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Thailand changes entry rules after new COVID-19 cases spark second wave fear


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1 hour ago, turgid said:

Quite clearly the virus does discriminate. The population of the UK and Thailand are about the same. Thailand has 60 reported Covid deaths and the UK 45,000. 

Immunity and tolerance to infection has always varied by tribe ,race, age sex and behaviour.  The science and data exists to analyse this. The refusal to acknowledge difference, discuss difference or use it constructively in policy planning and setting is an act of scientific and political cowardice especially in "woke" western countries.




In the UK they messed up and they don't want to wear masks (just look at the hotly debated topic recently opened). Maybe they should only let foreigners in who will wear a mask and deport those who get caught without. Mask wearing has helped but quite a lot still refuse it.


Sure there are Thais too but its their country, most Thais still wear masks and don't want the extra risk from non mask wearing foreigners. 

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10 hours ago, Pilotman said:

My wife has just been reading a report on a Thai website that says aircrew may become subject to additional restrictions, if implemented by the PM, who is considering such a move.  Lets hope he sees sense. . 

As a general you would think he knows the rest regulations of aircrew .apparently not

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19 minutes ago, madmen said:

As a general you would think he knows the rest regulations of aircrew .apparently not


As a general(issimo) why would or should he know about aircrew rest days? Unless perhaps you’re talking about general knowledge...

Edited by Geroniman
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4 minutes ago, Geroniman said:


As a general(issimo) why would or should he know about aircrew rest days? Unless perhaps you’re talking about general knowledge...

You don't get to be a general unless you GET the big picture .At least that's how it works in the west. He could not go to war and its really not rocket science

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Well just goes to show unless your in supervised quarantine there will always be some dick that will break the rules.

Thailand have done a great job in controlling the virus up to this point,no use harping on about it now. The next thing is to not allow it to happen again. Hopefully no one will come down with the virus and things here will remain open. But it does put a big question mark on opening up the borders to tourists,even limited numbers and wealthy people. The virus does not discriminate,rich,poor,celebity LOL,diplomat. We all breath,bleed and <deleted>. A lot of business have reopened,employed staff and are trying to make the most out of a bad situation. You can move freely around Thailand and enjoy what it has to offer,maybe a few are missing the bars and the ladies. The last thing Thailand needs right now is another shutdown,keep the borders closed to tourists. If people fall into the allowed returnees, please keep them in quarantine until the have been cleared. I think this going to last a lot longer than people think so,this might be the norm for awhile.

Does this impact me,yes it does. My wife has lost her part time job,her brother and his misses have lost their jobs and moved away from Phuket. The brother is coming up to CM to live with us and try and find work up here as he has no money. My wife and I are looking after his son now,his mother is out of work too. This also makes it hard for my misses and her brother to send money to their parents so they can buy food and pay for electricity and stuff. Looks like I might be helping out there very soon. 
No sick buffaloes,I already checked. But the brother is confident he will get work,he will do anything to survive. Just needs a hand until things improve. If they get a second wave and have to close up shop again,it will be a lot worse than the first wave. So as far as I am concerned,stuff the tourists,stuff the sexpats they can wait. Let Thailand get back to some sort of normality,let people try and get employment in other areas.

Anyway rant finished for the day.

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all this  concern by you  farang about the poor Thai people.   so charming.    Thailand did fine before 40 million  tourists.  I have not read of anyone starving to death.  I have heard rumors of a few suicides.    I wish I was in Thailand  now.  but I'm doing ok here in USA.  I'm hunkered down  pretty good.   I bought N95 masks in early February  because I read real news and I returned via Shanghai Jan 21. 

I think there is a different motive for you  expats.   I think your not enjoying drinking alone.  

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19 minutes ago, madmen said:

You don't get to be a general unless you GET the big picture .At least that's how it works in the west. He could not go to war and its really not rocket science

Not a big deal, but if you’re a general ‘in the west’ you’re not running the country! But even a PM would likely know little or nothing about aircrew rest days unless or until he was briefed by his spads or civil servants.

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