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No one knows what Thailand is doing right, but so far, it’s working


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First one (Nov 19-Jan) they ignored as the knowledge of the virus wasn't in the public, second one (March) they managed to contain. As soon as the borders open there will be a third. From what I've seen they are trying to get the testing capability up, but the tracing is still an Egyptian joke. 


Is it working? Yeah, for time being.

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2 hours ago, chilli42 said:

Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar etc ... Vietnam being the star of this group with zero deaths.  Meanwhile the buffoons i. Singapore and Hong Kong can’t seem to get things under control.  No doubt countries like Thailand are just smarter, better prepared with superior public health systems.  I how the public health authorities in Singapore and Hong Kong are on the ground in Thailand to understand how to do things properly.

Where does Philippines and Indonesia fit into your thinking?? They are way behind the others based on stats at the moment.

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9 hours ago, yellowboat said:

It appears that if you have a healthy diet and no existing ailments, the virus is either unnoticable or acts just like the flu and is gone in a few days.  Other than businesses struggling, normalcy is returning to Saigon.   

It has been found that in asymptomatik cases there was still damage to lung, blood vessels. You will feel consequences at some stage.

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9 hours ago, sweatalot said:

This would mean the virus is far from being as deadly as reported everywhere - otherwise the death rate in Thailand would increase strikingly 








Edited by Enoon
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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Yeah, right, in Thailand they just deport them. Where you think the infected returning workers from thailand got sick ? Clearly Thailand,  and clearly a huge problem not being tested

They were already in quarantine in Thailand and got returned from there. You are talking nonsense.

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On 7/19/2020 at 7:32 AM, worgeordie said:

Ditto, last year I had been in a shop,pulled the keys out of my pocket

and my driving licence an Makro card must have fallen out too,i did

not know till i got home,so quickly returned to Makro,nobody had handed

in there,next shop,greeted by smiling guard,with cards in his hand

thanked him profusely ,they could have been replaced,but the drivers

licence would have been a headache

regards worgeordie


13 hours ago, RichardColeman said:
UK 294,792 +726 45,300 +27 N/A N/A 142 4,341 667 13,293,523 195,771 67,903,554
Thailand 3,249 +3 58   3,096 95 1 47 0.8 603,657 8,647 69,808,827

Nope, they just don't test anyone - uk 13.3 million tests (20% of population), Thailand 603,00 (0.8% of population). Don't test, you don;t find them.


It's also probably the reason why Thailand is not thought of as a covid free country by the UK government



I fully agree. For example The Bangkok testings amounted less than 4%. Here we talk about the capital not the country side. The rulers are simply hiding the truth. Otherwise why should they apply such severe anti-covid measures if according to the figures it shouldnt be necessary.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Didn't someone recently test 1,000 Thais and find 20% had COVID anti-bodies?

I'd say it's Thailands government lying that produces the good results.



Centralized datas in a country with not too much transparency are arguable.

I wonder if the datas from western countries are verifiable or not ?

First thing one should do with any data is to wonder if it's exact, and how to verify that. Decentralized system are better for that, with the right mechanisms.


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Taking your shoes off at the door though not exclusive to Thailand, is no doubt, keeping it out of our house to some extent.  American's don't do this simple act and are happy to spread dog poo around the house, and anything else they walk through outside.

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Next, regarding the reported number.  If anybody tries to say that the government is lying about the number, that person believe too much in conspiracy theory.  There are 2 main reason; the first one is 'doctors does not lie and has no reason to lie'.  The second one, with Thailand political is deeply divides into all groups of society, there is no way to hide the truth.  Even the Egyptian military and Diplomatic Family member reported case by the government itself almost get the government itself in trouble.  PM has to comes out to say sorry and admit that there is still a loop hole in the quarantine system.

For the people claiming about the dead number during Thailand peak period, I believe the same as well that the total COVID-19 dead might be higher than reality as testing criteria is very strict initially.  However, at the moment, All patients with pneumonia symptom are required for COVID-19 testing.  To say, there might be mild case floating around is easy.  To say, there are only mild cases without any severe cases is difficult.  After all patients with pneumonia symptom is required to be screen for COVID-19 and no COVID-19 case is detected, it is not very logical to go after general population for COVID-19 testing.

Thus, saying no testing no detect is not quite apply here as no pneumonia patient is tested positive for COVID-19.

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Regarding the COVID-19 symptom and death, people who just use statistic without understanding medical advancement will just simply make a wrong conclusion.  In the early stage of pandemic, we have less info on the virus; how it is transmitted, how it effects our body, when is the right time to intervene.  Even though, we still do not have a vaccine, we do understand this virus much better.
1. Initially, we think COVID-19 caused lung damage and need respirator to help patient going through this phase.  Later, we learn that this virus actually caused blood clog in lung and many organs in our body and thus Oxygen transfer is much reduced.  Aspirin and Heparin help reduced this symptom and thus respirator is no longer needed.
2. During initial outbreak, we advice mild symptom patient to stay home to safe the bed for critically ill people.  Many mild symptom people dies because of 'Happy Hypoxia' in which Oxygen level is our blood is reduced to the critical level of before showing its symptom and then no time to make corrective action.  Normally, our body will show sign of difficult breathing once oxygen drop below 90%.  But, you will really feel it once you reach critical level of 70% and finish.  Now we have Pulse Oximeter to measure oxygen level for mild symptom patient.  Once, oxygen goes beolw 93%, they are suupose to geos directly to hospital and still have enough time for doctor to help the patient.
3. Initially, we try to keep the antivirus for critically ill patient and now we learn that it is better to intervene early and it will use less medical overall.
4. Many patients are dying of 'Cytokine Storm'  which some patient antibody is highly reactive and not only fighting the virus but killing oneself.  Now we learn that Steroid with the right amount can control this effect.

With advancement in knowledge about the virus, simply using data from one period to imply situation in another period is just simply wrong.

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The mask wearing crowds of Thailand and likely in most of Asia are helping the

 populations keep the spread of Covid 19 and other infections down. The Asians do not see

wearing a mask as a loss to their freedoms.     It will be a long time yet before the Western

part of the world get this attitude.    In Canada there are people still protesting their loss

of freedom for wearing a mask. These are very stupid people and I hope that at least

a few of them come to their senses, soon.  Keep up the good effort Thailand and Asia, some day

there will be a vaccine, and then we can all start to relax the cautions a bit.


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18 hours ago, sweatalot said:

This would mean the virus is far from being as deadly as reported everywhere - otherwise the death rate in Thailand would increase strikingly 



Except everyone lives in their own bubbles in Thailand, and there are very loose rules on reporting cause of death 

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17 hours ago, sezze said:

This means to 2 possibble answers . A the nrs are not there , or B they got a lot of infections but they do not get as sick as other people on the planet . Im guessing on option B , and that would be a genetic thing

I'll tell you what it is - it's age related.


The average age of death from COVID is thought to be around 82 years old.


The average age of death in Thailand is lower than 80.


There's your difference. The people who would normally die from this disease are already dead.


Edited by ukrules
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4 hours ago, ukrules said:

I'll tell you what it is - it's age related.


The average age of death from COVID is thought to be around 82 years old.


The average age of death in Thailand is lower than 80.


There's your difference. The people who would normally die from this disease are already dead.


Of deaths , sure can be . But much younger people do end up in hospital also , only they have big chance to survive . Like i said , if the cases are there , and the situation is the same like in my country , people would know that there is something going on , and no it isnt only the news . I know several people confirmed C19 , 4 far family members who died ( within 3 weeks of eachother ) , and at least 1 who was on ventilator in intensive care . I do not have huge social contacts , and neither do i have facebook or anywhere else i heard of . Saying it is only in the news , isn't correct and we certainly should know .

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8 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Not sure what you're saying but remember masks are about protecting others more than protecting youself. The evidence is there. Seems that some don't believe this. Some people actually think it's their right not to wear one which by logical extension means it's thier right to possibly infect others. Selfish, stupid people.

the answer was  in my reply, Thais constantly maul their masks, many worn at half  mast Ive even seen some  pull them down, cough profusely and then pull them back up may as  well wear a bucket  full  of  holes.

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8 hours ago, jmccarty said:

Taking your shoes off at the door though not exclusive to Thailand, is no doubt, keeping it out of our house to some extent.  American's don't do this simple act and are happy to spread dog poo around the house, and anything else they walk through outside.

You might, but I always watch where I tread.

In Thailand, if you don't, you're risking falling down a hole.

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On 7/20/2020 at 1:02 AM, mooseman said:

They tested 100 000 personnel from hospitals and transportation looking for antibodies, 20 000 had antibodies.




If 20,000 had antibodies, i assume that means 20,000 contracted the virus. Otherwise what the hell are they doing with antibodies. 


Yet Thailand claims to only have had 3250 cases in TOTAL. 





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8 hours ago, kumphanart said:

Regarding the COVID-19 symptom and death, people who just use statistic without understanding medical advancement will just simply make a wrong conclusion.  In the early stage of pandemic, we have less info on the virus; how it is transmitted, how it effects our body, when is the right time to intervene.  Even though, we still do not have a vaccine, we do understand this virus much better.
1. Initially, we think COVID-19 caused lung damage and need respirator to help patient going through this phase.  Later, we learn that this virus actually caused blood clog in lung and many organs in our body and thus Oxygen transfer is much reduced.  Aspirin and Heparin help reduced this symptom and thus respirator is no longer needed.
2. During initial outbreak, we advice mild symptom patient to stay home to safe the bed for critically ill people.  Many mild symptom people dies because of 'Happy Hypoxia' in which Oxygen level is our blood is reduced to the critical level of before showing its symptom and then no time to make corrective action.  Normally, our body will show sign of difficult breathing once oxygen drop below 90%.  But, you will really feel it once you reach critical level of 70% and finish.  Now we have Pulse Oximeter to measure oxygen level for mild symptom patient.  Once, oxygen goes beolw 93%, they are suupose to geos directly to hospital and still have enough time for doctor to help the patient.
3. Initially, we try to keep the antivirus for critically ill patient and now we learn that it is better to intervene early and it will use less medical overall.
4. Many patients are dying of 'Cytokine Storm'  which some patient antibody is highly reactive and not only fighting the virus but killing oneself.  Now we learn that Steroid with the right amount can control this effect.

With advancement in knowledge about the virus, simply using data from one period to imply situation in another period is just simply wrong.


Excellent post.


Regarding point 2. Was watching a guy who was staying at home with the virus, but as the virus got worst he didn't rationalise to get to a hospital. This was because his oxygen levels had fallen so much they were effecting his brain and rational thinking. He remained at home and got worst and worst, however a friend eventually took him to hospital. 

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In most of Asia it is known that the people have pretty strong immunities

  from their diet, and living conditions. In America there is a lot of out of shape

people living at MacDonalds, A and W, Wendys, Burger King, KFC, etc, remember 

supersizing, it never reached Asia. Now look at the numbers of deaths in America in only 6 months.

   In November  it may be doubled.  I am happy not to be living in the USA today.

I do hope they get Mr Biden in as the next president. He may or may not be much better

but at least he will tweet a lot less, and he does talk a lot more presidential.



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