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Tourists banned from first wave of ‘travel bubbles’, says Anutin


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10 hours ago, Oldie said:

New Zealand for instance still has a travel ban. Australia too. So even if Thailand allows them they cannot come. I think it is not that easy. 


New Zealand does not have a travel ban and New Zealanders are free to leave the country as they please. New Zealanders have never been banned from travelling. There are some problems though for NZers who wish to travel. The first problem is that there aren't that many flights leaving. Second, they have to go through a mandatory 14 day quarantine on return to New Zealand.


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50 minutes ago, mstevens said:

New Zealand does not have a travel ban and New Zealanders are free to leave the country as they please. New Zealanders have never been banned from travelling. There are some problems though for NZers who wish to travel. The first problem is that there aren't that many flights leaving. Second, they have to go through a mandatory 14 day quarantine on return to New Zealand.

They have planes in NZ? When did this happen? :giggle:

Might be best to keep borders up though until the motherland gets the vaccine away as China's dirty little disease will rip through the place when enough bring it in.

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7 hours ago, Saraburi121 said:

Maybe off topic but how does a guy with an engineering degree (Hofstra Collage USA according to Wiki) get a post as a health minister? Probably been asked before on the forum, but how?  That is one post you would think that you should need a background for?

Australia's Health Minister, Greg Hunt, has a law degree, but manages the complicated health terminology very well. 

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7 hours ago, Saraburi121 said:

Maybe off topic but how does a guy with an engineering degree (Hofstra Collage USA according to Wiki) get a post as a health minister? Probably been asked before on the forum, but how?  That is one post you would think that you should need a background for?

Agree, sadly not the first time in LOS this has happened.


Twenty years ago the thug Chalerm was the Health minister. It was discovered that some baby milk/food from China had melamine. Many babies died in China and several died and very ill in Thailand.


At a press conference a reporter asked Chalerm what action he had taken to talk to the Chinese authorities and punish the makers/distributors, and what action he had taken to quickly remove the products from shops in Thailand.


His response: 'We will take no action whatever, we don't want to upset China'.



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19 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

i wonder what super immunity is bestowed upon the travelling businessman originating in northern asian climes?its obvious none what so ever.its banal at the least,also how is it decided which country is allowed in? the figs ive seen suggest most ASEAN countries are able to qualify with the exception perhaps of indonesia,[myanmar/laos too where the figs just arnt available] . hk, taiwan, s korea australia and nz too have low nos and are suitable applicants,japan has a similar death rate to the philippines so why is it  singled out?money and large investment foot print here obviously but the pedigree is based on covid not cash!the economy is in a bad way it needs to be put on the rails again and common sense applications can minimise problems,IE a test on arrival for minimal cost,wearing of masks ,no quarantine too.a minimum stay of 2 weeks.no covid ins bought overseas its not available readily. it could be signed up for on arrival too for 500B and cover you to a million baht.take the test pay the insurance and off you go.1000B thank you.this constant bilking with a racist bent is one thai product no one appreciates.take precautions and move on ,western europe has.the destruction of assets businesses and peoples livelihoods is unacceptable and the fact is the govt has done almost nothing to support people.it cant continue much longer.as we have seen before soldiers pretending to be elected civilian administrations doesnt stand up.lets pick up the pieces and move on .all the tosh about super spenders etc is exactly that.PRC tourists spend money but its in a closed environment that serves chinese business not international or thai ones.so theres another false economic wild goose chase.respect yourself and others equally this mantra serves well

Your last points unfortunately true, but don't forget that it all creates many many jobs for Thai people.

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7 hours ago, Saraburi121 said:

You are 100% right and great point, but that is one position you would think that should be filled with someone with medical education that can speak intelligently on public health to the public? 


Political positions are filled by powerful people with lots of supporters. Isn't that the definition of democracy where the person who gets the most votes get the position?


How the ministers are selected depends on the Prime Minister and not any citizens or non-citizens. Likewise, the Prime Minister himself has an army degree, so it also doesn't match.


I am sure these powerful people have qualified (eg. medical degree) subordinates that will give precious advice but the final decision lies in these powerful people's hands whether one likes it or not.

Edited by EricTh
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16 hours ago, webfact said:

Meanwhile, Anutin said he was ready to be injected with a prototype vaccine for Covid-19 as part of medical trials. Several Thai research programmes are currently seeking a vaccine for the virus.

This guy put his life and health at risk? NEVER! And if he was injected it would simply be a harmless saline solution!

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9 minutes ago, scorecard said:



His response: 'We will take no action whatever, we don't want to upset China'.



Yes, Thailand is pro-China whereas Japan is pro-American. There are also some countries which are pro-Russia.


We can't expect all countries in the world to be pro-American, right? 


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The "Tourist" is just an euphemism for bride seekers, orgy seekers, and cheap living losers who cant afford to live in their own countries, find brides in their own countries, or can't engage in orgies due to their meagre incomes. It applies to male tourists only except the cheap living loser category. However, saying that female tourists are allowed but not the male will be like admiting the real reasons why the so called tourists come ot Thailand. 

Edited by Mulambana
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15 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

We all knew that tourists would be at bottom of list. Perhaps those with marriage or retirement etc next added to list. Poblem is that by that time their extension/reentry permit most likely expired. Meaning many would require tourist visa

My wife is stuck in the U.K. her extension of stay expires today I was in immigration on Tuesday renewing my extension of stay and when I brought the subject up the IO scratched his head , shrugged his shoulder and told me he did not know the answer but maybe they renew her extension until next year . That was wishful thinking I said to myself it seems the left foot doesn’t know what the right foot is doing ☹️

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6 minutes ago, Dukeleto said:

What airlines are all these people going to be coming in on? Oh sorry all those international major air carriers are going to fire up their mega costly operations and hubs to ferry 1.5 people per flight coz “I ain’t nothin” said so! 

Very good point, one which I think has been completely overlooked by them. No airline in the world is going to start operations to Thailand based on that criteria.

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16 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

"who can be easily tracked" sounds sinister, tracking wristbands possibly.

That's all they talk about.


It's imperative for the government to be able to track us. The idea of a special sim card didn't work, TM30 didn't work, and all the other suggestions they came up with didn't work, but now they have the apps.


We will all be safe now as they will know exactly where we are and when.




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15 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

I doubt very much that the higher ranks of the Thai gov't have any major interest in white foreigners and their marriages to Thai women-let alone the children from such marriages.


I don't think that they are on the "urgent" list as,strangely enough,they are rarely commented upon by the Big Wigs..

For a simple reason: In reality there can't be thousands of husbands or wifes being stranded abroad and how important are they for recovering the economy ? On purpose I do not mention the humanitarian aspect, as this most likely doens't matter to the people taking decisions.

In any case, Anutin will do his best tor the country ????


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25 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Very good point, one which I think has been completely overlooked by them. No airline in the world is going to start operations to Thailand based on that criteria.

But now Thailand only wants the rich tourists.


Simply make every seat on the plane to first class and they will have profitable operations and at the same time keep the poor tourists out.


How come no bright minister has thought of that?

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16 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

We all knew that tourists would be at bottom of list. Perhaps those with marriage or retirement etc next added to list. Poblem is that by that time their extension/reentry permit most likely expired. Meaning many would require tourist visa

Why a tourist visa . You can enter for 30 days without Tourist visa. I just want to get to see my wife

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17 hours ago, LoS itaint said:

The one & only outspoken Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul whose discriminatory remark on Western tourists, saying that they are “dirty” and more likely to spread coronavirus than Asians caused a ruffle of feathers....I disagree with his, dirty, remark but sadly there are a lot of European countries that are classed as virus high risk, my country, the once Great Britain, being at the very top of the list!

I remember it being called the United Kingdom, it is neither of those either.

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