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What is it about COVID 19 that has the World and Thailand in particular so scared?

Thomas J

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In the USA its an election year.

Watch CNN and we are all doomed to die (change the Pres.)

Watch Fox news and all is hunky dory and the savior is D J Trump, (printing money and stealing like crazy)

BTW both parties love and enhance the division as it pulls in support ($$) from their bases.


While the virus is real to the unhealthy... This has turned into curruption at its best.

Fear is a powerful tool being used

Unfortunately the TH Gov...is frozen in fear. 

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HIV and tuberculosis are only mainly a problem in the 3rd world, I'm pretty sure I saw that 80% of the world tuberculosis cases are in India and of course Africa is where HIV is mostly hitting, so the Euro-american centered health authorities don't care. I would also say that Thailand feels they had better go along with the rest of the world and act like COVID19 is such terrible thing, there is no doubt a lot of pressure on any country who wants to just say no thank you to the lockstep march to one world government. It is just not the thing to do in Thailand to take a stand and tell Tedros et al, "The WHO is not my father!"

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11 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

The Gates of hell have been opened ????

Speaking of Gates, too many questions are unanswered about the world's richest and most powerful man..(who also is the biggest donor of the World Health organization after the US government)


How come he organized a convention "simulating" a world pandemic in October 2019?



How come no one in the mainstream media is doing any research regarding his ties to Jeffrey Epstein?


How come his foundation is so "occupied" with getting "vaccines" to third world countries instead of investing in Agriculture, Food and Clean water supply?


How come he became a philanthropist right after he tried to screw over his Microsoft partner, Paul Allen?



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4 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I did NOT say and never have even vaguely indicated they "are responsible" cease placing incorrect suppositions.

I was replying to your post regarding transmission and infection methods, and it is a transmissible infection not a contagious infection. Please do NOT attribute meanings which are not explicit in my post. End of story.


"End of story" 555 I am not one of your subalterns, sorry

You should read my posts. They were a response the poster called "Surelynot" but you deemed opportune to comment on that without understanding the content of my post.

If you are sensitive do not comment as you are exposing yourself to replies. lol

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On 8/27/2020 at 1:48 PM, RJRS1301 said:

Contagion and easy transmission and lack of intensive care facilities would be among some of the worries


    Well that depends on which Country ,  has these facilities . 

    Are they free as in the UK , or costly , as in the Land of Smiles ..



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On 8/27/2020 at 2:55 AM, Thomas J said:

rjrs1301  Again, TB is just as easy if not more so in terms of transmission.  One study said 1 in 5 taxi drivers in Thailand have TB.  Again, why no hysteria over disease transmissions, lack of intensive care facilities etc over those diseases. The common flu infects between 5% and 20% of the worlds population annually.  Though less deadly per million.  It impacts far more people.  

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 1 billion people worldwide get the flu every year.  Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.


The USA has over 180,000 deaths, world wide Covid deaths are 837,979 and I'm sure that number is low.

If there were no shut downs you think these numbers would be the same?

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11 hours ago, ericthai said:

The USA has over 180,000 deaths, world wide Covid deaths are 837,979 and I'm sure that number is low.

If there were no shut downs you think these numbers would be the same?



50% of the deaths in the USA were people infected in nursing homes because inept state governors forced patients with Covid back to their residence despite the likelihood they would infect others.  Here is Sweden WHO DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Their death rate per million is about the same as Belgium which imposed strict lock downs.  It is actually less than Spain who also imposed Thai like lock down measures.  YES I DON'T THINK THE DEATH RATE OR INFECTION RATE WOULD BE MATERIALLY DIFFERENT. 

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It is so easy to blow it off as people panicking or over reacting. But in New York the bodies were being stacked up outside in refrigerated trucks. You don’t see that with any of the things you referenced. You are in Thailand....we either got lucky, or the government did a good job, (unlikely based on their other behaviors) or God likes Thai and Vietnamese and NZ people. This Covid will be around until  the Spirit on High releases a treatment onto the planet. Be grateful you haven’t been infected by this lurking death.

Read about young people who were mildly infected but lost their smell and taste...but not completely. Now their food tastes and smells like either paint or rotting garbage, and one woman vomits at the smell of toothpaste....and they don’t know if this will ever change. Others have had deleterious muscle and joint reactions. Whatever way you look at this Covid, it isn’t fun, or close to fun.

Be glad it seems to be passing us by.....for now.

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12 hours ago, Thomas J said:



50% of the deaths in the USA were people infected in nursing homes because inept state governors forced patients with Covid back to their residence despite the likelihood they would infect others.  Here is Sweden WHO DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Their death rate per million is about the same as Belgium which imposed strict lock downs.  It is actually less than Spain who also imposed Thai like lock down measures.  YES I DON'T THINK THE DEATH RATE OR INFECTION RATE WOULD BE MATERIALLY DIFFERENT. 

What are you talking about??? The states didn't force anyone into Nursing homes!! Nursing homes are where people that have chronic conditions or have physical issues that they cant take care of themselves.

The govt did mandate that the nursing homes to close down and not allow any visitors. 


Of course a nursing home will have a higher death rate as most of the residents already have chronic conditions. 

Trying to compare the USA and Sewden is like an apple and orange!

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On 8/29/2020 at 12:08 PM, Sumarianson said:

The reason for the fear is simple. It is propagated by a spineless news media that is bought and paid for and encouraged not to investigate; ...

It's good to know that there is internet access in mental asylums ????

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On 8/29/2020 at 5:14 PM, scorecard said:

Plus for folks over 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 etc., quite strong and increasing chance of catching the virus (compared generally to much younger folks) and with increasing age increasing possibility patients don't respond and increasing chance of death. And even more so if the patient has other lung complications; recurring bronchitis and similar, and/or had pneumonia in the past. 

I'd rather die of the thing than have to put up with all the mania for years because the vaccine ( if it even happens ) isn't going to save us all, IMO.

World has gone barking- 8+ billion people, and economies are being destroyed because a few thousand die. More die on the roads, but cars are not banned.

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14 hours ago, simon43 said:

It's good to know that there is internet access in mental asylums ????

Bill gates has the patent for COVID 19? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? It is illegal to patent something that is natural? It is also illegal to create and or patent a virus ( bio weapon)! Go on fooling yourself my friend or inform yourself as "all will be affected"! Watch Plandemic indoctrination and see if You can call people like Nobel Lauriet  Luk Montagnier an eminent virologist who won the nobel prize for discovering the cause of AIDS. He has said publicly and I quote: "COVID 19 was very cleverly created in a lab". Now who is the idiot that needs re programming?

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12 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

We call them residences for the bemused and befuddled now ????


If you were informed as you appear not to be my friend, I suggest you watch Plandemic Indoctrination on Bit Chute or londonreal for free. The most watched documentary in world history and you have not watched it???? Even on here like YouTube, FB, Google and the mainstream media you are censored if you go against the agenda! I wonder who can weild that kind of power even in countries like this. That documentary which has all verifiable information is banned on all mainstream platforms! Watch it and it will tell you why, how and who? 

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On 8/29/2020 at 10:22 AM, robbioff said:

In reply to the OP, I couldn’t agree more. Hysteria it most definitely is! I fear it is being used by this non-elected government to a) control its population and keep them in fear, to try to prevent them from protesting about the failures of themselves (which clearly isn’t working) and b) reduce exponentially the number of foreigners in the Kingdom (which is working well).



So what are the governments of other countries such as Australia and the U.K. using Covid as an excuse for?

In those countries people are and have been facing more stringent restrictions than in Thailand, I haven’t heard of the police in Thailand fining people quite substantial amounts of money for breaching restrictions as has happened in the above countries.

In NSW in Australia the government was proposing prison sentences of up to six months for breaching restrictions.

I think you are suffering from a clear case of paranoia.

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19 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

If you were informed as you appear not to be my friend, I suggest you watch Plandemic Indoctrination on Bit Chute or londonreal for free. The most watched documentary in world history and you have not watched it???? Even on here like YouTube, FB, Google and the mainstream media you are censored if you go against the agenda! I wonder who can weild that kind of power even in countries like this. That documentary which has all verifiable information is banned on all mainstream platforms! Watch it and it will tell you why, how and who? 

And that relates to the post I was responding to, how?

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On 8/27/2020 at 1:55 PM, Thomas J said:

rjrs1301  Again, TB is just as easy if not more so in terms of transmission.  One study said 1 in 5 taxi drivers in Thailand have TB.  Again, why no hysteria over disease transmissions, lack of intensive care facilities etc over those diseases. The common flu infects between 5% and 20% of the worlds population annually.  Though less deadly per million.  It impacts far more people.  

Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 1 billion people worldwide get the flu every year.  Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide.


TB is not casually transmitted and requires close contact over a period of time. TB is treatable but the treatment is fairly hard on patients and requires several months of treatment. Its a totally different problem. Influenza has treatments if quickly started and there are vaccines. However, the vaccines developed are based on predicting the strain about a year in advance. Unfortunately, the vaccines sometimes miss the strain. Although commonly available many don't get vaccinated so if the vaccine is effective, the general population might be at risk because of unvaccinated people.

That said both TB and influenza are serious diseases.

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12 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

TB is not casually transmitted and requires close contact over a period of time. TB is treatable but the treatment is fairly hard on patients and requires several months of treatment. Its a totally different problem. Influenza has treatments if quickly started and there are vaccines. However, the vaccines developed are based on predicting the strain about a year in advance. Unfortunately, the vaccines sometimes miss the strain. Although commonly available many don't get vaccinated so if the vaccine is effective, the general population might be at risk because of unvaccinated people.

That said both TB and influenza are serious diseases.

Why am I even mention in that post. None of The post is mine as I recall. Certainly not about taxi drivers an TB.

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