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Russian Invasion


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We are all aware of the Great Increase of Russian Tourists and for me they are no better or worse than any other tourist.. they seem to leave their common sense at the airport before they venture into the country, but I was wondering what the general feeling is from the US contingent?

The US / USSR (no more) sentiment approx 20-30 years ago, was that of 'Bloody Commies," I know this is a but dated.. Do you still have that general attitude against them or are you now more tolerant with them as they are no longer the super force they once were.

ps Forgive me if you think this is a bit of a troll post, it is a little bit, but I was just mildy interested..

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I was at Sepang in Malaysia for the F1 and the place was full of them. I found then to be arrogant and ignorant showing no concern to the view of the people surrounding. They pushed in, shoved and just stood or sat where they chose regardless of what their ticket said. I believe they have a lot to learn in the big wide world that they are now free to explore. Im sure once the novelty has worn off and they are a bit more worldly wise it may be different. Lets hope so!!

Cant say I have met many here in LOS though I do reside in the back of beyond to most people.

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I was at Sepang in Malaysia for the F1 and the place was full of them. I found then to be arrogant and ignorant showing no concern to the view of the people surrounding. They pushed in, shoved and just stood or sat where they chose regardless of what their ticket said. I believe they have a lot to learn in the big wide world that they are now free to explore. Im sure once the novelty has worn off and they are a bit more worldly wise it may be different. Lets hope so!!

Cant say I have met many here in LOS though I do reside in the back of beyond to most people.

Many people may agree with you but what are your comments about the Russians also !! :o

Edited by gummy
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I don't have any experiences, good or bad, with the Russians in Thailand. I do know that the ones visiting Turkey, and then mainly Istanbul, have completely changed certain areas of the city. In those areas, many vendors are fluent in Russian and often they are only interested in dealing with Russians. They mostly trade goods rather than purchase, where the Russians come with vodka and binoculars and get leather goods in return.

I am sure that there are pleasant Russians as well as not-so-pleasant ones among the tourists, just like with any other nationalities.

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I was at Sepang in Malaysia for the F1 and the place was full of them. I found then to be arrogant and ignorant showing no concern to the view of the people surrounding. They pushed in, shoved and just stood or sat where they chose regardless of what their ticket said. I believe they have a lot to learn in the big wide world that they are now free to explore. Im sure once the novelty has worn off and they are a bit more worldly wise it may be different. Lets hope so!!

Cant say I have met many here in LOS though I do reside in the back of beyond to most people.

Many people may agree with you but what are your comments about the Russians also !! :o

lmao, was thinking exactly the same thing, what he typed explains perfectly 1 american i have had the misfortune to meet.


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I was at Sepang in Malaysia for the F1 and the place was full of them. I found then to be arrogant and ignorant showing no concern to the view of the people surrounding. They pushed in, shoved and just stood or sat where they chose regardless of what their ticket said. I believe they have a lot to learn in the big wide world that they are now free to explore. Im sure once the novelty has worn off and they are a bit more worldly wise it may be different. Lets hope so!!

Cant say I have met many here in LOS though I do reside in the back of beyond to most people.

Many people may agree with you but what are your comments about the Russians also !! :o

lmao, was thinking exactly the same thing, what he typed explains perfectly 1 american i have had the misfortune to meet.


Consider yourself very fortunate one is all you have met.

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lmao, was thinking exactly the same thing, what he typed explains perfectly 1 american i have had the misfortune to meet.


Another worldly wise seasoned traveller who bases his judgement of a people on a sample size of 1, unity, singular. :o

Back on topic, although the question was aimed at Americans I think, as erstwhile allies in any conflict with the Ruskies, we Brits are entitled to express an opinion. Of the few Russians I've encountered I can't say they are any different to other races. Some good some bad. The two "ladies" who sprayed me with water during Songkhran in Pattaya a good few years back didn't enamour their nationality to me. There water guns were loaded with seawater :D .

Basically like all nationalities if they behave like idiots they are idiots, if they behave reasonably they are okay. As GH said, it's the Thai's country and they can invite whoever they like without giving a toss what we farangs think. It is then up to us to get on with all other guests of the Kingdom of Thailand not forgetting our status.

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We are all aware of the Great Increase of Russian Tourists and for me they are no better or worse than any other tourist.. they seem to leave their common sense at the airport before they venture into the country, but I was wondering what the general feeling is from the US contingent?

Not an American but I lived there for a while; any American thinking that Russians are a PITA when they go abroad, should take a look in the mirror. We all are a bit of a fish out of water when we travel; whether it is crowding into others, yelling and making a scene about the slightest little thing or pushing and shoving to get through crowds or insisting on taking and using fish sauce to spice up every dish abroad.

What i will say is that Russians are driving retail spending in Pattaya to the point that luxury brands are starting to look at opening down there; the Russians have spending power far beyond the people who were previously visiting the place; the tourists visiting that area 5 years ago were 1 star (if that); since zer Russians descended on the place, we've seen improvements, we've seen more retail spending, and we've also seen some other less savory bits too; much like the influx of tourists from any other place in numbers. This force is perhaps more responsible than a few others for the gentrification of Pattaya area and if a few more of the junk beer bars + gay for pay area + dodgy singlet tourists end up having to move to Cambodia then all the better.

Good with the bad. But overall, I can't see why any American would care; you took them to the cleaners at the end of the cold war, and with victory come the spoils.

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I met a charming Russian couple on the plane here from Schipol airport a couple of years ago. They were extremely drunk before boarding, and after takeoff just kept ordering vodka after vodka from the poor harassed stewardess. :o They seemed friendly enough, albeit in a slurred, pissed-up manner, and presently fell fast asleep..... Fair enough. :D

I just heard that Boris Yeltsin died yesterday, and was reminded of these two... :D

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I work with a Russian teacher. She said that a lot fo Russians who can come to Thailand have connections to the underworld or corruption. Another Russian worked as an English teacher. She got a passport from New Zealand and then took off to Thailand to teach English. She can't speak English very well but the passport and I'd guess her good looks got her a job. Anyways, she was responsible enough and did her best at the school where she worked. I guess New Zealand doesn't have enough work so she came here.

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I'm a Yank, don't have any problems with Russkis overall. Unfortunately, I do exhibit some bias when I see a wealthy Russian (a la Abramovich), I figure they're a criminal of some sort.

Most Brits feel the same about Dick Cheney whereas Russians, or at least very wealthy ones, are welcomed. What Thailand needs is a wealthy one ( Russian ) to invest heavily in Thai football.

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Isn't the "alleged" russian mafia operating "supposedly" in Pattaya one of the main underlying reasons the immigration police have made the visa regulations a lot harder to qualify for the average expat living in thailand? :o


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Well as an American (whose grandparents all spoke Russian) I welcome the Russians here in Thailand. In Pattaya, they quite often bring their families, and also younger Russian people are coming on their own. This diversity is great and is really helping Pattaya to become a resort for all kinds of people. Americans in general definitely do not think about the Russians being the "enemy" anymore, not people on the street, and not the government. Politically, we are sad that they did not embrace western style democracy, but also accepting that they have the right to choose their own way. We're more focused on changing our own government ... and current real enemies like Iran.

BTW, where is the best borscht in Pattaya? The Russian restaurants aren't too welcoming to non-Russians.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am an american and i have had a few dealings with a few russians. Not enough to form an opinion of the majority but the ones that i have had dealing with were polite until they did not get their way and then became rude. One group tried to board a plane by avoiding the que and going through the doors on the opposite side of the check in line. I think I would compare them to a New Yorker or anyone else that has to live with large amounts of people and have learned to try to get around waiting in lines.

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I'm a Yank, don't have any problems with Russkis overall. Unfortunately, I do exhibit some bias when I see a wealthy Russian (a la Abramovich), I figure they're a criminal of some sort.

Most Brits feel the same about Dick Cheney whereas Russians, or at least very wealthy ones, are welcomed. What Thailand needs is a wealthy one ( Russian ) to invest heavily in Thai football.

I'd guess most Americans feel the same way about Cheney, too. I guess I just presume that anybody who's a billionaire emerging from an economy that was owned by the government/people, must just have done some extensive grey/black maneuvering (euphemisms for extortion/murder) to amass that amount of cash. There have been many avenues to make a legit billion in the West for years. I guess oil in Russia was a chance for legit billions, but I'm guessing he's still a criminal.

I do give him credit for having fun with his money with Chelski, better than running around war-profiteering like some people we could mention from the good old USofA.

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Not yank, but ones I've encountered are rather rude. Any rate I theorize most yanks care less what russians are up to.

Yep. I have found them rude too! A group rushed into a shop I was in the other day,and they shoved and elbowed those already there out of the way to get to the checkout first.

Also their women often strip off on Jomtien Beach to the disgust of the Thai Families there who are bathing fully clothed!

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As we are the “role model” for the rest of the world there are a lot of nationalities like that but the “American Dream” is not available to everyone ... :o











You've hit this one out of the park Jeffrey. nice one. 'role model' for the rest of the world. great stuff.

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I guess they really want to be like Americans but it comes across all wrong as they are probably only trying to imitate what they see from US movies.

As we are the "role model" for the rest of the world there are a lot of nationalities like that but the "American Dream" is not available to everyone ... :o

Well JS, if it wasn't you I'de be getting ready to shove a good old flame down the posters throte.

But seeing as it is you & I normally am in fits of laughter over your posts (this one no exception)...

I am going to nominate you for the oddball of the month award!!!


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I guess they really want to be like Americans but it comes across all wrong as they are probably only trying to imitate what they see from US movies.

As we are the “role model” for the rest of the world there are a lot of nationalities like that but the “American Dream” is not available to everyone ... :o

sometimes american arrogance knows no bounds.

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I'm a Yank, don't have any problems with Russkis overall. Unfortunately, I do exhibit some bias when I see a wealthy Russian (a la Abramovich), I figure they're a criminal of some sort.

I have the same problem. Not only with Russians either.

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I've known a lot of Russians over the years. From both before and after the end of the Cold War. They're a passionate, literate people. Often stubborn, beligerant, loud and arrogant, but I like'em anyway. Avoid drinking with them if possible, as they'll probably insult you, even if they like you. You need a thick skin.

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The US / USSR (no more) sentiment approx 20-30 years ago, was that of 'Bloody Commies,"..

The USSR / US (no more) sentiment approx 20-30 years ago, was that of 'Bloody Yankees,"..

Depends where one was born and influenced/brainwashed by the media and propaganda, US or USSR.... :o


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