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Is it ever going to rain?


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July is ending, and all we got here in central Sisaket during the whole month were 3 or 4 showers, the last one about 10 days ago.


The grass is getting yellow, the rice is no more than 30 cm high and the palm trees are shedding palms as if we were in the middle of a dry winter.


If the Pacific Ocean doesn't come to the rescue with a few tropical depressions, like the two previous years, we are in for a disaster.

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26 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Did you not get the memo?  Today and for the next 4 days heavy rain everywhere according to government weather service.


In Nonthaburi threatens to rain every afternoon.....the most we have gotten in two weeks is not enough to moisten the dirt. Time to water the garden....again....the only plus is that laundry dries quickly in the burning sun

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11 minutes ago, keithkarmann said:

Started raining 20 seconds ago in Thung Saliam

Don't see much rain there or anywhere yet on radars - a bit in deep South but most of country dry or only small local storms.

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36 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

It seems to be shifting to the north east monsoon now.. You might get some rain over the next few days from this system that is coming through now.. 



Looks dry until at least Sunday but have no idea how accurate that site is - looks nice.

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I am also in Sisaket, about fifteen km out of Kanthararom.  We have had four or five rains over the last month, each lasting about 5-10 minutes, teasing the rice crops as they begin to die, stopping their wilting for a few days.  The clouds rolled in about an hour ago yet again.  It looked promising and came down fairly hard -- once more for about ten minutes.  The government catchment in front of my house, in which I usually swim, has never been so low.  It is 350 meters long, always well over my head, but now I can wade from one end to the other, and there are mud islands everywhere.

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It's been raining on and off here in Rayong Province, at least close to the sea, but not for long and not consistently. It is certainly a lot less than I remember just 10 short years ago when the wet season really was wet. I remember that on one holiday in August 2001,  we were rained off the beach or the hotel pool every day for 2 weeks. Not so now it seems.  

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14 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

I'm at Kosum Phisai, about 40 km out from Khon Kaen. Ponds lowest they have ever been (including in previous droughts). I think maybe the wet season is finished for this year.

Keep the faith.

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Rain most afternoons here in Hat Yai. After a drier than usual start to the year, June and July have been wetter than average. Hopefully this doesn't mean our wet season October - December isn't going to be a bumper one.

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Isaan seems to be doomed. Here in Buriram we didn't get enough rain for the last 3 years. The last month is slightly better still not enough water. Even Buriram town had major shortages, many residents were unable to take a proper shower or use the washing machine for weeks. Some of the rice crops are dead already especially at the poor people's rice paddies. Those are not deep enough to hold the water and they haven't got the funds to deepen it . 2 weeks ago I met a 70 years old man at the paddies crying like a baby as he saw that most of his crops are dead. He took a shark loan to pay for the seeds and ploughing. Now it's all lost for him. There are some lucky ones though. Those near the village/government reservoirs just pump the water on their rice day and night.

Edited by Bigz
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7 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Did you not get the memo?  Today and for the next 4 days heavy rain everywhere according to government weather service.


Have read many similar forecasts this year.

The longest shower where I live in Nakhon Sawan lasted no longer than 20 minutes. Never known it so dry in 20 years here.

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

In Nonthaburi threatens to rain every afternoon.....the most we have gotten in two weeks is not enough to moisten the dirt. Time to water the garden....again....the only plus is that laundry dries quickly in the burning sun

If I check my weather app in my phone it says heavy rain for several hours almost every day/night, but when/if it starts to rain, it's over after 10 minutes. 

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Oh really?

1 hour ago, Bigz said:

Here in Buriram we didn't get enough rain for the last 3 years

Hmmm.  When I was there last year it poured everday.

Certainly seems odd your post as the rainfall the past 3 years is the highest in 10.


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Both sites I look at predict scattered storms in Si Sa Ket / Surin they also forecast very little general rain next 3 weeks they both have been saving this for 2 months so they are spot on so far, it looks to me a very short wet season if at all.

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It seems I just had to complain...2 big and long showers already this afternoon in my amphoe in Sisaket...keep it coming, but not too much at a time, otherwise the ground doesn't have the time to absorb the water...especially hard and dry as it is...

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