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Thai vaccine could be ready by ‘early next year’, says Anutin


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may and could are the key words. Around the world companies/research labs are big noting themselves using these two words amongst others like promising etc. . Dig a little deeper and you'll find 12 to 18 months if at all is the opinion of vaccine experts.

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4 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

if you think I am injecting anything rustled up by those Charlatans in the picture you have got another thing coming!

In that case, you better be out of the country.

My understanding is, vaccination will be compulsory

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3 hours ago, Vigilante said:

My understanding is, vaccination will be compulsory

Pray tell, from where did this "understanding" originate, you mates with "Kill Bill Gates"?

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3 hours ago, Vigilante said:

In that case, you better be out of the country.

My understanding is, vaccination will be compulsory

Let's see then. The same rules everywhere, forced vaccination, it will lead to total chaos, most people that I know would never take it. I myself will deny, and anyone trying to vaccinate me or my family I will not garantee their safety. This is serious, please give me a break, do not be a catle.

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8 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

"We are planning to share the formula with the world????


Anutin blabbing again. Maybe ready by early next year? I know of no other country in the world where the government has made such speculative claims on a development that is still in the pre-clinical stage. Talk is cheap, wait till you have some results on mass human testing in phase 3 trials.


Although they'll need to plan a second wave for the human trials if it ever reaches that stage because there's no virus around for test subjects to get exposed to in Thailand.

The British government have given Astra Zeneca the go-ahead to manufacture

tens of millions of vaccines that are still in clinical trials, although early signs 

are very promising. The plan is that once/if  the trials are successful and the

authorities approve it for use, then there will be a supply ready to use on the population.


I doubt that anyone in the Thai government, or anyone on here for that matter, is an

expert in this field and is responding to reports from the bio company concerned.


This release is just one of the things that government spokespeople do to create 

a semblance of calm to the general masses and financial community. Most people 

recognise this situation, except those that want to point and pick at anything to 

do with this country.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

“Thailand could be among the first countries to manufacture a Covid-19 vaccine. We are planning to share the formula with the world, though Thai people will be top priority to receive the vaccine,” said Anutin.

The hubris....  This is the 3rd Covid-19 cure they have discovered (so far), they [Thailand], also discovered a cure for HIV and for Ebola...  (links to those articles below).



I am a firm believer in vaccination programs. I believe the ‘Anti-vaxxers’ to be total idiots. 

However, with this issue, I am incredibly against a Vaccination which has been rushed through short term testing and fast production. I have no faith than any vaccination produced comes with long term safety, regardless of the assurances issued. 









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3 hours ago, Vigilante said:
7 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

if you think I am injecting anything rustled up by those Charlatans in the picture you have got another thing coming!

In that case, you better be out of the country.

My understanding is, vaccination will be compulsory


‘Where did your understanding’ of the Vaccination being compulsory originate?



This crisis and Thailands 100% lock down (preventing families from being together) has already trigged plans to be put into motion to move home (UK for me). 


I’m happy for my child to take established vaccines, but not a ‘rushed’ Covid-19 vaccine.


I would move out of Thailand if taking such a vaccine we're to become compulsory. 






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9 hours ago, keith101 said:

Fauci has said that one could be ready for early 2021 .

Understand your point, but please note that the potential vaccines Dr. Fauci referred to were the Oxford University and Sanofi vaccines, both of which are relatively further along in their development than the potential Thai vaccine.


Both Oxford and Sanofi would share their vaccine with the rest of the world.


The limiting factor will be the availability of delivery devices. There is absolutely no way that the world will have enough glass vials and syringes  to satisfy 7 billion+ doses. I can see some countries reusing syringes and that will  lead to a different crisis.

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10 hours ago, Antiparovian said:

Yes, though though the RNA in Covid-19,is the Antigen, we produce Antibodies vs the Antigen.

I'm afraid this comment, and your earlier one about the Covid-19 virus being an RNA virus, trying to mock the idea of a DNA-based vaccine working just demonstrate that you have no idea about what DNA and RNA-based vaccines actually are, or what they do.


The RNA  or DNA in a COVID-19 vaccine is NOT the antigen, immune responses are not being sought against the RNA of the Covid-19 virus which is locked inside the virus capsule and not readily accessible to immune cells.


What DNA and RNA-based vaccines do is code for PROTEINS of the virus. In a typical  strategy a DNA based virus, say an adenovirus, is constructed that contains the DNA code to make a virus protein (for the Covid-19 virus this is often the so-called spike protein, which the virus uses to get inside cells.) 


When this DNA-based vaccine is injected it goes inside body cells and causes them to make large amounts of the Covid-19 spike protein, which the cells then secrete into the blood and also present on the outside of the cell. This causes surveillance cells of the immune system to begin to make antibodies against the spike protein.


So DNA-based vaccines against Covid-19 make perfect sense, and in fact the well reported Oxford Covid-19 vaccine which is among the first to undergo clinical trials is a DNA-based vaccine.

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13 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

That's just untrue. Measles is one of the most contagious viruses ever known with an r0 of 12-18, whereas smallpox is 3 times less contagious and there is a highly successful vaccine for measles which has about 97% effectiveness.


Polio is also just as contagious as smallpox and again, there is an effective vaccine for it (more than one, actually). Other diseases which are either just as contagious as smallpox or more so, are pertussis, chicken pox, mumps and rubella. Again, there are effective vaccines for all of them.


You're correct, the qualifier should have been that no successful vaccine has ever been developed for a 'Coronavirus'


Not to dismiss the Thai/French effort to develop a vaccine, but this Cornell University article from a few days ago, gives a clear summary of where the big hitters are in their vaccine development efforts, and some of the hurdles they're facing.


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6 hours ago, shy coconut said:

The British government have given Astra Zeneca the go-ahead to manufacture

tens of millions of vaccines that are still in clinical trials, although early signs 

are very promising. The plan is that once/if  the trials are successful and the

authorities approve it for use, then there will be a supply ready to use on the population.

I'm aware of the UK vaccines trials, actually there are now two separate vaccine human trials underway, led by Oxford and followed Imperial College. No fanfare government press conference.


6 hours ago, shy coconut said:

I doubt that anyone in the Thai government, or anyone on here for that matter, is an

expert in this field and is responding to reports from the bio company concerned.

I totally agree with you on the fact that nobody in the Thai government is an expert in this field but since when has that stopped Anutin blabbing about matters he has no clue about.


6 hours ago, shy coconut said:

This release is just one of the things that government spokespeople do to create 

a semblance of calm to the general masses and financial community.

We are talking about Anutin here, the one who criticized Thailand health workers for getting infected with COVID, the one who called farangs dirty and then has to apologize for his racist remarks, the list on his false and abusive statements is endless.

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7 hours ago, A512 said:

Let's see then. The same rules everywhere, forced vaccination, it will lead to total chaos, most people that I know would never take it. I myself will deny, and anyone trying to vaccinate me or my family I will not garantee their safety. This is serious, please give me a break, do not be a catle.

The virus has brought the world economy to a standstill.

I don't think vaccination will be left to personal choice

Just my understanding as to how goobermints think.

Think of a plan B if you are going to refuse.


Edited by Vigilante
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Any vaccine will not be coming from Thailand! There's already a vaccine/antidote...ask piece of s**t Gates! He's waiting for the right time to introduce it to the world. The right time being when the world really begins panicking after second, third, fourth wave of infections! Never ending waves or spraying has required to inbreed fear into the masses! At that time a vaccine with chip will be available for a fee! A chip which will interact with 5G networks to control the sheeples at will?

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:
7 hours ago, A512 said:

You are an imbecile and I mean that.

Don’t hold back !!! Thank you for your intelligent input....


What upset you princess?....  Are you an Andrew Wakefield lover ?

Surely in the words of Hughie Green, the intelligent input should carry on...'and I mean that most sincerely folks.'

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