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Thailand presses ahead with plans to turn prisons into tourist attractions


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Bolivia has been doing this for many years.  Pay a guard and get to go in and check out the conditions.   Over there it comes with a not insignificant risk of being robbed or shivved.  Interesting to hear the governments thoughts on how to control that kind of thing.

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4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


So the millions of people who visit the Nazi death camps in Europe are sick?

Sorry, don't think so.

Better analogy would be if the furnaces were still on. I doubt there'd be many curious visitors.

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Thailand presses ahead with plans to turn prisons into tourist attractions

.... at exactly the same time it plans to turn tourist attractions (resorts) into prisons (quarantine destinations.)


Accuse the Thais of what you want, but their flexibility about logic is impeccable.

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7 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

Next it will be a hair brain scheme by the Minister of Sewerage to invite tourists to visit sewerage plants to smell pleasant odours from his wonderful old plants. 

A landfill tour also might bring in a bundle. And the tour member who reaches the summit first gets a fabulous prize.

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Well, as a tourist you're going to be locked up for 14 days so I guess it makes sense to have this oh so clever tie-in.  What a bonanza bonus--spend your 14-day quarantine in a Thai prison!  Yes, you WILL be allowed to use the exercise yard once a day!  

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10 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

After being locked up for 14d in ASQ, the first thing I'd wish to do is to visit a prison... 


The first 14 days you will be locked up in prison.  No better way to get the full experience.

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10 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

But the only tourists this year are Thai.


 Best news , i have heard for a while .

  Keep up , the good work ...



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11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Disgraceful. Thai prisons are places of terrible hardship and suffering. Anyone wanting to go visit is just sick, and promoting visits is disgraceful. The only thing I am sure about is that it will be a revenue raiser, as if the jails didn't fleece its inmates enough already.

Agreed. Some years ago I was invited to teach in one of the many prisons on the outskirts of Bangkok. The prison was severely overcrowded with no beds and inmates told me they receive one bowl of rice with some veggies once a day. This was a literal hellhole.


Guaranteed the inmates will not appreciate foreigners peering in on their limited space on some wooden floor in a stilted shack as if they've come to see the animals at the zoo. These are definitely NOT places for tourists. This is one of the most ludicrous and disgusting policies I've ever seen from the Thai gov't.

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only the best country in the world would think of the greatest tourist idea ever. i think i am actually done talking to thai people for the time being for this lunacy. i mean for real. how can i take this culture seriously when people in power in this place constantly come up with winners like this. 


edit - all jokes aside does this not actually scare some of you posters here ? these are grown adults in positions of power in control of a country on planet thailand. i mean earth. 

Edited by mr mr
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How refreshing not a face mask in sight .... maybe the day will start with an early morning wake up followed by prays and exercise ‘ free bowl of rice before the daily rape ritual .sleeping rough on the floor no joke the days delicacy is smoked bamboo worms rot duan. Thai prisons are a scary place,who in their right mind would want to visit one as a theme park with overnight stay costing just 150 baht a night payable to the big fella who allows you a mattress ???????? not worry mister I look after you longtime ????

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16 hours ago, YetAnother said:

then he is deadly stupid

historically, prisons as novelty attractions are economcally viable. There's other reasons, such as hiding poor treatment of prisioners, why they are rarely used this way. But if the treasury really needs the cash, then yes, put the prisoners to good use, make they earn their kept. Its actually good for everyone involved.
Historically, madhouses are even more marketable as novelty attractions. If the Thai's have got some of them then they should get on making them tuorist attractions too.


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23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I think the hat is merely hiding an embarrassing growth growing out of his head in he shape of a male organ !  

I hope he buys the drinks when he rings that bell. There is also one with a parrot on his head.

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11 hours ago, silicastorm said:

.... madness,,, it is all complete madness coming out from these politicians lately..... lunacy ,,,, i think their masks have been restricting their oxygen. No words can describe it,,, speechless....

In the 18th cent they used to charge people to look at the lunatics in Bedlam mental 'hospital' in London. Why not that as well here, for an extra charge tourists could feed them and poke them with sticks ???? Daft idea of the week.

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