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Thailand’s health minister apologizes for not wearing a face mask


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9 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

You have missed the point. If a cloth covering or surgical mask will not protect from inhaling an airborne virus... it is certainly not going to prevent you from exhaling it. Wrapping a chain link fence around your front porch to keep out the mosquitoes is what I meant by absurdity. If you wanted to truly advise the public how to prevent transmission of a deadly airborne virus.. go take a look at what an virologist wears in a lab. Again... from my original post, wearing these masks are absurd. 

Yes, all the experts, the WHO, Chief Medical. officers etc etc are all wrong .........and you are right. 

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9 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

are absurd. 

What harm does it cause besides being 'absurd' to certain people?


Cloth face coverings are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the cloth face covering coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice. This is called source control. This recommendation is based on what we know about the role respiratory droplets play in the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19, paired with emerging evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that shows cloth face coverings reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth. COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet), so the use of cloth face coverings is particularly important in settings where people are close to each other or where social distancing is difficult to maintain. (ref CDC web site)

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12 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Yes, all the experts, the WHO, Chief Medical. officers etc etc are all wrong .........and you are right. 

Depends on Who you choose to believe, there are many medical experts who have told us they are useless, there are many factual articles stating they are useless for covid especially N95 masks, some masks have stamped on the packaging that they do nothing for the prevention of virus, Fauci is on record and video stating that masks are useless for covid, though he has now changed his mind, given his position and age he was easily "persuaded"?

WHO, are they credible - IMO - no! if you want to believe them, you have that option, the MSM are promoting the wearing of masks, if you believe they are credible and want to join in you are free to do so.

If you choose to wear a mask and breathe your own germs and CO2, don't become one of the "mask Police" please, you consider yourself protected with your mask and if you believe in it it will indeed protect you - maybe ????

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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

Depends on Who you choose to believe, there are many medical experts who have told us they are useless, there are many factual articles stating they are useless for covid especially N95 masks, some masks have stamped on the packaging that they do nothing for the prevention of virus, Fauci is on record and video stating that masks are useless for covid, though he has now changed his mind, given his position and age he was easily "persuaded"?

WHO, are they credible - IMO - no! if you want to believe them, you have that option, the MSM are promoting the wearing of masks, if you believe they are credible and want to join in you are free to do so.

If you choose to wear a mask and breathe your own germs and CO2, don't become one of the "mask Police" please, you consider yourself protected with your mask and if you believe in it it will indeed protect you - maybe ????

What I believe or don’t believe is neither here or there. The Governments cross the world are believing the advice given and imposing the rule to wear face coverings in different settings. 


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2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

What I believe or don’t believe is neither here or there. The Governments cross the world are believing the advice given and imposing the rule to wear face coverings in different settings. 

Your point is? - is questioning "governments" motives not permitted or have we already transited to the point where we are no longer allowed to question what we are being "advised" to do - regardless of our opinions or beliefs? I never realised we were now all supposed to be socialist/communists!

You are still allowed to have an opinion ????

Look back in history if you want to see what happened when people no longer voiced there opinions & beliefs ???? 

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5 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

the number of cases remain the same, testing or not. Testing simply gives the REPORTED numbers.

Recent PUI are nearly 2000 cases per day, most people reporting to hospitals with symptoms. Not one of these cases is positive. There is no justification to increase testing rate. 

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Maskas or no masks, kudos to him and the thai people, Let's us all just admit that many countries would or should be envious of Thailand and this administration of the huge success in controlling the virus and keeping it, so far, at bay...

It's more by luck than design, they were still letting in thousands from Wuhan at the peak of the chrisis there. 

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1 minute ago, CGW said:

Your point is? - 

My point is that if the EXPERTS are advising governments all around the world to wear face coverings to reduce transmissions and they are asking me to wear one on public transport and/ or indoor areas, who am I going to take advice from. 


Them, or some poster bleating on TV trying to sound like some kind of tough guy rebel. 

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1 minute ago, Kadilo said:

My point is that if the EXPERTS are advising governments all around the world to wear face coverings to reduce transmissions and they are asking me to wear one on public transport and/ or indoor areas, who am I going to take advice from. 


Them, or some poster bleating on TV trying to sound like some kind of tough guy rebel. 

???? O dear, you just do what you are told you little snowflake you ????

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10 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

You have missed the point. If a cloth covering or surgical mask will not protect from inhaling an airborne virus... it is certainly not going to prevent you from exhaling it. Wrapping a chain link fence around your front porch to keep out the mosquitoes is what I meant by absurdity. If you wanted to truly advise the public how to prevent transmission of a deadly airborne virus.. go take a look at what an virologist wears in a lab. Again... from my original post, wearing these masks are absurd. 

The mask prevents the droplets exhaled being spread - the virus being attached to the droplets.

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Yeah, the people making the rules don't follow the rules they are setting out for the rest of the normal citizens. Special people don't need to follow rules.  And why should they?  They understand the game they are perpetuating.  Do they look afraid of the terrible, 'killer virus' that they are telling you to be afraid of?  Nope.  Well, expand your mind and analyze why.
Anutin understands the game.  Tell the lowly Thais what to do, and then do the exact opposite.  When caught, apologize with a photo-op. Then have a great laugh with your buddies about making the commoners dance.  He's a billionaire minister!  A somebody!  He's above reproach from the commoners.  As are all the "somebodies." 

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3 hours ago, KhunKenAP said:

Sounds like he got a good reaming.


Need to just fire him. He is an unqualified for his position, farang bashing, medical personnel insulter, perhaps part of the facemask scandal and that is just what we know about.



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6 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Ya Im American a mask should be voluntary. Oh im 62 yo work in SW Asia, many young people at my camp under 40 tested positive for CV. But the senior citizen (ME) was negative. So what their telling you about who should be concerned is bunk

Obviously the world begins and ends at the entrance to your 'camp'........


How typically American.

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12 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

Here is an example of the Mask absurdity. He knows that it is ACTUALLY not going to protect him. If you were to ask him, and if he were to be honest, he would tell you what the vast majority of us already know... 


<comment on moderation removed> 

What does this guy know?  I would not trust him to cut my lawn.

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8 hours ago, nervona81732 said:

This whole CV-19 is a global hoax brought to you by the corrupt Globalists. Get over it. FM don't protect you from anything and CV-19 is unproven as in { not isolated } as in i.e. purified , which is a 70 year standard for labeling viruses and further more the the human geo nome grows stronger with exposure to virus's and bacteria. Natural body defenses mandate this. Obviously you sheeple believe the narrative and live in fear of dying. Probably because your old and compromised and take massive amounts of big pharma meds because your too lazy to take care of your own health. This CV-19 is nothing more than a seasonal flu which has mutated just like the body over comes exposure to such. I only wear a mask because mandated and NEVER put it over my nose because I KNOW I breath oxygen and breathing you own Co2 puts you in a HYPOXIA mode meaning your O2 ( oxyegen ) level is drastictly diminished which lowers your immune system hence you have vunerability to sickness. Figure it out ( SHEEPLE ) you have been deluded by your masters into brain washed slavery of your mind. No thanks ( not me ) enjoy your servitude to the globalist and their selfish minions. Cheers.

Do you wear a tinfoil hat all the time or just at weekends...?



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He of course has to make a statement like this to save his Scabby A%% in the Government Reshuffle.

All this guy needs to do is engage his brain upon wakening in them Morning, and concentrate all day.

Other Politicians all around the Globe seem to master the art.

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17 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

You have missed the point. If a cloth covering or surgical mask will not protect from inhaling an airborne virus... it is certainly not going to prevent you from exhaling it. Wrapping a chain link fence around your front porch to keep out the mosquitoes is what I meant by absurdity. If you wanted to truly advise the public how to prevent transmission of a deadly airborne virus.. go take a look at what an virologist wears in a lab. Again... from my original post, wearing these masks are absurd. 

And of course, you sir, know best - of course you do. Well done 'ole chappie - what a role model you are. 

The world will now sit up and beg your forgiveness for the stupidity of their actions that are saving countless lives.

Masks are now going to be banned worldwide Toungle Thaied hath decreed. Herewith is the truth.

Here endeth the lesson!


but you carry on doing your 'thing'!

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18 hours ago, ezzra said:

Maskas or no masks, kudos to him and the thai people, Let's us all just admit that many countries would or should be envious of Thailand and this administration of the huge success in controlling the virus and keeping it, so far, at bay...

It's because this particular minister made headlines weeks ago, ranting to the media about 'dirty farangs' spreading the disease by NOT wearing masks. Now Anutin is exposed publicly as a hypocrite and a 'dirty thai'.

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23 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Ya Im American a mask should be voluntary. Oh im 62 yo work in SW Asia, many young people at my camp under 40 tested positive for CV. But the senior citizen (ME) was negative. So what their telling you about who should be concerned is bunk

Maybe you are one of the many false negatives???  About 30 percent are.

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On 7/10/2020 at 5:13 AM, Tounge Thaied said:

Totally agree... no matter how it happened it is good news for everyone. I do wonder though if it has to do with testing. For example the U.S. is now providing free testing on nearly every street corner (yes a bit of an exaggeration) and correspondingly the amount of "cases" have gone up. In contrast, i suspect that Thailand does not have an aggressive testing capability thus the numbers, counting the numbers, remains low. 

"Ignorance is Strength!"  is your motto or whatever it's called at the bottom of your post.  Well played!

Edited by ricklev
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On 7/10/2020 at 6:48 AM, Mikeasq60 said:

Thank you Sir, or Maam for your post!

Have the editors of TV ever heard about the New York Times and basically in America people dont trust it because of their narrative and who the NYT supports, its not the people. This isnt unbiased all you have to do is read it on a daily basis and know Thai Visa is pushing something here.

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6 hours ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Dont think so Im here to write about it today. If your in Thailand are you afraid to leave your home because of CV, if yes so sad.

Yeah tell all the dead people or ones on respirators or the ones whose lungs are thrashed. It is quite real. 

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On 7/10/2020 at 3:37 AM, webfact said:

Thailand’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul has offered a public apology for not wearing a face mask,

oh God/Buddha have mercy.... the guy is a "walking disaster" in communication skills

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On 7/10/2020 at 3:48 AM, Tounge Thaied said:

Here is an example of the Mask absurdity. He knows that it is ACTUALLY not going to protect him. If you were to ask him, and if he were to be honest, he would tell you what the vast majority of us already know... 


<comment on moderation removed> 

It sounds like you are from the USA who else believes nonsense like that.

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