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No one knows what Thailand is doing right, but so far, it’s working


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Thailand's peak infection rate was probably in January before anyone had heard of Covid 19. It has followed the natural curve seen in most countries do rapid growth followed by a slow but steady decline. 

Add in in very limited testing and it is easy to see that they haven't done any better than a country like Sweden that had very limited lockdown.

Damage to the economy is massive and will only be seen in years to come.

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I too also wonder if Thais not being a 'touchy/feely' race has helped. Traditionally Couples never kiss on the lips, even during sex! Wai-ing and traditional Thai male's and female's have largely seperate cultures, as they used to have in the West. Thais also have a traditional discouragement of physical contact in public between couples and between people generally I think; even between mothers and children. There seems to be little hugging, cuddling or hand holding, even when crossing the road. Mind u, I suppose the food sharing probably largely negates this...555.


Must also be the heat and, despite slow starting and the almost complete lack of testing, a good ongoing response from the Thai government learning from and copying the successful surrounding countrie's responses which was the right thing to do. (Unlike the appalling and unbelievably incompetant know it all response of my UK government and it's so-called scientific experts.!!!)

Edited by SunsetT
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10 hours ago, bodga said:

the answer was  in my reply, Thais constantly maul their masks, many worn at half  mast Ive even seen some  pull them down, cough profusely and then pull them back up may as  well wear a bucket  full  of  holes.

Ok. Fully agree. Just yesterday saw a Thai pull the mask down to sneeze.

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On 7/21/2020 at 3:00 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

THAILAND COVID NUMBERS are an insult even for a buffalo inteligence.

could be funny if not for the fact that this is exactly how this epidemic became

a global pandemic - by lying government.

I would agree that the actual cases will be higher than the total report like in many other countries before government think it is serious.  Before lock down, there might be a case that escape the system even in hospital visit.  Even during lock down their might be a lot of mild symptom cases escape the system as that people will just stay home.  However, it is difference between undetected cases and intentionally lying about the number.  Many first world countries also incapable of report truly accurate number involving people dying at home.  Some countries does go back to check it later while a lot of them is just too busy to control the current ongoing situation.

Thus, if you tries to say the actual number is higher.  There is no argument about that and it is probably true for all many other countries as well.

But, if you say the number in government hand is higher and they are lying about it.  Then, it is just one personal belief and probably cannot do anything much about it.

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On 7/20/2020 at 5:51 PM, jmccarty said:

Taking your shoes off at the door though not exclusive to Thailand, is no doubt, keeping it out of our house to some extent.  American's don't do this simple act and are happy to spread dog poo around the house, and anything else they walk through outside.

Many countries take shoes off outside. Yet they still have high infect. nos. Take Middle East e.g.

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