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Lat I have heard schools will be open 6 days a week.


The latest plan I am hearing is that the schools will be broken into 3 days a week 3 levels of Mat will attend school on MON WED AND FRIDAY  the other 3 will attend on TUES THURS SAT.


This will in effect mean that teachers are going to have to possibly teach 6 days and will also be required to teach on line.


Considering a lot of teachers have contracts already I was wondeirng how that affects your contracts and if anyone has heard anything.


I will caveat this with 


I flipped a coin that is why it is here AND

I understand that the Government still has not made up it's mind.


Contracts aren't worth the paper they are written on, "up to you" you will be told, not want, not come to work, contract cancelled, I would imagine.


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You heard this from whom? There will definitely be limits on class sizes, so any plan like tha twill only affect schools with very large class sizes - most government schools, I'd imagine. 


For the last 2 weeks of the Int’l School year students will attend every other day and home school on their ‘off days’ (5 days a week with normal weekends). 

How the new normal will manifest itself on Thai Schools is completely unclear, my guess is it will involve a lot of changes, toing & froing, back peddling and a lot of disruption. 

The policies and forward plans Int’l school which will have the best minds on the forwards plans will be kneecapped by government knee jerk reactions and decisions. 

Reason to move back to the UK and put my son in school there.  

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There was an article in the Bangkok post a few days ago that one of the measures the BMA would implement would be they wouldn’t allow air con in schools. That will be brutal if true.

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These are new Covid19 policies at our kids school:


  • A “Screening point” in which every students’ temperature will be measured and hand sanitizer will be applied.


  • Students will be wearing face masks at all times.


  • Social distancing rules are applied and is a “must”, all tables and seatings are spaced out.


  • We spray the entirety of the school with an antiseptic  solution several times a day. This is to kill any bacteria and denature viruses. Especially areas that are likely to be touched by students such as the playground, classrooms, canteen and more.


  • There are hand gel and hand sanitizer bottles stationed in every single classroom.


  • Ozone Generator will be used in every classroom after school, daily. These Ozone molecules are able to denature covid-19 viruses.


  • Our team of staffs and teachers will be wearing masks and face shields at all times.

And i read on Bangkok Post that Aircon will not be allowed. 

  • Sad 1

Several of my friends work in OBEC schools and they are all moving to this 6-days system with MWF/TUTHSA rotation.  The way they are being managed is that not all of their classes meet each time (ie upper level on MWF may not have class with them on each of the 3 days)..


so, it’s *sounds* like although students will come 3 days for half and 3 days for the other half, some of the teachers may still be on a more traditional 5-day schedule.


i have not personally seen their schedule, but they have both said it was discussed and arranged with the administration and academic units.


Perhaps this might be a way forward for some.




And how do they plan to cram the normal 5 day schedule in 3 days?


Please don't answer with online teaching, as this will not be possible in many provinces, notably in thousands of small villages.


It is fantastic that a mere 2 weeks before school reopening, and having had 3 months to think about it, there is still not a clear and definitive plan about how schools are supposed to proceed.


This is going to translate into at least another lost month (July, after May and June) to let schools organize themselves, while the children will play on their mobile phones.


When it's all said and done, 2020-2021 will be a lost year.


If it was possible to travel abroad, I would skip this school year altogether, and take my son in a 6 months trip, where he would probably learn more than in school...




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On 6/13/2020 at 6:49 AM, OzButcher78 said:

We spray the entirety of the school with an antiseptic  solution several times a day. This is to kill any bacteria and denature viruses. Especially areas that are likely to be touched by students such as the playground, classrooms, canteen and more.


On 6/13/2020 at 6:49 AM, OzButcher78 said:

Ozone Generator will be used in every classroom after school, daily. These Ozone molecules are able to denature covid-19 viruses.

I read recently where a UV lighting plan will kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus; although, there is much to consider when setting it up.


I wonder how healthy it will be spraying the school several times a day with an antiseptic solution. I would be concerned about the children inhaling or ingesting it.  Considering the studies that have been conducted on children becoming sick with COVID-19. This looks like overkill.

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They have left how to do it up to the schools just like they leave what the students learn up to each school.


In actuality just as samsensam said there is a lot of <deleted> that happens at the schools that if they dump it will be easy to teach what little they actually do teach also remember the kids are not getting the long September October holiday this year. That will add time onto the schedule.  Imagine some of these Thai teachers will actually have to work a full day instead of making sure they are beautiful and that the kids like them.  


The people I may feel sorry for depending on how their contracts are are some of the teachers that are signed on personal contracts with the schools as they may end up teaching a few more classes than they had contracted for.

On 6/13/2020 at 6:49 AM, OzButcher78 said:

These are new Covid19 policies at our kids school:


  • A “Screening point” in which every students’ temperature will be measured and hand sanitizer will be applied.


  • Students will be wearing face masks at all times.


  • Social distancing rules are applied and is a “must”, all tables and seatings are spaced out.


  • We spray the entirety of the school with an antiseptic  solution several times a day. This is to kill any bacteria and denature viruses. Especially areas that are likely to be touched by students such as the playground, classrooms, canteen and more.


  • There are hand gel and hand sanitizer bottles stationed in every single classroom.


  • Ozone Generator will be used in every classroom after school, daily. These Ozone molecules are able to denature covid-19 viruses.


  • Our team of staffs and teachers will be wearing masks and face shields at all times.

And i read on Bangkok Post that Aircon will not be allowed. 

Sounds positively Orwellian. One shudders to imagine such draconian measures could wreak on young minds and bodies.


Apart from any other consideration, it is downright dangerous to wear a mask for long periods.


Not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but medical experts say they also create serious health risks to the wearer.


The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask of any kind - particular the cloth, home made variety.




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I teach m3/m4. Teachers and kids will be required to wear fase masks and shields. Let's see how that works out. And they are seated 1M apart. And the young ones will eat in their rooms - so no play time. 


Can you imagine Grade 1 wearing that gear all day. I can imagine the kids pulling the stuff off within minutes. 


And for how long? We've have 25 days of no confirmed local transmission. It seems like overkill to me. 

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My son is at summer school for the month of June, regular school starts July 1. 

Private international school in Udon Thani.

Drop him off wearing his mask, special screening area set up in the kitchen area, enter, wash hands, apply hand gel.

Get a temp check that's entered on a log go to class.

Must have in his backpack

-private water cup, his is a insulated one, no more communal cups at the water cooler, something I very much approve of.

-his own container for food, again no communal plates in the dining area, again something that should of happened before

-spare mask

in class they sit every other desk for distancing, teachers wear masks mostly

he's in a small class that's been together for the last 4 years its about 19 kids, so a small easy to handle class size

When I pick him up NONE of the kids have masks on, they're kids, they run around play, lose the masks, have them fall off

My sons usually has his stuck in his top pocket on his shirt.

Temp check when leaving school.

Been 3 weeks now, nobodys sick, so take that however you want to.

I think by October it will be over for the most part

On 6/20/2020 at 3:26 PM, Krataiboy said:

Sounds positively Orwellian. One shudders to imagine such draconian measures could wreak on young minds and bodies.


Apart from any other consideration, it is downright dangerous to wear a mask for long periods.


Not only do face masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but medical experts say they also create serious health risks to the wearer.


The bottom line is that if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask of any kind - particular the cloth, home made variety.




Strangely enough, all the countries with high infection rates are ones where people didn't wear masks.


Although their are issues with masks, most countries now recommend them. Surgeons do not have issues with wearing ordinary surgical masks for hours every day, I think N95 masks are probably not suitable for any extended period.


It was the lack of PPE for staff in nursing homes which resulted in Covid ravaging the patients there in Europe and the USA. The other issue is asymptomatic people - they do not know they have the virus, so that is why the majority need to mask up.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, rickudon said:

Strangely enough, all the countries with high infection rates are ones where people didn't wear masks.


Although their are issues with masks, most countries now recommend them. Surgeons do not have issues with wearing ordinary surgical masks for hours every day, I think N95 masks are probably not suitable for any extended period.


It was the lack of PPE for staff in nursing homes which resulted in Covid ravaging the patients there in Europe and the USA. The other issue is asymptomatic people - they do not know they have the virus, so that is why the majority need to mask up.

I have a daughter at school who faces having to wear a mask round the clock when she returns to her classroom, where the air conditioning will not be working because some "expert" believes it may spread the virus. 


If I was capable of homeschooling her, that is what I would do, rather than subject her to what will be a pretty unbearable ordeal. The psychological effects on children of living in the surreal "new normal" of school life are arguably as concerning as the physical stress.


I agree about the lack of PPE and poor staffing caused the care homes cull, but this was compounded by returning COVID cases from hospitals before they had been cleared infection. Masks are a dangerous option for many elderly people with respiratory problems, and I doubt even if they were worn this would have made much impact on fatality numbers.


You obviously forgot about China when claiming the worst outbreaks have been among non-mask-wearing nations. Bang goes another interesting theory.

3 hours ago, rickudon said:

Strangely enough, all the countries with high infection rates are ones where people didn't wear masks.


Although their are issues with masks, most countries now recommend them. Surgeons do not have issues with wearing ordinary surgical masks for hours every day, I think N95 masks are probably not suitable for any extended period.


It was the lack of PPE for staff in nursing homes which resulted in Covid ravaging the patients there in Europe and the USA. The other issue is asymptomatic people - they do not know they have the virus, so that is why the majority need to mask up.

Down to Earth...



2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

I have a daughter at school who faces having to wear a mask round the clock when she returns to her classroom, where the air conditioning will not be working because some "expert" believes it may spread the virus. 


Besides the masks and other troubles, do you have confirmation that the mid-year holidays are officially cancelled?

4 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Besides the masks and other troubles, do you have confirmation that the mid-year holidays are officially cancelled?


On 6/22/2020 at 6:00 PM, Brunolem said:

Do not totally disagree with what is said, but we do know that churches and mosques were some of the worst places for spreading infection. 


As for not allowing air conditioning, I think a sensible approach is needed. As long as social distancing is practiced i do not see a problem with it. Also, maybe if HEPA filters were installed, might actually be safer.


The lockdown in Thailand was probably justified in April, but by middle of May was totally unnecessary. Early and short lockdowns can help eliminate the Covid epidemic, but becomes near impossible once you have thousands of infectious people walking around.

Meanwhile, the Americas are now replacing Europe as Covid central.

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