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Britain nears abandoning Brexit trade deal hope - The Telegraph


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1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:

Easily within the next 5 years. There is already a consistent majority for independence in Scotland.

Northern Ireland will look to its southern neighbors and see how well they are doing while Brexitland is mired in economic hardship and will decide they want to join the Republic.

Last to go will be Wales. But after they see a successful independent Scotland and Northern Ireland prospering they will eventually decide to give it a go themselves.

Just another Brexit dividend. You were all warned about this remember? 

time to wake up now ,cant keep on dreaming.

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22 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

What are your thoughts on the demands of the Indian or Chinese governments when it comes to us begging for their succour? Who will need whom the most?

I'm sure they'll ask for many things in their opening position.


However, both countries governments are realists and pragmatists. Both are capable of reasonable negotiation. Neither seeks to punish us purely out of spite and revenge for perceived rejection. Neither will try to use trade talks to subjugate us under their rule of law under the guise of a level playing field. All of this completely unlike the EU.


Personally I would hope China sorted out their disgraceful human rights record before we sign a trade deal with them. I know this is a foreign concept to many Remainers who only care about % of GDP but some things are more important that dollar signs. Huawei can do one as well.

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13 minutes ago, bannork said:

The Chinese will demand the reinstatement of Huawei 5G equipped with spyware equipment.

WTO it is then.


The vast majority of trade is done on WTO terms. No problem.



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8 hours ago, webfact said:

(Reuters) - Britain and the European Union will fail to sign a post-Brexit trade deal, with only a few days left before Prime Minister Boris Johnson's July deadline, The Telegraph reported.




(Reporting by Aakriti Bhalla in Bengaluru; Editing by Sandra Maler and Marguerita Choy)

Ah, a new Brexit thread - TVF has another anti-Brexit Reuters press release. The trouble is they don't even realise that No Deal actually a great Brexit move. They even nicked the report from The Telegraph of all places.


Who is reporting this?

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5 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Don't worry, we don't need Daily Express reports to see that everything is going OK really, regardless of attempts to spin otherwise. All very similar to the bias Beeb reporting which didn't have the desired effect either. 

The  anti-Brexit reports must be for the benefit of Remainers and the likes of yourself. You can remove the truth from your Google news all you like, but it's still happening. 

My question was what drives someone to read a news source that he considers <insert all your unfounded allegations here>. You have noticed that TVF sources all its World News from Reuters, didn’t you? 

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brexit? whatever johnson said about it claiming it is done, it is just the opposite because there are still a lot of talks and negotiations to be conducted, ie the end was the beginning! and it may take years before brexit becomes actual

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15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

At the moment only a small percentage of those in France make it that far; but maybe after Brexit is finalised the French authorities will take your lead and send all those camped out in France to the UK! Why should they do us any favours?

You're not getting it. The UK is changing the way this kind of thing is dealt with and the French won't like it one bit.


We don't need favours from the French, they will take back the refugees they've been assisting to enter the UK. Just watch it happen.


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10 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:


Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't the UN state that refugees should seek asylum in the first safe country they arrive in?

 You are missing something.


The UN refugee convention does not say that a refugee must seek asylum in the first safe country they reach.

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10 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

There are very many Somali people in the UK....on Dutch passports.

about 10% of the Somalis living in the UK arrived with Dutch passports.


The rest either entered legally following the war, or came as refugees and were granted asylum.


10 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

Once Frau Merkel gives the millions that she invited to Germany German/EU passports, they can do the same

Unless Johnson's deal binds us to the Freedom of Movement directive; no they can't.

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