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Murdered British backpacker’s parents ‘GRATEFUL’ killers’ death sentences reduced to life in jail


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Take a Thailand poll to see the results and I would bet that most all Thai do not think these kids did it. These kids are thought to be harshly railroaded and seems still are being railroaded from fear of being put to death. This all happened in 2014 like same year someone else who seized phony power just 4 months earlier and is on record saying it was unlikely a Thai could not do this type of grizzly murder and that beautiful foreign women wearing bikinis should not expect to be safe.


That whole year is a sham and a travesty of justice. 

Edited by holy cow cm
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This is another very controversial case, why does Thailand allow this to go on knowing full well that there is something seriously amiss here. Come on Thailand move into a world of transparency, stamp out corruption as these face saving scenarios are seriously detrimental to your integrity and the people of Thailand. Long term you will benefit & prosper. 

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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Surreal. If anyone killed a family member of mine, death to them!

I cannot say how I would react to any future event unless I had experienced it before. This story is about the parents of the deceased and not about any individual on TVF.

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They admitted the killings in order to not get executed? Why do I feel so bad around my stomach when thinking of rule of law the Thai style?? These guys will spend decades in jail for something they might have never committed...


Thai justice system in total need of credibility... Red Bull walks free? Myanmar workers put on death row. Corrupt <deleted> up country with no trust in justice.

Edited by P100
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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Good.  The death penalty is barbaric.  Why doesn't Thailand just join the civilised world and ban it altogether?

Like America  only been 1 - 3 executions since 2009


Allot of people get sentenced to death then communited to life then sometiems  out within 15 to 20 years


In this case they should  never be free after what they did

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i did not  realise  they  raped this  poor girl on the beach

That  if true  I would want the  death penalty as I am sure her parents  would want 

Any life  even in prison is better  than no life  so  death is a  just punishment 

If Rape  was  in this  case  I  am sure  these guys  would not have bothered with a condom 

So  DNA  at the scene  should be a piece of cake to tie them to the murders 

So how can there be any  doubt unless  the DNA  was not a match 

Be  interesteing  to follow  that one up ?


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4 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Surreal. If anyone killed a family member of mine, death to them!

I expect that, due to the nature of their arrest, the inaccuracy of their police interviews, confusion over evidence, lost DNA, the very strange and quick departure of the relative of the Thai Head Man, and their trial and conviction -- the parents would have 'some' doubt that these two really were the murderers . . . or scapegoats . . . and prefer them not to be executed.

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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Good.  The death penalty is barbaric.  Why doesn't Thailand just join the civilised world and ban it altogether?

Why doesn't Thailand open up easy PR for us married with family but is only easily gotten by a foreign woman married to a Thai man? All most other countries do.


If these kids have been prodded pushed as scared to admit being guilty, honestly they will never get out of prison and it is probably better they are put to death and become martyrs. 

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21 minutes ago, BigC said:

Like America  only been 1 - 3 executions since 2009


Allot of people get sentenced to death then communited to life then sometiems  out within 15 to 20 years


In this case they should  never be free after what they did

They didnt do it though, thought everyone knew that

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It’s interesting that the same people that believe the evil Thai government absolutely hates foreigners seem to also believe the same evil Thai government would frame a couple of innocent men to make the foreigners they hate feel safer thereby attracting more of the foreigners they hate...

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5 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

If you followed the case in any way, you would know, that the Miller's reaction was significantly different from the Witheridge'!

While Hannah's family NEVER bought the verdict, the investigation or even the idea of the B2 to be guilty, Miller's parents were far more welcoming to everything the Thai- officials said and did!

Make of that, what you wish!

Wasnt compensation offered and one Family accepted the money and the other Family didnt accept it ?

(No prizes for guessing which one is which)

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