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Trump raises possibility of delaying November U.S. presidential election

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On 8/1/2020 at 9:31 PM, Tie Dye Samurai said:

who cares how old somebody is if they are capable of guiding the country. We must be doing something right because everybody else cares so much about what we do


I think age matters,


would you like USofA guided/managed by a POTUS with conservative ideas and mindset securely fastened to the past

and at an age way beyond age/life expectancy for the relevant age group

then politicions like Sanders Trump HClinton Pelosi Biden Warren meet your needs

(guess Warren is OK for life expectancy, just)


would you prefer a POTUS with energy/drive and a modern mindset and bold/brave ideas for pushing USofA forward

then you would look for somebody else me thinks



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On 8/1/2020 at 11:26 AM, heybruce said:

The states decide how elections will be conducted.  Aside from rules barring discrimination the Federal Government has little say in it.  So Trump can complain all he likes about mail-in votes, it's not for him to decide.


His complaints about mail-in voting put the Republican government in Florida in a bind.  The Republicans have controlled state government for many years (twenty at least) and have made it easy to vote by mail, since Florida has lots of senior citizens who are more likely to vote, and vote conservative, if they can mail in their ballots.  So Florida's Republican governor and other state officials proceed as before and ignore Trump's rants about how mail-in ballots invite fraud.


Actually there is no conclusive evidence that mail-in voting favors one party over the other.  I assume that Trump complains about it simply to lay the groundwork for yet another claim of election fraud.



Given that we are constantly being told that Trump will lose, if he wins I certainly expect all those that hate Trump will be complaining that he committed election fraud. A win for him will bring out all the usual complaints that have been aired on these pages constantly over the past 3 years eg, he lost the popular vote, his base are deplorables, etc.

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5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There is no credible evidence of voter fraud in the US, which is why you have to bang on t ‘other counties’.


There is plenty of evidence of organized gerrymandering and concerted efforts to deny large numbers of US citizens their vote. Oddly Trump’s supporters don’t think this is an issue.


I guess we should look at who is making these concerted efforts to deny US citizens their vote.



see bold in quote above;


could you elaborate a bit on that?

how is it accomplished?


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Washington Examiner - More than 16M mail-in ballots went missing from 2016 and 2018 elections: Report


"In the 2018 election, about 42.4 million ballots were mailed to registered voters. Of those mailed, more than 1 million were undeliverable, more than 430,000 were rejected, and nearly 10.5 million went missing."


This is per Federal election Commission data.


No problem, eh?  What does that work out to?  10.5M missing divided by 42.4M sent = 24.76%  Can someone check my math please?  Seems like a lot.  Granted, some of those missing ballots would be ballots that were sent out but never sent in.  Officials are at a loss to provide an explanation which would account for all those missing ballots.

  • Thanks 2
1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

They redistribute voting districts to make it more difficult or a hassle to vote in certain communities. Or they slice up the districts in a way that doesn't make logistical sense but does allow one party to have an advantage in terms of overall votes. 

Covid-19 makes it easier. For example if you have a battleground state and you use Covid-19 as an excuse to not open all voting booths citing health concerns, you can selectively open voting booths in the districts that are more favorable to you making it more of a hassle to reach others. Do you want to vote badly enough to stand in 5 hour lines during the middle of a pandemic? And then if polling closes and they shut their doors after you've been standing in line all day what happens? 

There's an article on the guardian about some of the tactics in Georgia here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/10/georgia-election-recount-stacey-abrams-brian-kemp


ok, thanks

but not very effective in presidential elections?


(for presidential elections I assume that votes cast are added up for the whole state before electors are dished out)


1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Washington Examiner - More than 16M mail-in ballots went missing from 2016 and 2018 elections: Report


"In the 2018 election, about 42.4 million ballots were mailed to registered voters. Of those mailed, more than 1 million were undeliverable, more than 430,000 were rejected, and nearly 10.5 million went missing."


This is per Federal election Commission data.


No problem, eh?  What does that work out to?  10.5M missing divided by 42.4M sent = 24.76%  Can someone check my math please?  Seems like a lot.  Granted, some of those missing ballots would be ballots that were sent out but never sent in.  Officials are at a loss to provide an explanation which would account for all those missing ballots.

if what you write is roughly right;

I'd say that the USofA faces more serious problems than preventing 4 more Trump years or securing another 4 Trump years


seems that one of the fundamental gears in the political operation of the US is long overdue

for oilshift and overhaul


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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Real Clear Politics - 1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election


16,747 vote-by-mail ballots received but only 13,557 votes counted.  19% were disqualified.  This is one example of vote-by-mail results instituted due to Covid.


Yeah, nothing to go wrong.  LOL

Yes, fraud in a local, not state-wide or national election, that was caught.  It would take a far larger, and more successful, fraud than that to affect a national election.  It would also be much more difficult to get away with it.

  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

if what you write is roughly right;

I'd say that the USofA faces more serious problems than preventing 4 more Trump years or securing another 4 Trump years


seems that one of the fundamental gears in the political operation of the US is long overdue

for oilshift and overhaul

In my view it isn't an overhaul of any one or several political operational gears but an overhaul of values is required.  Corruption, while always present to a degree since America's founding, has been on steroids for quite some time.  One can blame the elites but the elites can't function without willing accomplices.  It's a societal problem in my opinion.  Character, integrity, ideals. mores, honour . . . these qualities have been replaced over many years by other impoverished ideas.  The seeds are now bearing fruit.  Sounds rather hopeless but I have a lot of faith that Americans will pull through.  There's lots of Americans who still adhere to noble principles.  I trust they will shine in the end.


Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. - Samuel Adams, 1749.  I believe this quote aptly describes the overall theme of America's current drama.

  • Like 2
24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Does "went missing" mean not returned?  If so, I'd say about a quarter of people who registered to vote by mail didn't get around to it.


Undeliverable and rejected depends on the circumstances.  I suspect that in states that vote entirely by mail that a large number of ballots are sent to out of date addresses.  If the people who moved or died don't update their voter registration status, then that will happen.


Do you have any  evidence that undelivered or missing mail in ballots translate to voter fraud?

No, heybruce, I do not.  How would it be possible since voter fraud doesn't exist.

  • Haha 1
22 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yes, fraud in a local, not state-wide or national election, that was caught.  It would take a far larger, and more successful, fraud than that to affect a national election.  It would also be much more difficult to get away with it.

Yes, voter fraud, if it did indeed exist, could only exist on a local level.  On a statewide or national level?  That's an absolute impossibility.  You are correct.

  • Like 1
45 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

In my view it isn't an overhaul of any one or several political operational gears but an overhaul of values is required.  Corruption, while always present to a degree since America's founding, has been on steroids for quite some time.  One can blame the elites but the elites can't function without willing accomplices.  It's a societal problem in my opinion.  Character, integrity, ideals. mores, honour . . . these qualities have been replaced over many years by other impoverished ideas.  The seeds are now bearing fruit.  Sounds rather hopeless but I have a lot of faith that Americans will pull through.  There's lots of Americans who still adhere to noble principles.  I trust they will shine in the end.


Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. - Samuel Adams, 1749.  I believe this quote aptly describes the overall theme of America's current drama.

right, see what you mean (and without that hope/faith one has given in to less than mediocricity)


a commendable goal, that is not just down the road but some rather lengthy stretches away


safe trip

  • Thanks 1
46 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Apologies for the 'mores'.

I too find it 'odd' that you cannot see the moral depravity of a man who so far has been caught out in over 20,000 blatant lies; who tries to curry favour with despots; who ignores his own intelligence services when they say Russia has put bounties on American soldiers; who got caught with and paid off a porn star; who funnels state funds to his resorts and hotels and who still refuses to release his tax returns. The list goes on and on so if you are talking about morals, values, character, integrity and ideals, perhaps you should stop waxing lyrical about it and actually back someone who shows these characteristics rather than someone who is proven time and time again to not exhibit a single one of them. 

I'd recommend studying some human psychology.  How the human mind works.  It would explain a lot to you.  Perception is reality.  That's a clue.


As far as backing someone else.  Who?  Biden?   What characteristics does he exhibit to you?  I doubt if there's ever been an election cycle with as many loser candidates as the Dems put up this time around.  20 of them.  Tell me, who?

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  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

The genius-in-chief strikes again:


'Trump Urges Voters To Use Absentee Ballots, Which Are, Uh, Mailed In'


"After railing about “fraudulent” mail-in ballots without any basis in fact, President Donald Trump bizarrely urged Americans on Friday to use absentee ballots — which are mailed in.
Just hours earlier, Michael Steele, former head of the Republican National Committee reminded Trump that the absentee ballots he (and many others in his administration) cast in elections are the same mail-in ballots he insists are fraudulent."


You just can't fix stupid.



You can say that again. Did you say it?  If not, say it again, or write it again.


There is a difference between mail in ballots and absentee. 


Google it if you don't believe Stadtler. 


You should always believe Stadtler.

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