead of going through an almost 200 million years age of dinosaurs, among other things?



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On 6/12/2020 at 5:12 PM, fittobethaied said:

I have also never had one single person along the way who has acknowledged their faith in Christ on a forum and taken a stand with me for the sake of Jesus.

Dear @fittobethaied, You can strike one of your woeful experiences from the list.  I am a Christian, who still believes in Jesus Christ. However, I've not lived a good Christian life here.  Sometimes I read the Bible and sometimes I pray. I pray mostly my Thanks, I pray for my friends, I lift others up, I beg forgiveness for my sins and ask for guidance. Beyond this I need only confess to God in Jesus Name. I wish I had been a better Christian...

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

You keep saying "he" as if God could be a man, as described by Christians.


Just doing this tends to prove that God is a human creation, devised to satisfy human needs. 

Or human created humans, it is as plausible as anything else. But most likely, our DNA could by time, change and adopt to any enviroment on this planet, as long the necessery ingridients for life is present. 


And what was "he" doing during the 13.8 billion years before humans showed up?

Universe is a huge thing, many things to do, also long time before our universe. Eternity it is called, also found in paradize. 


1 hour ago, Brunolem said:


If God created man in His image, why not do it right away, instead of going through an almost 200 million years age of dinosaurs, among other things? Maybe someone like you and me made us, and sent our seed away on a space ship to start a new planet. 



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When my previous wife went through a lot of suffering and eventually died, that’s when I lost all faith in God.


In your bible, didn't he also send the “Great flood” and kill everyone on Earth back then!

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15 hours ago, Walker88 said:

You either take out of context or misinterpret the sayings you quote. Lawrence Krauss absolutely does not believe in any gods.


Even if one were to assume some creative force, why the wild leap to 'one god, my god, and these rules from my book'?  Why must a god be 'good', when even the one people believe in causes tornadoes, tsunamis, childhood cancer, etc. as part of some crazy Master Plan? All the gods in which people believe are pretty nasty and possess the very worst traits the worst humans possess.


Also, why can't there be two gods, ten gods, teams of gods who take turns creating competing Universes and then see whose is best? Why not a bunch of gods so superior that they care as much about some piddling little creatures on one planet in a galaxy of a trillion stars in a universe of a trillion galaxies as we do about individual amoeba?


"Faith" requires both a lack of scientific knowledge as well as an unfettered willingness to take gigantic leaps, so that a 'believer' can end up with exactly what that person needs to be able to fall asleep at night.

Yep, in the earliest known civilisations they did indeed have many gods, even gods for farming tools. As far as traits go, the Sumerian god Enki was scolded for making 'imperfect' the human being. So if we lie, cheat, commit robbery, kill etc. we can blame it all on Enki, Ha! Some of the other gods had some nasty ideas too,


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44 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Maybe someone like you and me made us, and sent our seed away on a space ship to start a new planet. 

Or maybe, and much more likely, we evolved from other species, notably the chimpanzee with which we share 99% of our DNA.


Humans were not "created", they simply came from evolution, like all the other species.


It would be quite incredible if we came from another planet and happened to have so much in common with all the other earthly mammals...unless the aliens would have brought the whole Noah's ark to Earth...

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On 6/12/2020 at 9:44 PM, BritManToo said:

Most of us went through all sorts of betrayal, asset stripping and accusations when we were divorced in the west. Which forced us to move here.


If god exists, f$#% him for putting us through that version of hell on earth.

Do you suppose that it was the choices you made or how you treated them that put you through the hell? The right woman is a blessing, and the wrong one is a curse that stays with you until you lose it.

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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

You keep saying "he" as if God could be a man, as described by Christians.


Just doing this tends to prove that God is a human creation, devised to satisfy human needs.


And what was "he" doing during the 13.8 billion years before humans showed up?


If God created man in His image, why not do it right away, instead of going through an almost 200 million years age of dinosaurs, among other things?



To give us history, something for us to discover, to show the wonder of creation .

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1 hour ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Dear @fittobethaied, You can strike one of your woeful experiences from the list.  I am a Christian, who still believes in Jesus Christ. However, I've not lived a good Christian life here.  Sometimes I read the Bible and sometimes I pray. I pray mostly my Thanks, I pray for my friends, I lift others up, I beg forgiveness for my sins and ask for guidance. Beyond this I need only confess to God in Jesus Name. I wish I had been a better Christian...

Add another to your list of believers, and I've struggled all my life wanting answers to questions, but I've never lost my faith, and won't no matter what happens, because I know in my heart there is something better waiting for us after this short life, one that includes pain, loss, sorrow and misery, but also has included love, fun ,and family.

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

Or maybe, and much more likely, we evolved from other species, notably the chimpanzee with which we share 99% of our DNA.


Humans were not "created", they simply came from evolution, like all the other species.


It would be quite incredible if we came from another planet and happened to have so much in common with all the other earthly mammals...unless the aliens would have brought the whole Noah's ark to Earth...

Then we are back to the solely dna, and where did that come from? Most likely from what we can think or believe today, it have travelled space In frozen water on comets, or it might have travelled in a spaceship sent by some alians far away in a another galaxy or universe. It is just the science by time that might be able to pove that, or we in fact one day do send a space ship to infect other planet systems. 


Anything is possible, but still do not belive Any human know god, or gods for that sake in the term of book religions or so, and the spirituality they feel, I believe comes from their inner self, created by themselves, or planted a thought by others growing like seeds in soil. 

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5 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Then we are back to the solely dna, and where did that come from?

Yes, DNA is the real mystery...


Yet, the primal DNA only gave rise to bacteria, and there was no way to predict that, random alteration after random alteration, it would lead to animals.


I think that the Universe and life have a lot to do with probabilities.


The Universe is infinitely vast so that it can allow for infinitely small probabilities, such as conscious life, to randomly occur.


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After being told in Sunday school i was now allowed to go into the big church the next week only to be told by the priest to get out (exact words ) neither i nor any of my family went to church again .

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8 minutes ago, keith101 said:

After being told in Sunday school i was now allowed to go into the big church the next week only to be told by the priest to get out (exact words ) neither i nor any of my family went to church again .

Did you a favor. 

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22 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:




there is no "faith" involved in atheism.


the theist claims there are gods, without proof, and believes on faith.

the atheist reserves judgement, says "i don't know," but give me sufficient evidence and i, too shall believe, but not on faith.




if you say "I don't know" then you are agnostic

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I am an Australian. My country is subject to terrible droughts every few years. Crops die or are not even planted, animals die of thirst or starvation. Farmers have to go and shoot their animals that they have nurtured and loved. Families suffer the stress and distress of all this. Towns and cities go onto water use restrictions. Our economy suffers and bushfires result which bring about death and destruction. In the churches every week prayers are said to deliver us from the horror of it all. Some droughts last seven years or even longer and the prayers go on and on. Finally the rain falls again and people kneel down and thank the Lord for his delivery of us all from the catastrophe.

What absolute nonsense. If God exists then he is responsible for the drought because he allowed it to happen, BUT the silly Christians thank him for his mercy.

WHAT <deleted>..... Mercy???

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Just now, Trentham said:

I am an Australian. My country is subject to terrible droughts every few years. Crops die or are not even planted, animals die of thirst or starvation. Farmers have to go and shoot their animals that they have nurtured and loved. Families suffer the stress and distress of all this. Towns and cities go onto water use restrictions. Our economy suffers and bushfires result which bring about death and destruction. In the churches every week prayers are said to deliver us from the horror of it all. Some droughts last seven years or even longer and the prayers go on and on. Finally the rain falls again and people kneel down and thank the Lord for his delivery of us all from the catastrophe.

What absolute nonsense. If God exists then he is responsible for the drought because he allowed it to happen, BUT the silly Christians thank him for his mercy.

WHAT <deleted>..... Mercy???

I believe God made a beautiful world, and man is destroying it day by day. I don't think God intervenes too much but who knows? God never told people to settle in any particular place, yet people live in the coldest, driest, hottest places and don't move to more comfortable climes. Some say there is a reason for everything and sometimes it seems so, but I think God left us to our own devices, with free will, and man has screwed up one thing after another in search of money, gold and power, things we kill and die for. The world's climate has been changing for a long time now, and it's our reliance on fossil fuel and cutting down trees to plant soybeans and raise cattle. Overpopulation of course has made man do a lot of this, and it will inevitably end the human life here as we run out of food. Hurricanes ,floods and winter storms are getting more deadly and severe, and it will continue. The polar ice cap was put there by him for a reason, and it's degrading daily. It isn't his fault, it's ours.He made the earth a certain size, knowing this would happen. Can we stop it? Yes, but it'll take a drastic change and some  of the people responsible have to be stopped dead.

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When you're a kid you believe what your parents  and teachers tell you, so any kid growing up in a very religious home, will discover it was all a lie when they are adults. Well most of them, simple as that. 

But some people will still believe in the lie. Because it's the only hope for an afterlife. Same with Buddhism and Islam. They are promised so much. Muslims thinks 40 virgins are waiting on the other side. 
Unfortunately it's all made up, stories passed on for generations.

Having said that, I do believe aliens exist, and that some day in the future we will meet them, thanks to advanced technology.  I also believe scientists will discover a way to live much longer on planet Earth, maybe hundreds of years longer. But we are born too early.


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I am watching a very entertaining new series on Amazon Prime called Upload. 

In the future , you can decide if you want a digital afterlife or if you want the good old fashion way , normal death, if you choose the digital way, your brain (head)  will be uploaded to a server and you can choose what kind of "paradise" you want to live in.  So you can live forever "online".  
And the best thing about it , you can meet your loved ones who are still alive, or not turned digital yet. Of course they also want the digital afterlife so they can come and be with you forever , in a digital version of themselves. Very entertaining. 


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7 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Add another to your list of believers, and I've struggled all my life wanting answers to questions, but I've never lost my faith, and won't no matter what happens, because I know in my heart there is something better waiting for us after this short life, one that includes pain, loss, sorrow and misery, but also has included love, fun ,and family.

What you say makes me think of a saying that I like .... 'Its the hope of dying that keeps me alive'  ...



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14 minutes ago, balo said:

When you're a kid you believe what your parents  and teachers tell you, so any kid growing up in a very religious home, will discover it was all a lie when they are adults. Well most of them, simple as that. 

But some people will still believe in the lie. Because it's the only hope for an afterlife. Same with Buddhism and Islam. They are promised so much. Muslims thinks 40 virgins are waiting on the other side. 
Unfortunately it's all made up, stories passed on for generations.

Having said that, I do believe aliens exist, and that some day in the future we will meet them, thanks to advanced technology.  I also believe scientists will discover a way to live much longer on planet Earth, maybe hundreds of years longer. But we are born too early.


Who made the aliens? Did they come from the explosion also, where everything came from nothing, that the earth is exactly the distance from the sun so life can survive, with the added water and food we all need to live being here? I still believe in the lie, as do billions of others.

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