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Dentists sniff at cops’ cocaine story in ‘Boss’ case


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You just have to laugh at the amount of BS being used to whitewash this case...

It is so transparent that most Thais can see it too. You never know but perhaps this will be Thailand's #MeToo moment?

This is their culture here so they're welcome to it. Me I'm off. Goodbye Thailand.

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10 hours ago, Pilotman said:

And that is a surprise why? Of course it's all BS, we know it, they know it, everyone knows it.  It's like a young child telling a lie that is transparently untrue, but keeps on telling it, because they so want it to be true. 

My country has a president like that. Want to guess where I'm from? 

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10 hours ago, BobBKK said:

cocaine, no cocaine,

speeding, not speeding,

driving, not driving,

red notice issued, red notice not issued

cop swerved out of lane, cop did not

warrant issued, warrant not issued

we know where he is, we don't know where he is

member of Red Bull family, not connected to Red Bull

One things for sure Red Bull this is BULL***T


I'll stick to M150 or Pla Larm Khao thanks.

Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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4 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

all those who have taken part in the effort to get him off will enjoy the benefits of reward but every waking hour it should gnaw away at their collective consciousness that they sold their souls to help someone literally get away with murder

You know actions do not have consequences in Thai thinking, unless Karma gets them.

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11 minutes ago, tonysilly said:

Starting to feel bad for this guy. His father spoiled him. He should have too his punishment.  They would have ruled it an accident and spent a year or less for it.  Sad... No accountability for his actions. 

'feel bad' for him?  I couldn't feel less bad for another human being, than I do for this coward. He is a spoiled, entitled brat and a waste of oxygen. 

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Where was this so-called 'dentist' in 2012? Have the police verified he is what he says he is? If he is what he says he is, or was, and he administered a drug that has not been used by the so called dentistry profession for 100 years, I trust he is no longer a dentist.


This whole thing, just over the last few days is like a soap opera. There should be movies made.


Us UK oldies would have said it's like Peighton Place. The not so oldies, like Eastenders...


It's entertainment, but really, it shouldn't be. A police officer died. Think of the RTP as you like, but the whole saga sucks. As does anyone involved in it. 

Edited by Scott Tracy
Deleted letters that magically appeared 8 years after....
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Agree, beats any TV soap opera. They think the ordinary Thais are looking on this as anything other than entertainment? I'm kinda looking on it that way myself; you'd go crazy looking for justice in this lunatic, mixed up, system.

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I have friends here in Thailand that don't have internet, to old to learn, and don't read the papers or watch TV, not that they would understand anyway, they are gobsmacked when I read this stuff to them, they do laugh out loud at some of the stunts the "authorities" pull. ????

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Its not often that the courts get a defendant that can afford to make many a more comfortable life. Life isn't fare, forget about it. Millions are murdered every year around the planet, abortion, without consequence. This was an accident, hopefully he made a very generous contribution to the police officers family.

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13 hours ago, petedk said:

Next they will be saying that it wasn't cocaine but traces of opium in his blood. This was due to all the bread dusted with poppy seeds he ate the day before.


If that doesn't work I am sure they'll think of something else.

How about the marijuana flavoured cookies he consumed for lunch - anything is worth a try. 

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17 hours ago, MartinL said:

Is there such an offence as 'attempting to pervert the course of justice' in Thailand? 


If there is, in this case alone it seems that half the senior cops in Thailand are due a gaol sentence.

There would first have to be justice in Thailand before having the chance to be perverted.  This case is at the top of the list.

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