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Democrat Joe Biden chooses U.S. Senator Kamala Harris for White House running mate


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56 minutes ago, stevenl said:


You're ok with Pence, who was rejected in the primaries, but not with Harris, because she was rejected in the primaries?

What are you talking about? He wasn't in the primaries. Making it up again?




Pence withdrew his gubernatorial reelection campaign in July 2016 to become the running mate of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who went on to win the 2016 presidential election. He was inaugurated as vice president of the United States on January 20, 2017.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


"I personally haven't seen anything from Trump on her."


Well, that's not too surprising. You often pretend claim to not have heard, read or be aware of Trump's uncomfortable statements. Until, that is, you go for the he-was-just-trolling spin, followed by the so-what? bit.

I wasn't aware that the thread is about me. Try debating what I say and not making it personal, but I understand that is a tactic preferred by those trying to shut down opinions they don't like.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I wasn't aware that the thread is about me. Try debating what I say and not making it personal, but I understand that is a tactic preferred by those trying to shut down opinions they don't like.

Perhaps your best friend trump should follow your advice about making it personal without even pretending to start with policies.

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Just now, Morch said:


You obviously pretend this only appeared on TVF, the world's leading news venue. In reality, it was covered by multiple news sources.

Not that it's any of your business, but I don't watch tv or read newspapers, and local radio does not provide news about USA politics.

It's also none of your business if I don't spend every minute of my waking life reading everything on TVF.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


I am debating what you say, which was denying knowledge of Trump's public statements. Even if you were indeed unaware of them previously, then you are now. Wonder how that seats with your comments above. Since this is hardly a first, but more a "debate" tactic, it ought to be pointed out as the disingenuous effort it is. How was your opinion "shut down"?


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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What are you talking about? He wasn't in the primaries. Making it up again?




Pence withdrew his gubernatorial reelection campaign in July 2016 to become the running mate of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who went on to win the 2016 presidential election. He was inaugurated as vice president of the United States on January 20, 2017.

You're right, except for the 'making it up again comment', he was not in the primaries. 

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7 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Ok fair enough but if you are getting the 'information I use to comment on here from the threads on here', why are you defending Trump so much? I mean most of the threads here are anti-Trump (myself included) and most of the 'threads' lead to news sourcing that are continually showing that Trump is a pathalogical liar and is doing exactly what we say he is doing; belittling opponents like a 7 year old, backing conspiracy theories and conning the American public with downright untruths and lies (the birther one with Kamala beinga  good recent example). 

I suppose what I'm trying to say is how have you not been convinced Trump is the worst by now if all you are doing is getting your information from 'comments' and 'the threads on here'? Have we not proven it enough to you? 

You must have missed all my posts explaining why I support Trump, of which there have been many. I don't support him per se ( I'd have voted for Bernie both times ), I just oppose the establishment candidates the Dems have put up.

Had the Dems put up a decent candidate on both occasions Trump would be toast. Had Bernie been the candidate last time, IMO he'd have wiped Trump by many millions.

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19 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

If 'Trump's comments were honest and truthful' then why did they sound like a schollyard bully picking on a fellow 7 year old? He described a political opponent as 'nasty, 'angry' a 'madwoman'. I really wouldn't mind his criticism IF it sounded like it was coming from an adult and especially the POTUS. And then of course the 'birther' conspiracy debacle. I mean really? Do you think this is fitting coming from the POTUS?

And Harris wasn't disrespectful and vicious towards Kavanaugh; she was forthright and dogged (which is her nature as a prosecutor) and Kavanaugh is a big boy after all and had some SERIOUS questions to answer. And again your statement 'She displayed none of that towards Biden when she said she believed his accuser' is factually incorrect. Harris only said she thought the accusers had every right to be heard NOT that she believed them. This is completely made up by Fox News (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/harris-believe-biden-accusers/). 


Trump, IMO, was a response to the corruption in Washington, whether he was an ideal candidate or not. If he comes across in a manner some do not like, it is because he is, IMO, not a suave creature of the swamp that speaks nicely and exploits the populace without mercy. You may not have noticed, but he comes across like normal, working class person. I certainly identify with him more than some political person that has never done a real job in their entire lives, but dresses nicely and bribes voters with their own money to keep them in the style they think they are entitled to. Beats doing a real job.

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Just now, ThreeEyedRaven said:

You also said: Not that it's any of your business, but I don't watch tv or read newspapers, and local radio does not provide news about USA politics.

If you are, as you say, so genuinely uninformed, you can hardly be surprised when people point out to you that your opinion is, well, uninformed.

Facts are a different matter of course, but as you say yourself, you rarely utilise them.

OMG. I don't have to watch tv or read newspapers to be informed. Have you never heard of google?


I see no point in replying to the obviously baiting posts anymore, so I won't. If I see a reasonable post I will spend my time replying to them.


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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I call B.S. 


If Bernie had been nominated he would have been red baited to death in 16 and 20.


Anyone with an elementary understanding of American politics knows that. 


Happily there are way fewer Bernie to trump turncoats this time. Why? Because now we know for sure that he's a wanna fascist dictator. Plus his disastrously bad response to the pandemic. 

I'd still have voted for Bernie. He "dislikes" the bankers as much as I, apparently.

I'd have voted for anyone that promised to put everyone responsible for subprime mortgages in jail for life.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump, IMO, was a response to the corruption in Washington, whether he was an ideal candidate or not. If he comes across in a manner some do not like, it is because he is, IMO, not a suave creature of the swamp that speaks nicely and exploits the populace without mercy. You may not have noticed, but he comes across like normal, working class person. I certainly identify with him more than some political person that has never done a real job in their entire lives, but dresses nicely and bribes voters with their own money to keep them in the style they think they are entitled to. Beats doing a real job.

And then your final decision to swing your vote from Sanders to Trump is  grounded on how the final nominee's appearance - according to your standards - resonates with yours? 

And now you understand why the most beautiful girl in the world isn't the one who wins the contest...   

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