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Things are starting to look bad for us non-married guys waiting to get back into thailand..

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On 6/19/2020 at 6:33 PM, Scouse123 said:


You have answered your own question.


If the Thai government gave a damn about its citizens they would have been concerted efforts to sort out road traffic deaths currently, as you say, 6000 so far this year. There are countless other areas where they could improve the overall health of the nation, they are not interested. Neither are they interested in rooting our corruption in the Police and Military.


This is all about holding power and strengthening their own positions. They are in a cocoon and unaffected by what is happening to the economy.


They don't give a damn about the man or woman in the street or the difficulties they face.

Why would they be interested in rooting out corruption in the Police, Military or Immigration dept., when it is obvious to all that they are all part of it.

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On 6/20/2020 at 12:30 PM, hansnl said:

Aren't you mixing a few things like tourism and the Wuhan virus?

Yes, Thailand's tourism industry is mighty important to the country in general and the poorer people working in that industry.

Yes, the Wuhan virus is a point  of fear for the government.

For obvious reasons, some very selfish.

The best advice for Thailand would be to close the borders for Chinese.

Lockdown is getting in force in China because of the second wave.

It seems that the majority of those benifiting in tourism are the poorer section of the Thai community. Yes a few of the rich are in the hotel industry, but the bulk are involved in factories etc., Fishing, Canning and other large industries. So why should the rich of Thailand be bothered  with the poorer man in the street who depends on tourists.

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On 6/20/2020 at 2:58 PM, Letseng said:

Look at the already rising infections in recently opened EU countries (Schengen). Money matters for tourism. Lives don't.

Plus NZ who thought that they were covid free so allowed travellers in and now find that they suddenly have 4 new cases to deal with.


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On 6/20/2020 at 6:04 PM, paulikens said:

yea i think u hit the nail on the head there, the one thing i dont understand is why thais dont ever complain about the government i know they have had coups before, but it seems they are letting this government do absolutely anything they want..... surely something will give soon?

An Army with live bullets as previously demonstrated.

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On 6/20/2020 at 7:16 PM, kenk24 said:

Is that a Texas thing? My passport is in the safe - my home is in the countryside w/many family members coming and going... I feel more at home here than I ever did in my passport issuing country... 

So how did you find a way to "jump through the many hoops" that the government has harassed you with, to be able to freely stay there.

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On 6/20/2020 at 7:28 PM, Elkski said:

one gent says it's best time  for playing with ladies in 10 ,years.  low prices,  just use apps.  . 

here in Utah  my life is good. I'm doing many things around the house.  to busy to fish. Biking  lots.   we had our highest daily case number yesterday. 500+.  many places having highest numbers.  Florida had 2000+ YESTERDAY.  When the president is in denial many of his believers believe him and don't believe the virus is dangerous. I see many older people in the stores without masks, many stores do not require you to wear masks.  They never checked temperatures  anywhere. restuarants could open May 15.  Death toll is published daily.   Utah running at 0.9%.  5000 tests a day, positive rate  approaching 10% up from 5%. at least in Thailand they enforce the rules and people listen to the rules more than here. Tourism might account for 20% of GDP in Thailand but 80%  of GDP without covid-19 is much better than what it would be if there is some tourism but disruption with so much covid-19.   this would be worse than a 20% cut in GDP. 

It's been 5 months since I left Thailand and I'm missing my girlfriend a lot. Chances are probably best we will get her K1 visa and come to see me before I can travel to Thailand.  But it possible she sees all this racism and protests, and may not want to come live in a country  that looks like chaos. many of my thai friends  see USA in the news and their impression is not good.   

I believe the thai government is enjoying there strengthening grip. All the leaders and HiSo like their current lifestyle.  Money  and a low covid Thailand  with  high baht is just fine to them.  Low traffic for the BMW or Merc.  Most likely most of them did not approve of Thailand being the sex capital of the world and having to see all these bar girls walking around with old fat white guys.    I think Thailand is fundamentally changed going forward maybe for the better. 

Especially if you are a Thai cop, military or in any other Hi-So position other than being a poor rice farmer.

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16 hours ago, paulikens said:

it has been there since december if not longer and they had hoardes of chinese there then. so it looks like it doesnt seem to breed in thailand.why is unclear. it could be because of the climate but then brazil have been hit hard so there must be other factors but who knows what.or maybe unknowingly it was herd immunity.  

No one but nothing wants a military government. Thats why !

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On 6/18/2020 at 7:04 PM, paulikens said:

funny how so many people say thailand relies heavily on tourism they obviously dont. one of the most covid free countries in the world and still not letting anyone in,yet europe open as usual, so who really relies on tourism more

Good analysis... You should trade stocks. Your sharp mind will make you a fortune 

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On 6/18/2020 at 5:54 PM, CLS said:

I left the failed state called Thailand yesterday. Have enough of this madhouse. There are outbound flights. Suvarnabhumi looked like the apocalypse though.



That's good for the rest of us. Now you can resign from TV.

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1 hour ago, Huckenfell said:

So how did you find a way to "jump through the many hoops" that the government has harassed you with, to be able to freely stay there.

Easy as pie... the only hoops I see are on TVF and hear from complainers... for me, absolutely nothing has changed over the last 20 years... I have not been harassed, my only contacts w/immigration have always been pleasant... and this is pretty much the same for all the people I know...


maybe it is because I meet the qualifications of the visa I apply for... 



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On 6/18/2020 at 5:03 PM, paulikens said:

well that actually proves my point only 9% is a very small number. so thats not exactly relying on it..is it!!

What about all prople who get money from tourism, especialy lower class, how will Thailand take care of them? Street food vendors, pub owners, restaurant owners, and many other people who are deeply reliable from mass tourism sector, you cant just say 9.82% and i was right. Need to look outside of the box not just the numbers. How will thai government take care of those people with 5000 baht monthly cash handouts? 

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On 6/19/2020 at 1:08 AM, paulikens said:

your post is totally irrelevant to my point.   thailand does not rely on tourism as much as people make out that is totally obvious 

Baseless comment without backing it up. Link us to that.

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On 6/22/2020 at 9:00 PM, zzzzz said:

looks good for you all married to b allowed back soon


There are many married in Thailand but live here on a retirement extension.

Would those people also allowed back into Thailand ?

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