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Spanish man arrested in Bangkok for allegedly growing marijuana plants


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48 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

Another expert???? ..... I would find it much more likely that anyone who has serious mental issues or behaves erratically was destined to be this way before they met cannabis.

Don't know about your evidence but I can tell you that it'll get rid of my migraines and can make me sleep with out the use of processed chemicals and thats good enough for me.

You don't have to be an expert to educate yourself. That's the wonder of the "information age" you can read the findings of real experts, perhaps you can try and see if you can find out the proved links to mental illness,, plenty of reading material out there; I suspect you won't because it would then not support your view would it.

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6 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

why? he broke the law. Isn't the poster entitled to his opinion on drugs? tired of pro cannabis users calling everyone else "stupid" or "behind the times" or "uneducated", they use silly arguments about comparisons to cigarettes or aclohol and then quote the amazing medicinal benefits which they probably understand nothing about. Also nobody would argue the prescribed use as a medication if it is proved to have benefits, that's not really what we are talking about, it's people wanting the freedom to smoke it for recreational use, the medicinal i just a silly argument. Well I have, in my life seen abuse of alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis,,, all had a terrible effect on the individuals. Cannabis I have seen dopey appearance, problems with memory, careless attitude, paranoia, poor skin etc.. Yes i am sure not everyone abuses it the same as alcohol however I don't want to see it legalised for recreational use and there are many others who think the same, well if you do think this way good for you. If you think it should be legalised then fine, you can have that opinion but don't attack me aggressively because I think differently. Right now it is illegal in Thailand and this guy broke the law, he should be punished accordingly. If you want to live a life where you grow it and deal it go somewhere where it is legal, until then respect the law. 

I get its illegal here and thats just the way it is but I find it really odd why so many who enjoy a drink are against legalization of cannabis.  Its my body, my life and I am not doing any harm to anyone else so why can't I enjoy a smoke, as you can enjoy a drink ?

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41 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

I have met hundreds of very regualar users over the years and don't know of any that ended up in a mental ward for any reasons. 

I do, I know 2 personally and 1 indirectly who killed himself. So what is the point you're making? You haven't seen it so it can't be true? Is that your point?

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16 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

You don't have to be an expert to educate yourself. That's the wonder of the "information age" you can read the findings of real experts, perhaps you can try and see if you can find out the proved links to mental illness,, plenty of reading material out there; I suspect you won't because it would then not support your view would it.


There are no non using cannabis experts and I guess you won't read the other side as it doesn't support your view either.


13 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

I do, I know 2 personally and 1 indirectly who killed himself. So what is the point you're making? You haven't seen it so it can't be true? Is that your point?

I just find it a bit strange that the anti-pot brigade know all these stoners with mental health issues and yet I know of none .... no point, just the facts. 

If people are not right in the head then cannabis will probably not help them, but it also wasn't the underlying root of the problem.

Edited by CraigInBangkok
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21 hours ago, csmith said:

Doctor friend of mine told me a year ago that individuals in Thailand allowed to grow up to three plants for their own use .… I'm guessing that means .… for cooking.


Don't take legal advice from that doctor!  There was a proposal to allow up to six plants for personal medical use inside the home only but it has yet to become law.

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5 hours ago, DJ54 said:

A state in the US allows marijuana as long as it’s not sold. Cookie,Candy etc. shops sell the items at an inflated price and give a bag of marijuana as a gift for the purchase...  seriously they found a loophole...

Yeah, right.

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4 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

I have a question. I have been told each family can grow up to 5 cannabis plants. Is this true or a lie. Does anybody really know?

It's not true.  Did you see what the OP is about?

Edited by Bob A Kneale
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4 hours ago, raccos21 said:

This means the house is owned by the Spanish guy and he informed the police that he grew the narcotic plants! It doesn’t really make sense!????????????



What doesn't make sense?  They were referring to the Spaniard as the owner and it's not difficult to infer that he gave the police that information on being questioned.

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3 hours ago, salsajapan said:
On 6/26/2020 at 4:45 PM, steven100 said:

right, I know weed is not such a hard drug, anyway each person can do his own thing, if someone likes drugs then that's their prerogative, i don't so that's just me.  Everyone has their own opinion on things. 


But some have a ridiculous one.

You can say that again!

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10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I am in contact with many American and Canadian citizens who admit doing 3-6 years in prison for growing cannabis and subsequently been blocked from all legitimate sources of work for the rest of their lives by their record.


I don't think Thailand is any worse.

Maybe not worse than some, but in Latin America, they don't care.  That is where I tell folks I have known who are into this to go, if they want to be ex-pats.  Maybe Cambodia - I smelled it a lot there, every few tuk-tuks they offered it for sale.  Maybe sting-operations - but seems to be somewhat tolerated.

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25 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Maybe not worse than some, but in Latin America, they don't care.  That is where I tell folks I have known who are into this to go, if they want to be ex-pats.  Maybe Cambodia - I smelled it a lot there, every few tuk-tuks they offered it for sale.  Maybe sting-operations - but seems to be somewhat tolerated.

Cambodia and Vietnam don't seem to care any more.

Available everywhere in both countries, all the cigarette girls sell it.

The advice seems to be ....... smoke it at your hotel or home, not in public and there won't be a problem.

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3 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:


I get its illegal here and thats just the way it is but I find it really odd why so many who enjoy a drink are against legalization of cannabis.  Its my body, my life and I am not doing any harm to anyone else so why can't I enjoy a smoke, as you can enjoy a drink ?

As I said its up to you, but don't attack people who don't agree with you. Fact is alcohol is legal, this isn't and that's all there is to say on the matter. 

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3 hours ago, car720 said:

If you read the post a little closer you would see that it was in relation to what constitutes a drug.

Why is it you think this a grey area? do you think nobody understands about caffeine except you? Fact is cannabis is illegal and that's that, very easy to understand. You not agreeing with that is up to you but don't try and suggest it is a grey area as it is very clear. I hope they don't make it legal, that is my opinion (except for proven prescription medication), if you are pro cannabis then that's up to you.

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3 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:


I get its illegal here and thats just the way it is but I find it really odd why so many who enjoy a drink are against legalization of cannabis.  Its my body, my life and I am not doing any harm to anyone else so why can't I enjoy a smoke, as you can enjoy a drink ?

Because alcohol is legal and cannabis is not. 

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3 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

There are no non using cannabis experts and I guess you won't read the other side as it doesn't support your view either.


I just find it a bit strange that the anti-pot brigade know all these stoners with mental health issues and yet I know of none .... no point, just the facts. 

If people are not right in the head then cannabis will probably not help them, but it also wasn't the underlying root of the problem.

Well you may not have known one but I have as have many others, it exists. You are assuming I am not open minded, why do you think that? I have looked at this, I have read a lot and apart from the medicinal benefits that look interesting I think the negatives outweigh the positives, simple as that. 


Most of the supporters I see are regular users with very lame arguments for it's legalisation,, however if you have a solid argument for the legalising of recreational use (apart from lame comparisons such as alocohol and tobacco) then I am all ears...

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

Well you may not have known one but I have as have many others, it exists. You are assuming I am not open minded, why do you think that? I have looked at this, I have read a lot and apart from the medicinal benefits that look interesting I think the negatives outweigh the positives, simple as that. 


Most of the supporters I see are regular users with very lame arguments for it's legalisation,, however if you have a solid argument for the legalising of recreational use (apart from lame comparisons such as alocohol and tobacco) then I am all ears...

Not really much point in giving you an argument for legalization as i dont think there should even be one. It should of never been illegal in the first place and theres some interesting reading around that.

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Look at amercia  and canada they made it legal.government makes tax the farmers do ok too..local taxes covered as well.something thailand and other countries could look into it makes sense.if you  don,t want to smoke it,you don,t have too,just like a idea with ladies of the night that does not exist.make it legal solves many problems.

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35 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

Not really much point in giving you an argument for legalization as i dont think there should even be one. It should of never been illegal in the first place and theres some interesting reading around that.

forgive my cynicism but i don't think you have a balanced argument. what i have never seen is an argument that balances in favour of legalisation (remember Im talking about recreational use). don't see any reason why you could not provide except the obvious, you don't have one. I am happy for you to prove me wrong.


have you looked at the negatives of the drug? perhaps you should,, search for things like the link to mental health issues, memory, lethargy, dependency, gateway to harder drugs etc,,, technically canabis doesn't have addiction properties but dependency issues are something different,, take a look if you are open minded enough,,


In the meantime, this Spanish guy to me is a dealer which this side of murder and child abuse is as bad as it gets. again just my view...

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17 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

forgive my cynicism but i don't think you have a balanced argument. what i have never seen is an argument that balances in favour of legalisation (remember Im talking about recreational use). don't see any reason why you could not provide except the obvious, you don't have one. I am happy for you to prove me wrong.


have you looked at the negatives of the drug? perhaps you should,, search for things like the link to mental health issues, memory, lethargy, dependency, gateway to harder drugs etc,,, technically canabis doesn't have addiction properties but dependency issues are something different,, take a look if you are open minded enough,,


In the meantime, this Spanish guy to me is a dealer which this side of murder and child abuse is as bad as it gets. again just my view...

Honestly when i saw you thought the alcohol and tobacco arguments were lame i just thought i was  wasting time trying to convince you. You may have read a bit about on the internet but not the same as real life experience. For me its a mostly harmless plant and even when abused ( which i did for well over 10 years) i cant say i have noticed any major deficiencies. Governments can tax it and get a healthy cut of the money . I dont need to associate with dodgy characters just to smoke a bit of pot. Theres a couple of extra arguments for legalization.

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1 minute ago, CraigInBangkok said:

Honestly when i saw you thought the alcohol and tobacco arguments were lame i just thought i was  wasting time trying to convince you. You may have read a bit about on the internet but not the same as real life experience. For me its a mostly harmless plant and even when abused ( which i did for well over 10 years) i cant say i have noticed any major deficiencies. Governments can tax it and get a healthy cut of the money . I dont need to associate with dodgy characters just to smoke a bit of pot. Theres a couple of extra arguments for legalization.

Why do you assume I have no life experience? I do, plenty of it, I have no idea who you are but I have more then most people I know, I have seen how this drug can wreck your life first hand.  Yes I research on the internet but my experience comes from life experience. The reason why I am saying do not compare to other things such as cigarettes and alcohol is simply because I believe it should be considered on it's own merits,, we should be weighing up the pluses and the minuses of the drug and making a decision based on that,, no emotive argument should be put forward such as "what about cigarettes"? (if you want to argue the point of making tobacco illegal thats a different argument). So again, tell me the plus points of the drug for recreational use that outweigh the minuses.. 

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On 6/26/2020 at 6:53 PM, csmith said:

Doctor friend of mine told me a year ago that individuals in Thailand allowed to grow up to three plants for their own use

Your friend, the doctor, was lying to you

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