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"The bodies keep mounting up on Thailand's roads" - damning report airing on UK TV


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The only true part of this video is that the deathtoll is high. But to compare it with the actions against covid, I think this is going too far. Even a country like Germany has more people die on the road then because of the virus and there the deathtoll of the virus is a few hundred times higher then in Thailand and the country is considered safe.

If Thailand were to deal with that they should just shut off all traffic. And apart from that... how often I see people driving wearing a mask but no helmet?


Like already mentioned above, the lack of proper training is according to me the main reason why there are so many accidents. The roads are not dangerous, it is the people on it who even don't know any basic traffic rules. I got my Thai drivers licence last year and it is just a joke. That licence doesn't proof anything. This is one of the few things the government should start changing. A requirement of a minimum amount of lessons and at an examn proof that you learned those lessons and not just some stupid parking and driving backwards.



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48 minutes ago, mberbae said:

The Policeman not taking bribes can be 100% true. I have been in cars where

bribes ( or, immediate payments for fines ) were offered. The policeman politely

instructed the driver to go to the police station to pay.

Many times for me.

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3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Hats off to the volunteer paramedics. The real unsung heroes of Thailand's appalling road statistics.   


The police should hang their heads in shame. 

The police seemingly have no shame, honor or conscience, largely due to rampant corruption, mismanagement and the lack of consequence for malfeasance.


Centralized in Bangkok, they are not answerable to those they serve, and a lack of locally elected Governors adds to this pathetic and deadly situation because they currently have no control or influence over the mob.


Perhaps this documentary will cause so much loss of face and damage to the all important image, there may be some action, however slight.





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The simple, sad fact is that many people just don't care. They drive however they want to and they know they can get away with it. Furthermore, a large number lack the mental capability to grasp the rules of the road or how to properly drive a vehicle. When you put untrained, ignorant people on the back of motorbikes or behind the wheels of cars, what you have is a recipe for disaster, and we see it time and again, probably well over 62 times a day, in fact - nationwide.


Without a) clearly defined rules of the road or any respect for them shown by those using the road, b) proper training from a young age to ensure driving proficiency and c) a proper police force who will enforce aforementioned rules, Thailand hasn't a snowball's chance in hell in reducing the dire numbers of road traffic accidents / fatalities. Since I've lived here the yearly death toll has never dropped, in some years it has actually increased.



Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Hats off to the volunteer paramedics. The real unsung heroes of Thailand's appalling road statistics.   


The police should hang their heads in shame. 

Shame? Police? 

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Absolutely nothing is done to try and stop the terrible death toll.  Regularly I see motorcycles being ridden by students - who obviously do not have legal licences - and often three on a bike - riding right past police on duty.  They seem to come out in force twice a month to collect their 'tea money' - then even stopping drivers for no reason...so why cannot they be out in force every day?  

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1 hour ago, Tidybeard said:

I once asked a Thai friend why it was that in Thailand I never saw a police car pull over and stop a dangerous driver. Why I never saw a dangerous overloaded truck stopped,

So you have not be observant on the Bangkok-Chonburi motorway? They stop poorly secured loads almost everyday.

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The bodies keep mounting up on Thailand's roads"

This isn't going to get any better if the Government doesn't get Serious. 

It the government took the road carnage as serious as they do the Wuhan Flu there wouldn't be 62 deaths a day but maybe 15/20

 This can be done if they Force the cops to do their jobs 24/7 like western countries to come down hard on law/rule  breakers .

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a priceless comment.... A policeman that does not accept bribes, he must be the only 1 in the whole country.

Notice his name is not mentioned.

To be fair Colin, in my 23 years driving in Thailand I have many stories to tell, but I have come across 2 (maybe 3) that refused a bribe and wrote me a ticket. Good on them. I was the one at fault.

Plenty of others though that got cash in the hand.


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A fairly shallow puff piece by Sky focusing on a creepy collection of ‘memorabilia' as a tawdry tabloid drawer to a serious story . The fact remains the public in general aren’t seriously interested in addressing the issues,as neither are the police nor the government. The root cause is cultural and (poor) educational so expect no change.

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