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Far-right and anti-racism protesters scuffle in London


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3 hours ago, samran said:

Answered as I expected as outlined below. 

And with an illustration to boot. 


You have clearly swallowed too much left-wing media kool aid.  


The vast majority of British people who object to the desecration of our history are neither racists nor religious bigots. 


Anyone who suggests otherwise will simply aid and abet hands those who seek to further divide a society already riven over Brexit and government's handling of the COVID pandemic.


Not very bright, Brian.





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33 minutes ago, bannork said:

Vogie, don't pull the patriot card with me. I love Old Blighty as much as the next Brit, and if we met we would probably get on fine. I know how much we, the UK as a nation, owe Winston Churchill for our freedom.

I remember his funeral in 65, it was raining, appropriately, if I recall rightly.

And all the heroes from WW2, those who lost their lives so we, the privileged, could enjoy an unprecedented era of peace and freedom. We didn't even have to go to Vietnam, Harold Wilson had more sense.

We will never forget, going back to WW1 and its senseless imperial slaughter of Western youth, both in the UK and Europe.

I don't agree with the unlawful toppling of the statues but in my opinion we  should acknowledge the exploitation the expansion of our empire caused to  various indigenous people.

It's not weakness, rather it's strength, acknowledging one's faults.

History is written by the victor, as a kid, all my school books were crammed with the glories of us, the winners.

Captain Hurricane and Batman Malone taking on the entire Japanese army.

We, the UK, should admit the wrongdoings of our past and move on.






We overlooked the mistakes of our past when we gave back "our empire" and granted them independence and helped set up elections,and have givenfinancial, aid the majority of which got stolen,now paradoxically we have economic migrants trying to get into Britain from these ex members of our empire.how long must Britain be emotionally blackmailed over our past?

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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I expect the police will process him to the book and let the courts deal with him.



But they might take a very detailed look at his online activities, and members of far right groups do have a surprisingly high proclivity to engage in what is widely recognized as the most abhorrent of crimes.



And the police do tend to use a surprisingly high proclivity of activity about right wing groups,deflection perhaps?

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16 hours ago, checkered flag said:

The headline is very misleading and judgmental. Far right is OK but anti racist is actually very racist. I suspect mostly are far left anti-fa mobs bent on anarchy. The average law abiding black person is left out.

anti racist is very racist??? very orwellian  are you from generation woke?

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10 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Did he have any involvement with those camps at all ?

He was a low ranking soldier in the S.A army at the time 

There wasn't any South African Army at the time and Churchill was actually a reporter on furlough from his regiment-he took a lot of leave whilst serving in the British Army.


"Concentration" camps-"Reconcentrados"-were instituted by General Valeriano Weyler in Cuba prior to the 2nd Boer war.


Churchill reported on Cuba too..

Edited by Odysseus123
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2 hours ago, torturedsole said:

What utter guff.  Maybe Boris can appear on a section of Ant & Dec and issue a grovelling apology for the past.  Ridiculous, isn't it?


Would that appease the left?  Erm, no.  

Tear the garments off your back and mercilessly flagellate yourself for the sins of your forebears, and it still won't make a difference. Not even a little. So all you blokes out there that subscribe to hereditary sin, be my guest and we'll see where that gets you.

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One thing as a Yank I have noticed in this largely British TVF forum is that British people seem to be a lot more sensitive to the defacement of their own cherished monuments than they are to their American counterparts, which it seems they could care <deleted>-all about. Lots of moaning here about defaced Brit symbology. Not too much previously when the same thing was happening in the States. And then spread across the pond.

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What most people forget is that in the past politically correct thinking was not around.

  The world was not all open and tolerant and racism did exist likely all over the world

in the past. Maybe wars caused some of the bad thoughts and feelings. Maybe the 

lack of understanding some other cultures caused some feelings and thoughts.

  I would like to think that without people like explorers or strong minded people

the world would not be as it is today.  It would be nice if the new generation

would actually talk to their grand parents and old relatives and see how they and their

friends used to think.  It will not be the same as the new relaxed and so tolerant

modern people.  Just saying. Do not wreck all the old statues,  okay!



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8 hours ago, bannork said:

One takes a leak next to a memorial for a fallen policeman,

I wish you guys would make up your minds. The entire chaos and hooliganism was caused by, in the opinion of the vandals protestors, the cops and therefore all cops bad, but some on here seem to be saying cops are heroes not to be urinated on ( and it was only a plaque, not the actual resting place of said cop ).

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7 hours ago, bannork said:

We, the UK, should admit the wrongdoings of our past and move on.

I, for one, would like the descendants of Og, the caveman and his tribe that killed my ancestor Ug and enslaved his wife to aplogise for being descended from very bad people. I feel very badly about the mistreatment that my female ancestor Ag had as a slave under Og and all his politically incorrect tribespeople.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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19 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Less than 10 years ago, certain media outlets still had the freedom to state cold, hard facts. These days, forget it. Shame nobody acted to save the country while we still had a chance. Integrate or go home. Nowadays you are a racist if you do not want to see the wholesale destruction of arguably the most tolerant and democratic society on earth. Tragic.


"In truth, the vast, unceasing influx of foreigners over recent years has done colossal damage to Britain. Our social cohesion has been undermined, our civic infrastructure overloaded, our sense of national identity eroded and our standard of living reduced."


Enoch Powell would be laughing his head off:

See, I told you so

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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

The world was not all open and tolerant and racism did exist likely all over the world

in the past.

Not just in the past. The world is STILL not tolerant ( just look at why they are killing each other in Sth Sudan ) and racism still exists, except the racism I suffer from is not from white people.

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1 minute ago, samran said:

Well it wouldn’t surprise you that those who are moaning about the statues tend to live in the past dreaming of empire and are still troubled by the fact women were ever given the vote.


I think people are just proud of their country and its history even if some of the figures have a checkered past by todays standards. 


It really isnt much more complicated than that. 


History is FULL of tyrants and maniacs that remove statues, literature, figures etc and rarely is it ever a good thing. 

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2 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I think a checkered past by any standards would be more accurate.


But that would be an inaccurate standard. Slavery was practiced by just about every single society throughout history at some point and it still goes on today, but by todays standards it is appalling and wrong, whereas 200-300 years ago and beyond was considered normal for whoever was the victor or the most powerful. It just was, denying it is denying history. 

And as wrong as that may be, that does not mean that a man 200-300 years ago who had slaves (normal at the time) and did 10,000 things that were good, should be de-personed and erased. It should stay and be a reminder if what once was, not erased and forgotten. 


7 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Black lives do matter, there should be equality treatment and of opportunity for all people, which includes all races.


7 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

The Hegemony of old, largely white, males should be destroyed.



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21 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

There's one our great British patriots defending our nation's honour. Makes you proud, eh?


download (1).jpg

Turns out he was participating in the Black lives matter protest and wasnt a "patriot" , he was a Ant Teether  , you shouldnt stereotype people going on their looks

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7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Turns out he was participating in the Black lives matter protest and wasnt a "patriot" , he was a Ant Teether  , you shouldnt stereotype people going on their looks

Evidence for that?

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