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Pattaya: Swede racks up 100,000 baht in hospital bills after chasing snatch thief who stole 60K necklace

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3 hours ago, Sheryl said:


Agree they are not to blame for the theft.


But the decision to put 60k into jewelry rather than health insurance or setting money aside for medical bills.....


I certainly do not own any piece of jewelry worth remotely that much. I do however pay for good health insurance. These are choices.


It depends on when you buy the gold. 25 years ago he was probably working and gold was 5 or 6,000 baht per baht weight. Now it is around 29,xxx for the same 1 baht weight. Wages haven't gone up at the same rate though. 


At some point in your life the insurance company will say something like, we are sorry but you are now in a threshold where the premiums get to be ridiculous and they won't insure you. That is when, if you had bought gold a long while ago, you would have an advantage and you could pawn or sell it to meet hospial bills.


I wish that 25 years ago I had bought my wife 1 baht of gold per month.


Why such a big hospital bill??

I had 2 hospital procedures under General Anesthesia and it didn't cost my insurance more than 30-35k for each one... and this was at the expensive and private (and awesome) Pattaya Bangkok Hospital.

2 hours ago, SePl said:


No ! it's only because you are old but think about yourself as a 20 years old guy ! Time to know the truth at 72 !

Ridiculous old men on bikes always make me laugh ! The ones showing "expensive" gold also, your gold is krap compared to our 6/8 millions Benz that nobody will ever be able to steal !




D a Google search here https://www.google.co.uk/search?sxsrf=ALeKk01-BPHVnUl4m9G3cEz28rI-JsBCXA%3A1597751886864&source=hp&ei=TsI7X_CFMtaH9QPkl6ToBQ&q=how+easy+is+it+to+steal+a+mercedes+benz+car&oq=how+easy+is+it+to+steal+a+Mercedes+Benz&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgUIIRCgAToECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6CAgAELEDEIMBOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoFCC4QsQM6AgguOgUIABCxAzoICAAQsQMQkQI6AggAOgQIABAKOgUIABDLAToGCAAQFhAeOgcIIRAKEKABUKowWJP_AWC_lwJoAXAAeACAAcwBiAGMK5IBBjEuMzguMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab


I just typed how easy is it to steal a mercedes benz car and got About 7,470,000 results (0.60 second

  • Confused 2
12 minutes ago, DerekJ said:

Go Fund Me for this guy please????? 

Set 1 up. But dont expect a big response. The general population are not responsible for the uneducated childish actions of a grown man. Id like to think he has learned a lesson from this escapade which should have come to him earlier in life. Perhaps it did and he didnt learn. Either way, his show off attitude cost him dearly

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2 hours ago, Felt 35 said:

What a sad bunch on TV criticizing the victim. Maybe he haven't been here so long that he know the country to well and that robbing is nearly acceptable unless the perpetrator can be seen/ recognized and arrested and by that losing face.


Any newbie in Pattaya who buy a 2 bath gold chain and have a Thai girlfriend should have enough brain to ask her or somebody local if it's safe to wear when riding a motorbike. 

I bet his girlfriend told him already but he wouldn't listen. 

He remind me of Crocodile Dundee from the photo "Nobody rob my gold and get away with it".

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49 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

1 baht of gold is about 24,500 baht, so about 49,000 baht in total. If driving around on a bike with a goldchain that can be easily seen and also snatched, then he isn't that smart. 

Sorry but you are a little behind the times,




Gold Price in THB today per Baht
Current Price:    ฿30,609 THB
Bid Price:    ฿30,606 THB
Ask Price:    ฿30,612 THB
Today Low:    ฿30,212 THB
Today High:    ฿30,668 THB

17 minutes ago, alexlm said:

Why such a big hospital bill??

I had 2 hospital procedures under General Anesthesia and it didn't cost my insurance more than 30-35k for each one... and this was at the expensive and private (and awesome) Pattaya Bangkok Hospital.


Actually my thought was that the bill was low and, if surgery was involved, he must have used a government hospital.


I don;t know what you had done for only 30-35K at BPH but unless it was a simple diagnostic procedure (like colonoscopy) I doubt it was recent, even day surgeries cost more than that now. And I also doubt you were admitted for many days and surely it was not ortho surgery.


Bill for my traffic accident in 2019, with 3 fractures but not requiring instrumentation, but a very large laceration/degloving of the ankle and heel with subsequent infection (so 2 weeks in hospital, and 2 surgeries) , exceeded the equivalent of 600,000 baht at a hospital similiar to BPH in price.


From the pix he has multiple fractures.


If instrumentation is required (plates, screws etc) these are imported and very costly, even at a govt hospital becomes expensive.

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6 minutes ago, bander said:

Any newbie in Pattaya who buy a 2 bath gold chain and have a Thai girlfriend should have enough brain to ask her or somebody local if it's safe to wear when riding a motorbike. 

I bet his girlfriend told him already but he wouldn't listen. 

He remind me of Crocodile Dundee from the photo "Nobody rob my gold and get away with it".

Did you even read the post? The lady on the bike with him is his wife and not his girlfried as you wrongly assumed,

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Two people on a motorbike would have difficulty in catching one person on a motorbike .

He should have dropped her off first before going on a chase (Whether he went back to pick her up again would be his choice )

Depends , 2 on a Kawaski Ninja or Honda 750 could run down a Honda Wave or Clik pretty quickly.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Max69xl said:

1 baht of gold is about 24,500 baht, so about 49,000 baht in total. If driving around on a bike with a goldchain that can be easily seen and also snatched, then he isn't that smart. 

Gold is selling at $2,011 USD an ounce at 7:30 PM Thai time 8/18/20 and over 30,000 baht for 1 baht gold

36 minutes ago, alexlm said:

Why such a big hospital bill??

I had 2 hospital procedures under General Anesthesia and it didn't cost my insurance more than 30-35k for each one... and this was at the expensive and private (and awesome) Pattaya Bangkok Hospital.

What was the procedure? They clipped your nails?

30 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Id like to think he has learned a lesson from this escapade which should have come to him earlier in life.

Yeah, I was thinking the same. Admire his gumption and all that but at 72, really? Most of older guys have had escapades when we were younger that make us a little bit risk averse; and apart from the fact that we've learnt life's not quite like the movies, we don't bounce so well these days. The only time I'd consider taking such a risk would be if a loved ones safety was a stake. Certainly not over a 2 baht necklace, especially with my SO on the back. Seems the guy is still trying to get some kind of redemption by bringing the culprit to justice, rather than accepting the situation as it is. You lost, it happens, move on. Could've come off, I suppose, but you'd be rolling a 98-100 on a 100 percentile dice

10 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Did you even read the post? The lady on the bike with him is his wife and not his girlfried as you wrongly assumed,

Girlfriend, wife, fiancee, who care about the marital status, that is not the point why he was robbed and got a huge medical bill.

He made 2 mistakes.

1). Trying to upgrade himself from a poor individual with no savings by wearing a 2 bath gold chain in a district who is known for this kind of robberies. 

2). Trying to hunt down the robber by himself instead of calling the police.

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7 hours ago, Blue Muton said:

So you've got a PhD in victim blaming, congratulations.

You don’t need a PhD to highlight the foolhardiness of decking yourself out with a tacky,tawdry'xmas tree' decoration in an 'empty vessels make most noise' scenario,especially when you’ve not got two H'apence  to rub together. It’s an open invitation for exactly what happened and then the brainless idiot embarks on dangerous chase. Not the sharpest tool in the shed,is he?

  • Thanks 1

He's a <deleted> for wearing bling like that in the first place! I guess he was looking for attention and he got it! Just not the kind the worthless <deleted> was looking for! 

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12 hours ago, tonray said:

Surprising then owning 60,000 baht necklace...and I guess health insurance is non existent too ?

So what. He can own what he likes and the Thai already paid the police gave them the gold 

3 hours ago, Max69xl said:

1 baht of gold is about 24,500 baht, so about 49,000 baht in total. If driving around on a bike with a goldchain that can be easily seen and also snatched, then he isn't that smart. 

What fun is bling-bling if you can't flaunt it?  <laughs>

5 hours ago, SePl said:


No ! it's only because you are old but think about yourself as a 20 years old guy ! Time to know the truth at 72 !

Ridiculous old men on bikes always make me laugh ! The ones showing "expensive" gold also, your gold is krap compared to our 6/8 millions Benz that nobody will ever be able to steal !




Perhaps I should warn you about carjacking. But they don't carjack honda civics.

8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

AS that is even 50% below the marriage visa needs , I would not shout about that too much. 


And if anyone says maybe he has savings  - then he can pay his bill !

Where does it say he is asking for help with hospital bill???


I saw this yesterday on the local TMN Pattaya news, I told the Mrs then that the guy is a muppet


So his income is only 30k per month, really ??


And all these members defending him, really ??


In times of national strife when more people are out of work than ever before, people killing themselves due to extreme stress, not knowing where the next baht is coming from & someone suggests he was taking it to a gold shop to sell it !!!!! Has he not heard of pockets, don't be so bloody daft, 


There are some idiots on here, it's been well known for donkeys years, do not tempt the locals by flaunting your wealth in any shape or form, especially now.


The guy is an idiot and 60k poorer for his stupidity. 

Really people, wakey wakey.




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16 hours ago, Henryford said:

Wearing a 2 baht gold necklace. Might as well wear a sign saying "please rob me".

Get a bigger necklace that can't be easily snatched. 




So sorry to hear about your accident, Sheryl.  Did the motorcycle rider's insurance pay or did he flee?


I had a bad accident in Japan when at night a car with no lights on suddenly crossed in front of my motorcycle. It took me two years to recover but cost me not a cent out of pocket.

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