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Medical professor recommends delay of travel bubble for at least 6 months


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7 minutes ago, shortstop said:

It's not necessarily a binary choice between keeping the border closed for public health or opening the border so people don't starve.  A third choice is taxing the billionaires so that the people don't starve.


But first, the power is in the hands of these minority of billionaires people in this so free world wide market (like in a old western movie), not in a kind of democracy.

And second, if they do that (give some money to help there own humans, or maybe there own citizen), they should test more and see that Thailand is same, as contaminated as other countries (maybe lower, maybe upper, but not far around), so vaccine in preparation would not have so much interest to be forced to be used widely, and billionaires would probably loose a lot of money. (and a half billion is not enough for them to have a correct life my dear...)

The interest of billionaires is absolutely not to give money, but to invest and make more money with some high cost medics people can buy (better is they have an obligation...).

For example, in my country, government forbid hydro-chloroquine medic used by one of the best doctor of virology there (who has a very good result and was attacked by pseudo specialists... (specialists that in fact, has been paid by "Gelead" big pharma company to increase a lobby to sale an other one medic, more dangerous, but also much more expensive... much much more), this medic (hydro-chloroquine) was free and very cheap to buy for as long as 30 years without a problem (used for Malaria, named Nivaquine), and said it is a poison when, in the same time, they buy 70 million for the army (more than strange).


What is not clear there about lobby and money from billionaires around the world ? They accept poor people to no have job and loose a lot, but they do not accept this for themselves. Much more if they can profit the situation to get more power (not only money) on the next stage.


it's not like the world is paved with good intentions and beautiful rich people. Maybe there is some generous and good ones around... do you know one ?

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26 minutes ago, shortstop said:

............. A third choice is taxing the billionaires so that the people don't starve.

A sure way to eliminate yourself of billionaires. 


But you can be for certain they will not be eliminated of their billions as they reside some where else...

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2 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

The simple fact is, Thailand cannot let tourists in again until there is a solution to the virus problem such as vaccine or there will be a second wave and there will be another lock-down, other industries will suffer and we will be back to square one again. 


The Thais have done extremely well so that they can get back to some semblance of normality, albeit without overseas tourism. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, as they say. 


These decisions are correct IMO and have been taken for the benefit of the majority.


Now dry your eyes, deal with it and move on.

@Mr Meeseeks so whats ya solution if there is no vaccine?

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What about a vaccine.......Coming soon........Possibly the Autumn........That must be a game changer......and yet another certificate or possibly 2, for vaccination before and after visa application........555.

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7 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

Yes but look at the country that was first on the road map Japan, yesterday over 600 infected still not stable

Hong Kong the same.

A few weeks of zero then suddenly over 100 per day. Quarantine and ICU's filling up.

Possibly a return to full lockdown.

Bars and clubs now closed again and strict restrictions on restaurants.

A few more deaths but mainly older people in care homes.

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5 hours ago, tonysilly said:

you are crazy!!! corona virus in Thailand killed little people. Thailand road traffic kills over 1,000 people every year.  who is more dangerous?  


... yeah mate, add a 0 then multiply by 2.5, that's more like it ...

I believe it was the year they ranked No.1 worldwide when they put it at 66 stiffs a day - easy enough to remember: like the numbah of the beast except different, missing a digit ... 


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2 hours ago, jerolamo said:

And i see some other countries who has a very low number of infected people in there, and a very very low number of dead from COVID-19 in proportion.

Country like Botswana or Republic of Congo.

And you know why ? Because they don't test anyone.

In the Republic of Congo, for example, country has a lot of poor people, but the rich ones are very very rich... the country has no money... and the rich will never paid for tests there own poor people, they think about the little poor people are poor because they are stupid, and that themselves are close to God himself, they don't care life of other, they just want fun. So there is close to no test compared to the population number of people.


In my country right now they plan to test 300 000 by week...


It is very simple to look at this reality. Actually, there is no one country around the world with this kind of easy travel virus who is not infected deeply in the population.

They give no proof that God or Buddha would have spared them from a factual reality of massive contamination of this virus which spreads so easily (and not only when one is farang, the virus is not racist).


And the one who pretend to show these kind of fake low number is just because they don't test enough to show that in fact, there is many much more infected people, asymptomatic cases, and people dead from COVID the same in proportion than everywhere the COVID is.

Just deny these factual reality is ridiculous as deny the science and the probability, nothing more.




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22 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Isn’t the idea of a travel bubble to group together Countries where it isn’t “Still surging” in an attempt to try and move things forwards?

2 weeks ago Australia was included in that bubble

Now they are stopping interstate travel, guess the so called bubble burst

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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Are you seriously suggesting that the majority of UK citizens are not following the firm regulations on social distancing and the wearing of masks ?

If so you are remarkably ill informed.

The BBC news i watch shows very few wearing masks and every chance the Thais are watching the same news. The day the theme parks opened, the reporter at one was stood by a queue waiting to get in, I saw 2 kids with masks, not one adult.

If you wish to consider that ill informed, feel free.

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11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

The BBC news i watch shows very few wearing masks and every chance the Thais are watching the same news. The day the theme parks opened, the reporter at one was stood by a queue waiting to get in, I saw 2 kids with masks, not one adult.

If you wish to consider that ill informed, feel free.

Most people don't wear masks in the open air streets, in fact why would you! In the most parts of the UK there is no virus circulating, there are some clusters in towns, people living in multi occupancy housing and they are from the South Asian community. There was a report yesterday that most transmissions of the virus was within the household at home, so there is very little point in wearing masks in shops or in the street imho.

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1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:

There will be no tourist industry left in 6 months if no tourists are let in. Places in Spain are struggling and they have let in tourists, the centre of London is quiet, even the beefeaters guarding the Tower of London have been laid off.

feel bad for Spain having to let in tourist with the pox, a good warning for other countries that may become reliant on diseased money.. 

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23 hours ago, andy said:

See you in 2029 ????

2029...... that's Interesting. Why precisely 2029? Is there a special reason? Instead I say 2052 or the doomsday Bets are open

Come on let's not go overboard

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24 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

feel bad for Spain having to let in tourist with the pox, a good warning for other countries that may become reliant on diseased money.. 

The tourists it seems have not infected anyone so far, just a flare ups in suburbs. From the videos I've seen of Benidorm there is hardly any foreign tourists there.

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14 hours ago, paulikens said:

@Mr Meeseeks so your solution if is there no vaccine is to never let foreigners in again, obviously you're already in thailand and not bothered. while all the people out of a job can suffer. its selfish people like you that make this world so horrible. and yes peoples health is important but ya cant have a solution that is much worse than the problem.

and there wasnt a virus problem there anyway. 3000 cases in a population of 70 million isnt a problem,there has probably been just as many people in hospital with dog bites.

and the shutdown hasnt stopped it being more of a problem cuz everyone knows its been there since december and they didnt start the lockdown till april.

it was a opportunity for the PM to have total control of thai citizens.nothing else.

there never has been a covid 19 problem in thailand and more than likely never will be, even if they open up the border. 

  if you was out of a job or locked out of the country it would be a whole different story but as it doesnt affect you. you couldnt give a s*** about anyone else

I think you are the one being selfish. Putting your own needs to return to Thailand before the needs of the Thai people as a whole.


Where did I say never let foreigners in again?


"If you was out of a job" gorblimey guv, perish the thought. 


Chok dee.

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15 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Most people don't wear masks in the open air streets, in fact why would you! In the most parts of the UK there is no virus circulating, there are some clusters in towns, people living in multi occupancy housing and they are from the South Asian community. There was a report yesterday that most transmissions of the virus was within the household at home, so there is very little point in wearing masks in shops or in the street imho.

It is quite irrelevant what you or anyone else thinks or does.

What counts is the perception that the Thai authorities and people gather from watching TV and social media from other countries.

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15 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Not many people in Thailand wearing masks outside of town centres, shopping malls, and 7-11 stores.

It's all a pretense.

I have to assume you don't live around Chonburi, not that it is particularly relevant.

What the Thais cannot understand is people not wearing masks in countries where the virus is obviously a problem. They are never going to want visitors that cannot follow basic precautions.

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6 minutes ago, sandyf said:

It is quite irrelevant what you or anyone else thinks or does.

What counts is the perception that the Thai authorities and people gather from watching TV and social media from other countries.

It's the Thai authorities directing the 'perception'.

I've never met a Thai that shows any interest or follows foreign media, social or other.

If the Thai government calls white folk dirty, and Chinese disease free ....... that's the perception of the sheeple.

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