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Red Bull "Boss" latest: Police claim cocaine was from dental treatment and suspect drank AFTER hit and run incident


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11 hours ago, anterian said:

I would love to know the total cost of this to Boss and family, 300,000 to the victim's family will be just the tip of the iceberg, buying off the judiciary and the entire police force does not come cheap, then there is buying all the experts and witnesses. Must be in the millions.

I don't think you can blame the whole family for this anterian-----in fact its caused (some of) them to quite publicly split, apologize & condemn his actions.

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27 minutes ago, Queenslander said:

Personally, knowing and understanding the RTP's desire to ensure that ALL crimes are investigated, managed  and determined on an equal basis, I am not sure what the problem is. Surely the dedication, professionalism and desire to reach an unbiased, truthful and evidentiary compelling outcome in this matter mirrors that of HISO 16 year old (no licence) driver that killed 9 University people, and the HISO Mercedes driver that incinerated two University students. I won't mention the excellent and above reproach investigation in Koh Tao.

How can you possibly doubt the veracity of the RTP statements.  You obviously don't understand forensic policing.

I would suggest that the majority of expats fully understand Thai police forensic policing - as a load of c rap.

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5 minutes ago, steveyinasia said:

RTP, just stop, you have embarrassed yourselves enough already. Keep your mouth shut to avoid any more embarrassing comment 

They need to open their mouth otherwise how can they change feet. 

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13 hours ago, poskat said:

As a dentist, I am not familiar with any medications given that contain actual cocaine

there are local anesthetics, novacaine, mepiviciane, that have some structural similarity

but these are short-lived in the body

As a dentist, shouldn't you know how to spell novocaine and mepivacaine? Just wondering.

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14 hours ago, Tagged said:

All this, while poor people getting 15 years jail for picking mushrooms in natioal parks at the wrong day!


police number 2 said there is no double standard in Thailand , and everybody knows that it is true

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17 hours ago, 2long said:

Well OF COURSE! The fact that he was out partying in Thong Lor means nothing!

And since when is it the police's job to 'claim' anything!?

The " Muslims " know that Mohammed was born by a man --------

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19 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I tell you what - if I ever decide to commit a string of serious crimes, I'm doing it in Thailand. I've never seen law enforcement elsewhere go so out of their way to support criminals and defend them.

You have to be a somebody, know 'somebody' or have a massive amount of money, and be Thai.

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55555555 whats that !!!!! They dont use cocaine in dental treatment because its extremely dangerous for patients and ineffective !!!! Is that what the Head of Thailand's Dental Society said?

I usually dont care how thais lie, cheat and murder each other on a daily basis but this time I had to laugh.

Occassionally a Thai will say " THATS NONSENSE" !!!!


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Interesting to read some of the comments on this thread.   Shock, horror, surprise at the outcome that was inevitable.


It's like some of you think things would be done differently in your country...maybe, the outcome, most probably, would not be any different but the dog and pony show would certainly look more legit.  ????

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23 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I tell you what - if I ever decide to commit a string of serious crimes, I'm doing it in Thailand. I've never seen law enforcement elsewhere go so out of their way to support criminals and defend them. We've got immigration welcoming him back, expert witnesses being replaced by witnesses so dumb they forgot to mention at the time what they saw, and now dentists saying it wasn't cocaine but something tantamount to novocaine. 


Anyone would think the police were actively looking for ways not to prosecute. 



Out of their way not to prosecute Rich people , this is money blatantly undermining justice


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President of the Dental Council of Thailand; Pojanart Poomprakobsi, stated for the record, Dentists in Thailand do not use cocaine. Boss's Dentist did not use Cocaine. 


Even though the cover story has been debunked, do the BIB even need to make put up an alternative explanation or can they just run with it. Tune in Sunday.

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Even if he had a prescription for some opioid  or drug you can't drive after you take it so he still should to go to jail just for this. his whole family should be ostracized by everyone 

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On 7/31/2020 at 8:13 AM, webfact said:

Police have told a House committee investigating the case of Red Bull heir Vorayuth Yoovidyha that a dentist told them cocaine found in his system came from medication for a tooth complaint

Yeah everyone uses cocaine as a tooth tincture to ease the pain, sucked up through a rolled-up 1,000 baht note which was then stuck into the knicker elastic of a pretty sitting on his lap !!!!

Unbelievable what this guy can get away with...

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How long has this PM been in power now??? now all of a sudden he's sitting up and paying attention as the tide of dissatisfaction with him and his clowns starts to turn... the people are tired of this particular case and all the coverup


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What bothers me about the progress (or lack of) this case is that the whole of the Thai police hierarchy know exactly what has been going on from day one and despite the victim being one of their own, will go to whatever lengths it takes to earn a bit of lucre. 

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