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Fearing an election loss, Trump allies push him to be less polarizing

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3 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

He’s running against a 77-year old dementia-riddled has been.

If you mean president to be elected Biden he's beating 45 like a drum. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If you mean president to be elected Biden he's beating 45 like a drum. 

If you have faith in polls maybe you're right, but just for a second visualize America should Trump once again upset the Democrats. Oh god all the crying and hysteria, that would be awesome.

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Back to the ‘less polarizing’ bit.


Polls across the board all indicate the very distinct polarized views on this President, with around 40% supportive and 56% opposed.


Just over 3% are non committal in their responses.


The ‘silent majority’ doesn’t exist.


One might argue that the 3% are still

up for grabs, but Trump would have to make moves away from his base to only possibly gain 3%.


Meanwhile we await the first round of polling following ‘Bountygate’ and the Coronavirus is tightening its grip on a population that already expresses increasing concern over the President’s failures to deal with the pandemic.


Mitch McConnell is perhaps being generous in giving Trump until Labor Day to reverse his abysmal showing in the polls, either that or he thinks it will take two months to find a replacement for the failing incumbent.



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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

If you mean president to be elected Biden he's beating 45 like a drum. 

Just like Hillary was beating Trump like a drum. How'd that work out for you?

23 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Think about it this way: Whenever you see an ugly right-wing rally you see Trump signs and Trump flags.  Now go and start combing through images of the riots or CHOP. You know what you don’t see? A bunch of “Biden 2020” placards.   This tells you a lot about the relative health of the two political parties right now.



Yes it's true... there is little to no enthusiasm for Joe Biden.

1 minute ago, johnpetersen said:

Doesn't need to be. There's huge enthusiasm for beating Trump. And he even managed to stoke it on the 4th of July.

Good luck.

2 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

Biden's fundraising surpassed Trump's in May and June.

Yes, it's true. Suckering Black Lives Matters supporters is really paying off for Biden.

3 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

So what was the evidence that you believed that search term provided to prove your point that the surge in Biden's donations came from BLM supporters?

Your own link is some of the evidence. You should probably actually read it. LOL

  • Confused 1
1 minute ago, johnpetersen said:

Obviously you didn't read the article. Since it says that donations didn't go to the Biden campaign.

No, that is absolutely FALSE.


"Owens’ Instagram post features a video showing that BlackLivesMatter.com uses ActBlue for its donations. It then shows an OpenSecrets.org breakdown of expenditures by ActBlue made in the 2020 cycle; the top recipients are the presidential campaigns of Sen. Bernie Sanders, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren."


So it's a matter of public record. You lose. So try and connect the dots: donations to Black Lives Matter are collected by ActBlue. ActBlue donates to Democrat presidential campaigns, including that of Joe Biden. Not difficult to figure out, even with the hilarious attempts by factcheck.org to obfuscate.


Wouldn't it be easier for you to simply admit and accept the truth?



  • Confused 1
7 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Hallooooo????? Nothing you just posted refutes anything I've already posted on the matter. At least one BLM group uses ActBlue to collect their funds. ActBlue then funnels those funds to whomever they want, to include Joe Biden. How else do you think such a weak candidate no one is excited about collected so much money for two months? It's going to take a little honesty and logic for you to figure this out. I know you can do it.

No. False. Act Blue does not funnel the money to anyone it wants. It acts as a collection agent for various progressive organization. And gives the money to the organizations on whose behalf it collected the money. You still haven't read that article. Are you emulating Trump and his disinclination to read even short stretches of prose.

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1 minute ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

I hate to rain on your Trump parade but actually POTUS only got two judges in because Mitch McConnell held up Obama's nomination for the bench and waited for the election...293 days and the Senate Judiciary committee never had a hearing on it (unprecedented and even McConnel admitted it was not a rule and should not be passed as a resolution on "Meet The Press".) So your boy The Donald didnt do anything spectacular, that credit goes to the senator from Kentucky. (and what comes around goes around I might add...just wait)

Whatever the reasons he got those to nominate those judges, they are typical right wing types supported by the Federalist Society. That means that they are anti-labor and pro-corporation. Trump dis nothing special. And as you pointed out, these nominations fell into his lap. It's not like he had to do undertake any initiative.

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2 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

Whatever the reasons he got those to nominate those judges, they are typical right wing types supported by the Federalist Society. That means that they are anti-labor and pro-corporation. Trump dis nothing special. And as you pointed out, these nominations fell into his lap. It's not like he had to do undertake any initiative.

Using your logic, the same could be said for any president who nominates SCOTUS judges. Hey, whatever floats your boat. Carry on.

7 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

Maybe instead Trump should run on the virtues of the USMCA, the replacement for NAFTA. Because it's going to be a huge boost for a lot of workers. HUGE. Just not for American workers.

Japan auto companies triple Mexican pay rather than move to US

Trump hailed new NAFTA as American job generator, but higher prices appear in offing

The new North American free trade agreement that goes into effect Wednesday was touted by U.S. President Donald Trump as an engine of American job creation. But Japan's automakers are largely opting instead to keep operations in place and pay Mexican workers more or even just pay tariffs.


Personally, I think it's great that Mexican workers are getting a big boost in wages. It's long overdue. I'm just not so sure that Trump supporters will be thrilled about it. After all, Trump was counting on the deal to repatriate auto production to the USA and create American jobs.

Now these are some Mexicans who might illegally vote in America. But it would be for Trump, out of gratitude.

On 7/2/2020 at 9:51 PM, Stargrazer9889 said:

The Trump supporters will spout of all the GREAT stuff that Trump has done.

  Well he sure has not done a lot to tell the Americans to be wary of the 

Covid virus and socially distance and wear masks, look at his last rally

and all the non mask wearers.  How about the spikes in the covid numbers?

  I hope that Trump actually get the virus, so at least his tweets will be'

more limited, and seeing him in a hospital bed will not get a lot of voters

except for the dead head crew who would vote for him alive or dead.

Good Lucl in Novermber America, I hope all the Black People will actually

vote this time, as it would change the tide for the country.


You hope that Trump gets the virus? Well, we should at least from this vanquish all pretense that the Left is the "compassionate," "empathetic," party, the so-called "good-guys." They're the most intolerant, vitriolic, resentful, spiteful, bunch of hypocrites, humanity has had the dubious honor of bastardizing. I don't see too many right-wingers wishing death upon the careerist Joe Biden.


Are you SERIOUSLY going to preach about social distancing with endless BLM and Antifa mobs running amok in America?

On 7/2/2020 at 10:41 PM, bendejo said:

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

-- George Carlin, who also said


In America, anyone can become president. That's the problem.


As for me, I'll never say "nobody is that stupid" ever again.



And we all know how much Carlin would be a fan of the politically correct, race-baiting, virtue-signaling Left.

  • Confused 1

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