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Why Netflix's Black Lives Matter category is a step in the right direction


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52 minutes ago, Benmart said:

The USA is not Germmany, Nazi or otherwise. To compare past slavery in the USA, to the Nazi atrocities and Nuremberg trials, post-war, etc., is a questionable comparison.


Why not include and cote every other country that exterminated, enslaved, raped, burned pillaged and looted? I look at the USA and its failings as an independent country, not compared to any other in it long road to cotrecting injustice.


Ultimately, my vote plays a large part in this ongoing USA process, not my ramblings on TVF.

You're right, It's actually a completely idiotic comparison. The Nazi leadership purposely sought to eradicate and root out several sections of the population, in particular the extreme left, there was a plan to exterminate. Nothing like that existed in the southern states of the US.


Even though the US civil war was the first war with mass casualties among the civilian population the North had no basis whatsoever for a war crimes tribunal along the lines of Nuremberg as the South had never intended to eradicate the black population or any other. So neither should the North have presumed to do anything like Nuremberg. 


What is happening now in the US has nothing to do whatsoever with the legacy of the south, it has to do with US police officers not following what is in their training manuals, making poor decisions and of course US police carrying guns as a matter of course. Unlike in Britain.


Moreover race issues will always exist because you can not eradicate race. It's not possible. I've met many black people in the Caribbean and they are extremely sensitive about being black. The reason is that it is a very obvious separator, skin colour, and it is associated with crime and carries many other unfavourable connotations. Black women are very sensitive to the different nature of their hair. These things will never go away. 


All we can do is realise that black people can be as smart as white people, give them every chance to succeed and stamp out police brutality as far as possible, which does target blacks disproportionately. No need whatsoever for a travesty of justice like Nuremberg.


Even if that is done though, race riots have been a feature of US life since the 19th century and will continue. Some disadvantaged overly sensitive segments of the black population will always be blaming the authorities for their failure in life, just like some segments of the white population do.



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The more that institutions and other organisations try to impose "positive discrimination" , such as this idiocy,  the longer it will be before true equality is attained.  I for one will not be bothering to watch such a category, as I'm interested in entertaining movies, not ones that try to send " a message".  BLM is a pithy and worthy strap line, who's message is being hijacked  and misused.   

Edited by Pilotman
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Looks like Netflix has joined the newest "me too" movement. Why not just call it the "Black Entertainment" category? Why BLM? Because that's the popular political move right now. I have no problem with a black entertainment category and would definitely watch certain things it had to offer, would just prefer entertainment and politics be kept separate

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4 minutes ago, RANGER55 said:

Call it what it is, BLM is Marxist organizations/movements whose goal is to bring down capitalism. The three black ladies, who were community organizers, started BLM on July 13, 2013 are on video saying they are trained Marxist. Their web site use to say what BLM actually is and their goals of taking down capitalism. However, they got smart and scrubbed their web site. Why, so a lot of the uninformed people would start backing them. Now it has turned into a money-making machine. Who would have though looting, burning and protesting would be so productive?

For an example, the one organization started to bail out rioter from jail have received over thirty million dollars as of last week. They have used $200,000 for bail. Not a bad profit of $29,800,000 for burning and looting. So go on and sent some money to BLM.


As for the UK, the BLM organizations there have not learned to hid their goals as of yet.

Excellent point as to who is funding BLM.


"Many of the large tech companies in the US have donated substantial sums to the cause. Google has committed $12 million, while both Facebook and Amazon are donating $10 million to various groups that fight against racial injustice. Apple is pledging a whopping $100 million for a new Racial Equity and Justice Initiative that will "challenge the systemic barriers to opportunity and dignity that exist for communities of color, and particularly for the black community," according to Apple CEO Tim Cook."



Big money in activism, just as the amazing Normal Finkelstein has shown in The Holocaust Industry.


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13 hours ago, samsensam said:


racism is a trojan horse, the BLM agenda is far more wide ranging and sinister

A lot of posters working themselves up into a lather of old man boomer victimhood here.

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I find that a lot of the problems stem from how people behave and what they do, when you see how badly many behave and what they are doing it can change the way some think. As in many things a few bad apples spoil it for the rest but everyone deserves to be treated the same, I dont believe anyone should be treated differently because of who they are, religion, sexual preference, race, skin colour should not come into it, all lives matter. Blm are extremely selective on what they get upset about and how far they take it, it is a protest group that is basically a  political protest group and does have violent people involved in it, letting them set their own agenda that everyone else has to follow is BS, there is an old saying, do the crime, do the time that should apply equally to everyone as well as treat others as you want them to treat you, maybe if they followed these they wouldnt have so many problems with others/police but even the statistics are against them as black deaths by police are hugely lower than white deaths by police but are way higher when its black deaths by other blacks but these deaths dont get any mention by blm because they are not political enough or suit their agenda.

Edited by seajae
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4 hours ago, skorp13 said:

Looks like Netflix has joined the newest "me too" movement. Why not just call it the "Black Entertainment" category? Why BLM? Because that's the popular political move right now. I have no problem with a black entertainment category and would definitely watch certain things it had to offer, would just prefer entertainment and politics be kept separate

Netflix already has one.  This is a political statement by the Obamas.

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19 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

I am having a protest myself its called F.T.M fat lives matter ,it is starting tomorrow at 10am at KFC ,we will then march to Burger king and later the march is to end at Greggs , all of you come and join the cause . 

lots of laughs and one sad face ,guess who? lol

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