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Not 'Thigh-land': Thais amused at Trump's slip


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7 minutes ago, transam said:

Really, so those nutters walking round with guns cos they don't want to toe the line are Trumps fault, the grossly obese are Trumps fault....?

The nutters walking around with guns are Trump's heroes or "true patriots" as he put's it.  With his blessing ,so then some blame must lay with him.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Were you even paying attention? 

Did you miss his liberate Michigan type tweets which were designed to encourage those crazies? 

Obesity no he isn't to blame but a decent president would have been even more protective of such a vulnerable population. 

They broke no laws, its an open carry state. They did not, burned, block traffic, break any windows or throw anything. They even policed the area of trash afterwards.


So would you have him send in those storm troopers as the democrats  calls them?

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I need a 2nd opinion from Jamie Oliver.... ! its a perfect meme ....   ‘Thigh’ land accidental perfect reference is to the insane amount of prostitutes .... Well done Trump for just bitch slapping the land of ‘smiles’ into the land of ‘nobody cares’ 


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18 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

with all the recent talk and well-wishing of ms. maxwell, perhaps his mind was preoccupied with mr. epstein's wonderland.

not forgetting fauci being married to her sister 


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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

The nutters walking around with guns are Trump's heroes or "true patriots" as he put's it.  With his blessing ,so then some blame must lay with him.

If you are referring to Michigan, read post #158. answered>

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2 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

I need a 2nd opinion from Jamie Oliver.... ! its a perfect meme ....   ‘Thigh’ land accidental perfect reference is to the insane amount of prostitutes .... Well done Trump for just bitch slapping the land of ‘smiles’ into the land of ‘nobody cares’ 


Well I guess he will not be running in the up coming marathon. On wait, the Thais changed their mind and are going to let those nasty out siders run, MAYBE.

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How about Yoe-Semite Park just a few days ago? Trump went probably to the Trump university to acquire his basic knowledge, I guess. That's the result of low education, low IQ and zero interest in the country he is leading.

Dump Trump!

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4 hours ago, JJNThailand said:


Is that stupidity or sarcasm? The Chinese taught the world a "thing or two" with Chinese Virus.  Yet, your comment seems passive about their lies and deceit that killed hundreds of thousands world wide.


The anti-Trumpers never disappoint.


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I am not an anti Trump person, I am not American and frankly I couldn't give a toss about politics in America.. I feel this is stupid though because for the last 20 years, buying and trading in the USA,Europe and the Far East has been my career. I have worked with many retailers and manufacturers and I know very well how the shape of manufacturing has changed.. China has all the power and holds all the cards when it comes o global manufacturing.. The West gave it to them over the last 30 years. Now the exploited workforces are the guys calling the shots. A lot of shopping Malls and Amazon warehouses to fill in the USA. Almost all of it from China,, if not from China likely materials or components to make it are from China. I see many countries doing the smart thing and incentivising the Chinese to invest in manufacturing back in their country,,, makes perfect sense. Trump is starting a trade war with them! He will lose because China fills teh shelves iin the USA,,, he is like a typical stupid and arrogant American "Do you know who I am,, I am from the U,,S,,,A," As if he expects everyone to be immediately impressed and get to their feet to stand....pathetic.. well I guarantee there will be compromises made by Trump sooner or later... 

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3 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

It was the river Thames in London until I went to England when I was in my late 20's and learned they pronounce it "Tims". We're all prone to make mistakes. Give it a rest.

Tims??, No we don't.. It is closer to Tems. We pronounce it how it's spelt.


Tell me when you came to the UK did you go to Edinburgh, or Birmingham or perhaps a trek into beautiful Herefordshire? ????

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3 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

All you Farang criticising Trump have lost sight of what he has done for you. You think ANY other leader would have taken on the Chinese? Half of you old blokes would have been coerced out of Thailand by now and replaced by Chinese, just as the Sino-Thais planned. But, Trump has started fighting back in a massive way. Who gives a cr@p if he mispronounces stuff? You blokes would be happier if the Asians continue to walk all over us just to have a leader who is eloquent? Come on

Well you gave them all the power when you stopped making stuff, now they have it you cant take it back.. Better to be smart and work with them then put them big USA boots on and start kicking like a spoilt toddler (nobody tells me what to do,, waaaah!)...

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No one is surprise by his no-culture knowledge and his provocations. This Trump guy is a man who was born with money and do use mafia community to grow up at top level. This guy should be ban, from Thailand for ever because he doesn't respect nothing.

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2 hours ago, RANGER55 said:

McMillion is the CEO of Wal Mart, born in Tennessee, lived in Arkansas all his life, Attended Arkansas University. So, unsure where you get his roots in SC.

As for the factory I think they employee around 127 people? When you say the Chinese people you actually mean the CCP, it’s a communist country that’s falling apart.


You get paid much by the CCP to write propaganda for the Chicons?  

Not worth my time even trying to explain the rest of your drivel. 

You might be right today, this was many years ago. I was contracted by TsinHua Tong Fang and was actively involved in this project, the deal was struck with Walmart by the guy who started Element (Mike O'Shaunessey) who has a very close relationship with the senior management team, so it may not have been the gentleman you are talking about.. Originally the factory was going to be near Minnesota but they negotiated to have it in South Carolina. As of today about half of Element TV's are bought complete out of China, half are Chinese parts assembled in South Carolina,,, not worth my time explaining to you any further...if you would like to be acuuratley educated contact me directly I will happily give you a lesson.

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3 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

All you Farang criticising Trump have lost sight of what he has done for you. You think ANY other leader would have taken on the Chinese? Half of you old blokes would have been coerced out of Thailand by now and replaced by Chinese, just as the Sino-Thais planned. But, Trump has started fighting back in a massive way. Who gives a cr@p if he mispronounces stuff? You blokes would be happier if the Asians continue to walk all over us just to have a leader who is eloquent? Come on

Trump deserves credit for fighting the commies, yes, as well as demolishing one of the most corrosive BS of our time, political correctness. But I'd much prefer a younger dude, a new JFK. Also he's completely dropped the ball with the corona response. I think he's too old for the job already.

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Laugh of the day.....????.....

Looks like you want a Messiah to do the job....????

Not a messiah. 

Minimally competent would have been a massive improvement. 

In fact if he had been he'd be on path for reelection.

But he wasn't and he isn't. 

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2 hours ago, RANGER55 said:

Well if they are so smart why are they run by a bunch of communist thugs.

Why do all the rich communist thugs keep trying to send their kids to the US for an education?

Like I said, you get paid much by the CCP?

Typical American.. If I don't agree with the direction your President is taking I must be a "commi bast**d". Anybody today who is a Purchasing professional will tell you the key sourcing country nowadays in China, that is a fact not the spouting of someone getting paid by the CCP.. Most countries in the World accept this and they are also aware of the risk,, so they are finding ways to work with China on investment rather then starting a trade war. China is too dominant today to bully around, even by the "good ole USA". You should open your eyes and mind and think this through... The clever people are,,,,

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1 hour ago, RANGER55 said:

Of course, its Trumps fault. Every subject on here sooner or later Trump comes up. The game is to count how many posts before it happens.

Someone’s goat can get molested in Kenya or run over by a cart, sooner or later it will be trumps fault somehow.  Now it reaches the point you just laugh at them. 

Not everything is his fault. Nobody has ever said that and you know that. But the horrifically bad American response to the pandemic is mostly owned by the current president. 

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14 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Trump deserves credit for fighting the commies, yes, as well as demolishing one of the most corrosive BS of our time, political correctness. But I'd much prefer a younger dude, a new JFK. Also he's completely dropped the ball with the corona response. I think he's too old for the job already.

That's fair. I'm too old to be choosy, though. I'll take what i can get. I see him as a means to and end. In my book, if he sends the Chinese back 50 years, he will have done more good than bad. 

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28 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Well you gave them all the power when you stopped making stuff, now they have it you cant take it back.. Better to be smart and work with them then put them big USA boots on and start kicking like a spoilt toddler (nobody tells me what to do,, waaaah!)...

Let's see how it plays out. 

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1 hour ago, RANGER55 said:

Sure, you are and I have a heart translate to do later today, just as soon as I get off TV.


Detroit has been run by extreme liberals for over 50 years, like all the Schiff holes in the US. So that speaks for its self.


As for Amazon, we should all take your advice and sell all our stock today. Because it is going down the tube, so think you for those words of wisdom from the CCP. Even though he just became one of three people to hit the 100 and over billion mark. Food for thought, all three are in the US. Do you have any more financial advice for us today, PLEASE?

I can order from Amazon and it will be at my door the next day, two at the most. I use to order <deleted> from China, not any more, it might be here in two months if at all.


Speaking of Forest Gump (stupid is as stupid does) that definitely applies to some posters on here and their Chinese Daddy. Come on, say it, WHOS your DADDY!

Blimey you really have no idea... you ordering today from Amazon and it being with you tomorrow is nothing to do with where the product originally comes from my friend. 


How much product do you think originates from China that is sold in the USA? Do you have any idea? 


I personally could not give a toss about USA politics or your financial situation, so not offering advice, I simply see what Trump is doing is wrong. The fact that he thinks buying from smaller SE Asian countries means he is dodging china sourcing tells me this.. Despite what you think I am a Sourcing Professional, I have worked and lived in different countries in Asia for over 10 years acting as a Sourcing professional for retailers and small manufacturers in the USA and Europe. The factory I was contracted by in Thailand has 5 factories in Laemchabang,,, they actually manufacture almost nothing,, all the components come from China, sometimes fully built (CBU), sometimes in kits (SKD) dpeneding on how big the brown envelope was that owner threw at customs. I then opened EU and USA customers with them selling these products... sourced from Thailand, bought manufactured in China,, fact...


Good luck with the heart transplant Doctor.

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19 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Slight miss pronunciation , quickly corrected , quite funny really , no doubt the Anti Trumpers will make a big issue out of it 

Considering the sh*t he has to put up with everyday, as the oldest president ever sworn into office, he's extremely coherent. Who doesn't make a pronunciation gaffe from time to time... and it was corrected within seconds.


The most interesting comment he made in that video, that stood out to me: "nice leaders" in Vietnam and "Thighland". I would hazard a guess that he doesn't know much about Thailand's leader. The Thai people making a big thing about this gaffe have an inflated opinion of their own importance on the International stage.

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