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What do you wish you had known before you moved to Thailand


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16 hours ago, IvGeg said:

Now a simmilar questiong from a young and naive man who is considering to move to SE Asia. From that I've read on TV: Don't buy, just rent. Don't put here more than you can afford to lose.

Both good advises, but a whole book can be written about "What you wish to know before moving to Thailand"...????


Sometimes it more easy just to move; however, a bit of homework and preparation for sure helps. I managed, and thinking back there is really nothing I wished that I knew before, but I did also did read a bit, and had a few trips to prepare myself about the culture and the possibilities, so everything worked well enough for my above statement.


Listen to what people say – especially warnings – and pick what you think is right for you. We all have little different life-style, financial background, preferences and expectations...????

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Probably the biggest thing was how visa laws/regulations were interpreted from province to province. Thought everyone read from the same book with minor interpretation differences, not so.  Same with getting my first bank account and buying a car, each branch/dealer had different rules.  Lessons learned and rolling with it. 

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

Actually Yinn, just about every guy I know has married a sex worker.

Most are still together after several years.

Ok. That interesting. Really. 


How many? (guys you know) 

You in Bangkok? (bkk)

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In Yinns defence it must be difficult iF you’re a hotel receptionist and you’re seeing ladies coming and going earning more in a couple of night for banging customers than you’re earning in month.


It’s only natural you may be a tad peeved and look down at them. You’re not gonna be inclined to invite them round for dinner are you. 


The price pf morality i guess. Some have it some want the money. 



Edited by Kadilo
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16 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

In Yinns defence it must be difficult iF you’re a hotel receptionist and you’re seeing ladies coming and going earning more in a couple of night for banging customers than you’re earning in month.


It’s only natural you may be a tad peeved and look down at them. You’re not gonna be inclined to invite them round for dinner are you. 


The price pf morality i guess. Some have it some want the money. 



The hotel I work part time, uni holidays + new year high season before is not sex tourist hotel. Is family hotel. Couples. 


But we see sex worker a lot in the town. 

We not invite them for dinner because peeved the money. It because


1) the customer so old, ugly, fat, etc. It look weird. Not nature.


Some old, ugly, fat Thai man use the sex worker same. Up to him/you.

Discreet ok. Never see.

But farang In the plaza, street, tourist kids, Thai kids, etc. pity.


I think if you see young, handsome 20 year old guy act same that with Grandma Fatty in the plaza. What you think? Not nature.


2) the behavior of the worker is not good. They know there behavior is not polite. They not care.


*Nobody think sex worker is rich, peeved the money. If they rich, they will not be sex worker, sure. Most is Issan.


To the OP, IMO 2 things good idea make your life happy in Thailand.

1) have real girlfreind

2) learn speak thai. (I want to say before, but some members this also sensitive issue) 


Make it easy for you make freinds, like that. 

If you choose another country, I think my 1 and 2) same


Freinds will help you in thailand. 

Good luck.

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11 hours ago, IvGeg said:

So when you crash with someone usually they ask you to pay no matter who was right. It is just their customs and police will back this side. Is it true?


10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:




When you crash in Thailand you phone your insurance company. 

They come, take photo. White spray the road. 

Not neccessary police come. Only insurance company. 

Better if police not come. Police want money. Just call insurance company. 


If the other person is wrong your insurance company will say. Sure.


3) get car insurance.

Edited by Yinn
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24 minutes ago, Yinn said:

The hotel I work part time, uni holidays + new year high season before is not sex tourist hotel. Is family hotel. Couples. 


But we see sex worker a lot in the town. 

We not invite them for dinner because peeved the money. It because


1) the customer so old, ugly, fat, etc. It look weird. Not nature.


Some old, ugly, fat Thai man use the sex worker same. Up to him/you.

Discreet ok. Never see.

But farang In the plaza, street, tourist kids, Thai kids, etc. pity.


I think if you see young, handsome 20 year old guy act same that with Grandma Fatty in the plaza. What you think? Not nature.


2) the behavior of the worker is not good. They know there behavior is not polite. They not care.


*Nobody think sex worker is rich, peeved the money. If they rich, they will not be sex worker, sure. Most is Issan.


To the OP, IMO 2 things good idea make your life happy in Thailand.

1) have real girlfreind

2) learn speak thai. (I want to say before, but some members this also sensitive issue) 


Make it easy for you make freinds, like that. 

If you choose another country, I think my 1 and 2) same


Freinds will help you in thailand. 

Good luck.


I don't speak Thai and I still made Thai friends('i' comes before the 'e'). It's really comes down to who you are.

I can make friends anywhere. 

Of course there are many here who came to meet a local woman, but didn't take or didn't have the time to nurture a real relationship.


For me, I really returned for the beaches, food etc Local women never came into it and still don't. 


But on the other hand, I understand many guys here have had bad experiences in their country and really just wanted someone who cared about them. Sadly many of these guys leapt from the frying pan and into the fire.


So again. I am not so quick to judge. It's not just good or bad, black or white.


I also see your side. Maybe that's why it's so easy for me to make friends. I am friendly. ????



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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

In Yinns defence it must be difficult iF you’re a hotel receptionist and you’re seeing ladies coming and going earning more in a couple of night for banging customers than you’re earning in month.


It’s only natural you may be a tad peeved and look down at them. You’re not gonna be inclined to invite them round for dinner are you. 


The price pf morality i guess. Some have it some want the money. 




I'm sure Yinn is not poor and even if she is, so what? She still isn't choosing to sell herself.

It's not just about morality. Sex work affects more than just your morality. 


I may have more money than the sex workers and I wouldn't invite them for dinner with my family either. What would we talk about? The weather?

Uncomfortable and embarrassing. Awkward silence or lies when asked about their occupation. 

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14 hours ago, rumak said:

not my definition.     mine is more like    work together with a common purpose:   help each

                                                            other,  and respect each other    


Agree, but it still needs two to tango. Who says you or the other half will keep up?

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14 hours ago, Yinn said:

Hi IvGeg, 

Only loosers pay for love. 

Try dating, same normal people. 

Have relationship with sex worker will be trouble.


In Thailand sex workers are very low class. 99% Thai people will think you idiot if do that.

You will not have friends in normal society if do that. Her friends and family will want money same.

Life will be terrible. You will hate thailand if do that. You will only be friends with other sex tourist. Sad.


Good luck Sir.

Losers pay for sex, not for love. They know that.

The real losers are the ones (like me) that fall in love to easily and pay for the consequences afterwards. So my take as well is 'rent not buy'.

For the rest of your post, I salute you.

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10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I generally avoid Muslims as well, they ain't that friendly.

I'm not friends with hotel receptionists either, that's a step down from 7-11 staff (who are required to have attended school until age 15).


What are you talking about? I visited Malaysia before I visited Thailand and found the people super friendly. I had families inviting me back to their houses for dinner and I was only chatting to them at a train station, as an example.

Your erroneous beliefs appear ingrained. Women takers. Muslims unfriendly. No.


Even Malaysian Immigration. All smiles and welcome. Thai, no.

I used to work behind the reception desk with my Thai friends just for fun. 

Obviously you are a bit annoyed with Yinn, but she is voicing her opinion. No need to involve ordinary hard working people in your spat.

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13 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

1) I find some amazing architecture around Bangkok

2) Food's great, although most western offerings suck

3) Hot and muggy, although not life changing - lived in southern Arizona for many years. showering helps and there's always air.

4) Welcome to the world. But I find it less so here than in the States.

5) Been happily married to a Thai woman for 20 years

6) I avoid farangs

7) Ride whenever possible. Traffic sucks

6) It's hard not to say it, but what's you doin here on tvf

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26 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


What are you talking about? I visited Malaysia before I visited Thailand and found the people super friendly. I had families inviting me back to their houses for dinner and I was only chatting to them at a train station, as an example.

Your erroneous beliefs appear ingrained. Women takers. Muslims unfriendly. No.


Even Malaysian Immigration. All smiles and welcome. Thai, no.

I used to work behind the reception desk with my Thai friends just for fun. 

Obviously you are a bit annoyed with Yinn, but she is voicing her opinion. No need to involve ordinary hard working people in your spat.

I think he's putting the knife in and twisting it. Just a dig I think.

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5 hours ago, tartampion said:

A good link to read from top to bottom :

The true face of Thailand today


Quote :”Love is Sex and Sex is Love. Period.
Love and sex are constrained within the principles of Buddha : celibacy is better than family life, and sex is very limited by the teachings of Buddha : you can have sex only with a single and adult honest woman. Thais are really not concerned by the pleasures of sex, even prostitutes who just simulatesexual pleasure. Just for the show”

The author does not sound like a happy and lucky person.


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6 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

What do you wish you had known before you moved to Thailand


That within 12 years I would have to endure all the bureaucratic paperwork and strict financial requirements to get a non-O retirement visa!. But now I am a "happy bunny" as I live happily relaxed in stress free and visa friendly Cambodia.

And still chatting with guys on TVF? Probably you have strong connection to the country. Or in Cambodia is not big expat community to communicate. Did you consider Laos? 

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4 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Let’s face it, a lot of Thai women have lying to a fine art. Some can’t even be honest about what sex they are. Who the f.uck are they to judge anyone? 

With the greatest of respect, it’s ok you being derogatory with some of your cliches (re dogs and fleas.....pretty disgusting things to say imo considering there are guys on here married to ex sex workers) but your missus could quite easily have been a previous sex worker. You would never know. If you think you would, you’re delusional. Of course you will say never. Smarter guys than you have found out a  lot worse cos they had they head shoved too far up their own a.rse. 

My take is, I treat everyone the same. Whatever their background, previous history, good or bad and judge them as a person for myself. You, or I have absolutely no idea what their previous life was like and what may have taken them down a certain path. It’s called the past for a reason. If you have not got one it’s cos you have not lived. 

I have more respect for someone who is honest and admits they have done things they may regret, or if they don’t regret they don't need to explain to me or anyone else their reasons. Truth is they are probably far more interesting to talk to and have more life experience than many. Of course you would find it uncomfortable and embarrassing because you think you are above these type of people. Others might find your missus a total bore. Each to their own. 

My family would welcome anyone I chose because they would respect my choice irrespective of their history. If anyone chose to disrespect me or my choice then i am quite happy to stay away from them whether they be friends or family. 



It appears that you misunderstood the analogy.

It meant that if you jump into a pool of sharks hoping to find a friendly dolphin, don't be surprised to fmeet a hungry shark.

Going to Pattaya to find an honest woman is a big risk.

Another meaning concerns the association. People judge you because of your association.


So the rest of your post is moot. In fact I lived with a sex worker as a teenager. So you have grabbed the wrong end of the stick if you think that I'm judging. Especially when I already wrote that I don't and also have sympathy for those with the best of intentions.


My 'missus' is not Asian.



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What about Thai people as friends guys or girls? Are they honest with you from the beginning or see you as a person they can get some benefits with? If I need a help would they help just because of we are mates? For example if I have a problem with my car I can ask here me mate, shout him a beer and fix it together on a weekend, have a drink and chat. Next time he might ask me to help him move to another house and I'll do it as mutual respect thing. Or just pop up for a tea and chat when you have free time?

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9 hours ago, Yinn said:

Not say they “bad”



They have a job that is not sex worker right.

Is different, sure. There monthly income is from sex work. 


You say before your wife is sex worker. If not sex worker you will not say that right? You will say “bank worker” or what the job. 



I not worry. But is popular topic TVF. 

The OP want advice. Other guy talk about sex worker, I say IMO is not good idea. 



Is not comfortable situation.

eg in Australia you social with sex worker. You take sex worker your new year work party, with your boss?

To your mother and dad house?

Go your freinds wedding? 

What they think? 


If OP want make thai freinds better not have. Social isolation.


They think same Yinn, sure. Thankyou be honest your speaking, I be honest same. 


Most people “look down” on sex worker. I am polite, so not say the bad thing.


Sex worker word is most polite. Thai men say very rude way about sex workers.  English same. Maybe every language.


Is true. I think you know same. I think every country most think same way. 

Can not change that. You know. 

Not good 4YourEgo. 


Good luck to OP. Remember what I say. 

Good luck 4MyEgo return Australia November. Forget what I say.





ps. Welcome TVF. 

We very stranger people. Everyone crazy a little bit.

Yinn do you understand how marriage works?


The husband earns all the money and pays for everything for the wife. Buys a house, land, cars, clothes, jewelry, etc.


What does the wife give the husband? Cooking and sex.


In the end the results are all the same.


Men end up paying their entire lives.


You, least of all people, should judge other people regardless of what they do for work.


Many sex workers married farangs and have much much more than you and me. Does that upset you?


Maybe they are smarter than you think. Getting fistful's of dollars probably more than a married housewife gets from her husband.


Why in Thailand do men have Mia Noi's and Gik's? Isn't that all about more sex? Isn't that inbred in Thai culture?


Do you look down on all those men and women?


Trying to judge people, just because you aren't them, sorry, I don't want to know people that think they are better than everyone else.


As long as people are happy with their own choices, who is to say they are bad people?


Most people that work in the sex industry are pretty down to earth, and cool to hang around.


Same as ladyboys and lesbians. 


When farangs get married to rural gals, the family hides all the ladyboy's and lesbian's in the family till after the wedding.


Then surprise! They all show up for the party. Guess what? They are all just as cool as everyone else.


Thai people that think they are above anyone?


They are just kidding themselves because there are not.


The most desperate Thai woman is not a sex worker who knows exactly where she stands, it is the Mia Noi's and Gik's wanting to be with someone else's man.





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