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Democrat Joe Biden chooses U.S. Senator Kamala Harris for White House running mate

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1 hour ago, Smigel said:

So Trumps policy of America first, and de-regulation, bringing companies and jobs back to America, that other administrations had shamefully been allowed to be outsourced abroad. 

That policy has hurt American workers, their rights and the environment, is that what you believe.? 

2). So it's just rich people that are leaving blue states in their thousands and relocating to red states, because they can. Nothing to do with small and medium business owners, and definitely no working class, leaving for a more affordable and better standard of living. 

By the way, I checked my bank account and I'm definitely not rich. But then again I already knew that, seeing as I've spent my working life, in a low paid career in the service of others. I am not and never have been motivated by money. 

3) in the United Kingdom, where I am from, a guy and his girlfriend both lost their jobs / were cancelled. Because the guy had the temerity to sponsor the flying of a banner from a light aircraft. The banner read " white lives matter". Is that the kind of abhorrent opinion of which you speak.? 

4) I disagree with your contention that dem mayor's, senators, governors and Congressmen (isn't that sexist), are not condoning the looters/ rioters and violence. I have yet to hear any let alone prominent dems condemn the Anarchy. Remember "silence is violence".Perhaps you could prove otherwise. If its also your contention that ANTIFA and Blm are Trump supporting anarchists, then there is literally no hope for you. Your Inste hatred of all things Trump and rich people has completely destroyed your capacity for logical thought. 

May I suggest you crack open a cold beer and calm yourself. 

Check out "you tube" inside Nancy pelosis district: This is not what America should look like.  it will enlighten you as to why people are fleeing dem states in their thousands. 


First of all I’m rich. I own a company in Thailand that has 50 staff and turnovers millions a year and a high level of profitability. However I come from humble beginnings, brought up in Scotland with 5 kids and a single mother. I know poverty. I was brought up with it and lived it all through my informative years. 
What it taught me was that given an even and equal opportunity (which thanks to Scottish education, the NHS and social mobility), most people will go forward. They will take their opportunity and make better of themselves. All they want is the chance to be better. A small minority will take the p$ss, but most will try and elevate themselves. What they don’t need is racial barriers, sex oriented barriers and social status barriers. I would have hoped someone like yourself could understand that? Your problems are not the fault of equally disadvantaged people but are from those that choose to divide and conquer. 
Pick your individual echo chamber as much as you wish but ultimately the crumbs you are thrown from the likes of Trump are nothing more than a distraction. They are spreading division and hatred for those that are in exactly the same boat as you. 
Understand that and you might understand how hated he, Boris and all their ilk are. 
And this is coming from a guy who DOES look at his bank balance and should like what they are preaching, however my morality and sense of what is right and wrong chooses a different path. 

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3 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Curious Joe Biden would choose as a running mate a woman who got her start in politics by having an affair with a married man...but I guess it isn't when you know that he had an affair with his current wife, Jill Biden, when she was still married to her first husband, Bill Stevenson. As someone wise once said, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Kamala Harris launched political career with $120K 'patronage' job from boyfriend Willie Brown...







Trump supporter concerned about candidates' moral character  and family values.


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16 hours ago, Smigel said:

First of all my congratulations to you for your fiscal success in life. Although perhaps I should tamper that with some consolation for the inner turmoil you are obviously experiencing. 

To have come from humble beginnings with four other siblings cannot have been easy, but equally may have provided you with the drive and determination to make a success of your life. 

Did you actually read my post, because it seems you are under the misapprehension that I am bitter and twisted about my lot in life, and the fact that I have not made large amounts of money. 

I repeat, I chose a career in a public service that doesn't offer financial riches, but does give me a tremendous amount of job satisfaction and self esteem. Again I am not motivated by money. I can honestly say it was a pleasure to go to work. 

My mantra has always been if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life. 

What are these racial, sexual and social barriers you speak of, that are holding people back from finding work. 

Frankly, in these days of equal opportunity and affirmative action, there has never been a better time for all parts of society to find employment. I find that a ridiculous statement. 

Just because I have posted a couple of opinions that defend Trump, attack democrats, and proffer Conservative traits, it doesn't mean I staunchly support Boris Johnson and the so called Conservative party, far from it. 

The contempt I hold for most politicians is limitless. The vast majority of them are nothing but a bunch of self serving, snouts in the trough, traitorous, liars. 

That would sell their own grandmother in a heartbeat. 

I don't buy into the orange man bad mantra, constantly churned out and whipped into a frenzy by the corrupt main stream media from day one of his nomination, let alone presidency. 

The election of Trump put a hell of a lot of self interest noses out of joint, which is why a lot of republicans are also against him. 

No president in history has had to put up with the utter hatred and lack of co-operation and respect that he has. 

Still he never gives an inch, he sticks to his guns and keeps going, and he will not be cowed by the corrupt media. I for one admire him for it. 

You call him a racist I've never heard him make a racist statement. I know he's never spoken at a funeral of a kkk'man, Biden has. 

I guess we shall both see the path America wants to follow come November, I hope they choose wisely. Because for me the consequences for Western civilisation are disastrous. 

Encore!  Encore!  Brilliantly expressed!  :jap:

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19 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

1. Hiring literally crooks rather than 'draining the swamp' as he boasted. So far, 7 of his 'associates' are now convicted felons. How the hell do you get away with that?

2. He defrauded his own charity!! That alone would have got him sacked (especially the UK) but ol' teflon Don managed to get away with that one.

3. Rather than see the BLM movement for what it really was; an opportunity to constructively engage with a disenfranchised part of his country, he instead chose to demonise and antagonise. And for clarity, this isn't including the looters. I see them as a seperate element that righly should be condemned.

4. His handling of the pandemic; he has tried to deny it, minimalise it and ignore it despite every other single western nation taking neccessary steps to contain it. To date that has cost 172,000 American lives and counting. This alone should be enough to secure his resignation (and by the way, Boris has done an equally horrible job). And what's with all the nonsense about face masks? Only Trump could manage to politice such an obvious deterant.

5. His constant Tweeting and getting invloved in matters beneath every other POTUS in the past. His constant childish name calling and the dragging of identity politics to even greater lows. 

6. Just the general chaos he has brought to government. Gutting departments, placing individuals of dubious qualications and allegiances to positions of power and undermining anyone who he see as not on his side. He is devicive not inclusive.

7. His tendancy to cosy up to dictators and depots at the expense of his own security forces and long standing US allies. 


Oh my, and to think that had the Dems put up almost anyone else for POTUS than her they'd be in the White House now and not him.

If one wants to defeat a bad man it does not help to put such a notoriously, IMO, bad person against them. She lost because Middle America was never going to vote for her, and even if they had to hold their noses while doing so voted for the less bad option.

1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh my, and to think that had the Dems put up almost anyone else for POTUS than her they'd be in the White House now and not him.

If one wants to defeat a bad man it does not help to put such a notoriously, IMO, bad person against them. She lost because Middle America was never going to vote for her, and even if they had to hold their noses while doing so voted for the less bad option.

So your defense against a crook is 'she is not a nice person'.

8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that Trump was of the rich class, did anyone think he'd have done otherwise?

Obama had 8 years to screw the rich, but seems he joined them. Apparently he's hardly short of a dime or three now. Pretty good going for a career politician.

How is Obama getting lots of money for lectures related to Trump's tax breaks for the rich, lack of prosecution for financial crimes and doing away with environmental regulations by Trump?

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that Trump was of the rich class, did anyone think he'd have done otherwise?

Obama had 8 years to screw the rich, but seems he joined them. Apparently he's hardly short of a dime or three now. Pretty good going for a career politician.

Excuse, excuse, excuse.

Deflection, deflection, deflection.



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