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Thai Immigration announce changes to TM30 reporting

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32 minutes ago, keithet said:

so this is just if you leave the country and then re-enter to your same address? 

What about if just go to another province for a week and then return to same address? 

Same thing of course. The last reported address is the key word. 

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"Previously, most immigration offices in Thailand wanted a new TM30 report within 24 hours every time a person left and reentered the country. This change eliminates that requirement."

We have to return to the last reported address. If not, a TM30 will still be needed. 

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Well any amendment to the TM30 is a step in the right direction,but still confused I am. My wife and I own our home in Chiang Mai,she submitted the TM30 to inform immigration that I live at the property she owns arghhh. We have been considering doing a road trip to Sukhothai,Tak,Hua hin,phuket and back,about 6 weeks in total. Upon our return to our home in CM does she need to re submit the TM30 to tell them I am back at home and my permanent address. 
The other amendment could be,people that live here on a permanent basis like myself,Retirement visa should only need to inform immigration once you change your permanent address. Taking one less drama out of the equation.

Edited by Titan1962
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12 minutes ago, RobertHima said:

When you extend your visa, and you are outside the original "valid period" when the TM30 was filed while on your previous extension, do you have to file a new TM30 with your new "valid period" in 24 hours?

You would have to be outside the country if your temporary permit to stay was not valid or on a overstay.

When you apply for a extension of stay it extends your stay. No need for another TM30 report.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

What valid period?


I read that to mean, only needing to report once for the same location during the duration of one's ME visa or re-entry permit, which would mean once per year...


But after a person renews their extension and re-entry permit annually and then leaves the country and returns (in some distant world) after that, then a new TM30 would be required???


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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

But after a person renews their extension and re-entry permit annually and then leaves the country and returns (in some distant world) after that, then a new TM30 would be required???

None would be needed unless you changed your permanent place of residence.

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2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

None would be needed unless you changed your permanent place of residence.

 Ya, I saw your comment above... Just wonder if that's the way various IO's will actually interpret it. Time will tell.


AFAIK, my annual extensions of stay and re-entry permits are not "extended."  They run one year and they expire... And in order to remain, I have to apply for new ones before the old ones expire, AKA, lose their "validity".





Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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