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Trump plans attack on Biden as U.S. faces coronavirus crisis and protests

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24 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Yes, there is discrimination in the US, there is racism. The fact that this racism persists after hundreds of years, despite riots which we saw back in 1863 already, shows that riots certainly are not the answer. Many presidents have done things to improve the position of blacks, from legislation that made mortgages more accessible to blacks to laws that prevent job discrimination, in fact the average salary of blacks has gone up for many decades. Interestingly when they loot now they don't loot for food but for luxury Gucci gear.

I trimmed it to this quote to trim size, but I think your posts makes a lot of leaps and jumps that don't match the reality.


For one you repeatedly reference the riots, etc like that's been a regular occurrence. Even during the protests riots have been relatively rare and the VAST majority of the protests have been peaceful, there's certainly some bad seeds out there though. The fact that you make a point to say now when they loot they don't loot for food is like saying they should be happy with the scraps they have been given. 

In general though minorities are in the lower income brackets.



The unrest here isn't about the economic situation though it's about the fact that blacks are far more likely to be shot or roughed up by police. They are much more likely to be given prison sentences for the same crimes than a white person is. 52% of police shootings are against whites, while 38% are against blacks. 12% of the population is black. 60.4%-72% of the population is white (depending on how you categorize hispanics). That's obviously disproportionate. But what's even more disproportionate is that blacks are 280% more likely to be fatally shot by police than whites. Unarmed blacks are more likely to be shot by police than unarmed whites. When it comes to minor crimes a black person is far more likely to get a jail sentence than a white person even for the same crime and a similar incident.

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30 minutes ago, Logosone said:

First of all Americans are not like Arabs or Afghans who will fight to the death. Most of the left wing protesters do not know how to fight, have never fought apart from throwing stones at police cars, burning police cars or throwing water bottles at police. These Americans were not invaded by a foreign force. I think it is fair to say they will not fight to the death. A strong and robust response from law enforcement and federal troops would most likely subdue these protests quite quickly and easily. It seems to be working quite well in Belarus where the protesters have become significantly subdued after Putin made clear he was putting together a special force to intervene if it should become necessary.


That is how you deal with such protests. If you just let them run, like the Democrat mayors, you just have to look at recent history and the collapse of the Soviet empire where when the states did not intervene the states collapsed. 


So yes, I do think more soldiers on the streets would quickly dispose of the genie the left has unleashed on the US.


Yes, America is the land of the free, but when that freedom is abused and morphs into violent and wanton destruction, when it is abused, as the left BLM people have abused it, then a corrective measure is needed.


Yes, there is discrimination in the US, there is racism. The fact that this racism persists after hundreds of years, despite riots which we saw back in 1863 already, shows that riots certainly are not the answer. Many presidents have done things to improve the position of blacks, from legislation that made mortgages more accessible to blacks to laws that prevent job discrimination, in fact the average salary of blacks has gone up for many decades. Interestingly when they loot now they don't loot for food but for luxury Gucci gear.


I think it would be naive to expect one president to end racism. And it would be naive to buy this BLM agenda that blacks are terribly disadvantaged in the US. A cursory look at the statistics shows this is not true. More whites than blacks are killed by police. There are plenty of black millionaires and middle class in America. This is not an issue of blacks being disadvantaged. This is an issue of law and order. 


For almost 200 years the race riots have not gone away. For the last 50 years blacks have consistently committed 53% of homicides with only 13% of the population. It's no wonder that police are terrified on the streets. There is much to fear. Look at black on black crime  in Chicago.


Maybe in the 1930s it was possible to argue this was caused by economic disadvantages for blacks. This is not the case now. It has gone on for too long, and the economic situation of blacks is too good for this kind of argument.


What we can see is great criminality. Violent protests. The state has every right to fight back now.


Thank for your long reply.

I think I get your points but I don't think harder law enforcement is the answer - at least not always.

Lots of people, and especially the president, could deescalate the situation. He does the opposite and that does definitely not help to make the situation better, at least IMHO.

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39 minutes ago, Logosone said:

First of all Americans are not like Arabs or Afghans who will fight to the death. Most of the left wing protesters do not know how to fight, have never fought apart from throwing stones at police cars, burning police cars or throwing water bottles at police. These Americans were not invaded by a foreign force. I think it is fair to say they will not fight to the death. A strong and robust response from law enforcement and federal troops would most likely subdue these protests quite quickly and easily. It seems to be working quite well in Belarus where the protesters have become significantly subdued after Putin made clear he was putting together a special force to intervene if it should become necessary.


That is how you deal with such protests. If you just let them run, like the Democrat mayors, you just have to look at recent history and the collapse of the Soviet empire where when the states did not intervene the states collapsed. 


So yes, I do think more soldiers on the streets would quickly dispose of the genie the left has unleashed on the US.


Yes, America is the land of the free, but when that freedom is abused and morphs into violent and wanton destruction, when it is abused, as the left BLM people have abused it, then a corrective measure is needed.


Yes, there is discrimination in the US, there is racism. The fact that this racism persists after hundreds of years, despite riots which we saw back in 1863 already, shows that riots certainly are not the answer. Many presidents have done things to improve the position of blacks, from legislation that made mortgages more accessible to blacks to laws that prevent job discrimination, in fact the average salary of blacks has gone up for many decades. Interestingly when they loot now they don't loot for food but for luxury Gucci gear.


I think it would be naive to expect one president to end racism. And it would be naive to buy this BLM agenda that blacks are terribly disadvantaged in the US. A cursory look at the statistics shows this is not true. More whites than blacks are killed by police. There are plenty of black millionaires and middle class in America. This is not an issue of blacks being disadvantaged. This is an issue of law and order. 


For almost 200 years the race riots have not gone away. For the last 50 years blacks have consistently committed 53% of homicides with only 13% of the population. It's no wonder that police are terrified on the streets. There is much to fear. Look at black on black crime  in Chicago.


Maybe in the 1930s it was possible to argue this was caused by economic disadvantages for blacks. This is not the case now. It has gone on for too long, and the economic situation of blacks is too good for this kind of argument.


What we can see is great criminality. Violent protests. The state has every right to fight back now.


Suppression will do nothing for the underlying issue. But since you claim there is no underlying issue, that is ok in your mind. Your comprehension of the situation is zilch.

32 minutes ago, candide said:

That's the new Trumpers defence line. They don't claim any more that Trump is not lying, they complain he is fact-checked! ????

Fact checks really don't matter though, it is about emotions. So lying or not, they will support him.

2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

55555....what a fantasy.  If Trump is reelected, i.e., he'll no longer worry about being reelected, Trump will be laser focused on lining his pockets, helping out his buddies (coal barons and dictators alike), going after his (perceived) enemies, and stuffing the DOJ with people who will ensure that he never sees a jail cell for his years of criminality.  He'll spend most of his time on Trump properties golfing.  He won't give a hoot about what goes on in the cities....not his problem. 

Isn't it mostly what he's already been doing?

  • Haha 2
6 hours ago, riclag said:

 Americans  are scared of you because of  your  radical supporters and your 40 years of being complicit,  part of the Washington establishment,who promised so much and yet your political rhetoric is just what it has been through out your life, as a career politician!


I must confess I have a question  about this statement 

"rooting for violence" I read your speech at  the dem convention,  the two things that stood out for me, is there wasn't anything mentioned about the riots that caused, looting ,deaths,firers, destruction and anarchy in the streets !


 The other,you mentioned in your speech,

 "My father taught us that silence was complicity.  And I could never remain silent or complicit".  

What a hypocrite !


"Democrats' silence on our summer of violence is a tactical blunder"



Just repeating trump and his enablers propaganda based on disinformation. it will be interesting to see if the trump campaign can get independents etc on side or if they will be sick and tired of the BS by 03/11 and vote against him. 


Multiple high-profile Democrats have spoken out against violence at Black Lives Matter protests




Democrats actually have a documented platform. If you can be bothered to read, it demolishes trump's lies regards the Democrat's policies.




Republican's 'non platform'...


It is hard to read this “platform” as anything other than “we stand for whatever Donald Trump wants.” And we know how Donald Trump interprets such a blank check. At an April 13, 2020 press conference discussing COVID-19 he told us: “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that’s the way it’s got to be…It’s total.”



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the truth is out there

“I don’t like to mention Biden because he’s not controlling anything. They control him….People that you’ve never heard of. People who are in the dark shadows…..People that you’ve never heard of. They’re people that are on the streets. They’re people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane in a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, gear, and this and that. They’re on a plane.” Trump said...




  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Opl said:

the truth is out there

“I don’t like to mention Biden because he’s not controlling anything. They control him….People that you’ve never heard of. People who are in the dark shadows…..People that you’ve never heard of. They’re people that are on the streets. They’re people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane in a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, gear, and this and that. They’re on a plane.” Trump said...




What is worrying is that some people will surely believe it and act accordingly.

4 hours ago, candide said:

What is worrying is that some people will surely believe it and act accordingly.

What is worrying is that if anyone else but Trump posted such stuff it would be deleted as troll 

Alt-Right, QAnon, what's next?  


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