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Thailand not opening to foreign tourists any time soon


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On 8/28/2020 at 7:10 AM, Mavideol said:

so what is it ?  first the 5 S's, then 5 R's and the 5 T's and now the 5 BS weekly update, we do need a good laugh because TGIF.... they can't make up their mind, they just throw words out there without even thinking about what they are saying 555

let me laugh with you 5555

"covid free countries"  what is that.? there is no country that is free from covid19..unless t

that means ==.> we do not want farangs, arabs,  indian, koreans, japanese, and african

what is left is CHinese.. I am sure that they are convincing china to declasre free of covid 19

why not a dictaroship country to another. both manipulate the number their people and their currency.


Again 5555 for the stupidity of the thai government and their idiots in Phuket.

No NO stupid tourist will spend $3000 on quanrantine...locked in an island, and most tourist have 2 weeks vacation..how that will work.





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On 8/28/2020 at 7:16 AM, alyx said:

I can see many residents fainting ...some of them going into coma

No noise...so everyone is calm and reassured

you forgot --NO money...

Phuket lives on the tourism industry and it is dead . NOthing is happening.

first of all.. these are stupid people saying stupid things. another level of propaganda. of nothing. since the government can't do anything for their people. no job and no money and blame the farang


a family of 4 taking 2 weeks holiday in Phuket will cost them besides  the airline ticker.

Bht 70,000 per person for the quarantine- locked in their room with the 14 days with a a 15 minutes walk in the garden per day. we are talking a good $10,000 before enjoying the beaches locked in their room with screaming kids. then they are ready to go home..


Either they are so smart and the rest of the world is SO SO SO stupid...I doubt that.

this government only interested to cater to the royal families and their holdings only which could be in luxury hotels in Phuket...the pool worker from Easan trying to make a living-- forget him. at least " you are not infected"


instead blabber stupidity..these officials need to look at data. how many tourist they got each month last year, size of family, country of origin, lenght of stay, how they travel and and how much they spend by looking at tax collection for these month  and many more questions.....they have all that


then add in the model the 14quarantene and the cost per person....

I can predict the result  zero tourists arrival


they can assure the zero infection to the thai people  because there are zero tourists arrival  5555 to the poor suckers in phuket--no money and no job but you are not infection and go to temple to get food. 


tourists have other beach options. but no foreigners will plan a trip outside their country..because the fear that they may not return or cost them a lot of money to travel Not forget they were all out of work for 3 month too. they used their savings to live on it. then you ask them to come to thailand lay out cash to the corrupt government and their rotten royal elite another $10,000 ..for what  ?  let me laugh what is so great about thailand











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On 8/28/2020 at 7:32 AM, SteveK said:

Don't say that. This government is very smart, well-educated, generous and loves the Thai people passionately. They've just had a bit of bad luck. Could happen to anyone.

close the country  and wait for the infection to come back.. them you cant blame anybody but the government.

another government broken promise.


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On 8/28/2020 at 12:29 PM, YetAnother said:

boil it down; they arent smart enough and largely incapable of making well-thought-out decisions

And precious little english ability to understand, compare, and learn from what is going on in the outside world, even from international news channels.

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5 hours ago, hsovereign said:

Your disorder is megalomania. ????


Oh, skip the silly tit-for-tat. Instead of letting myself 'confuse' like you by what's going on and what's being said about it, I'm trying to make sense of it. And it can be done, because there is some kind of sense in it, as long as you focus on the human side of it - which we should, because also seemingly powerful politicians aren't more than humans. 


Explain what this attitude has to do with megalomania? I tend to believe that you may suffer from more conditions than just passive-aggressive behaviour. Obesity maybe?  .)

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41 minutes ago, the green light said:

you forgot --NO money...

Phuket lives on the tourism industry and it is dead . NOthing is happening.

first of all.. these are stupid people saying stupid things. another level of propaganda. of nothing. since the government can't do anything for their people. no job and no money and blame the farang


a family of 4 taking 2 weeks holiday in Phuket will cost them besides  the airline ticker.

Bht 70,000 per person for the quarantine- locked in their room with the 14 days with a a 15 minutes walk in the garden per day. we are talking a good $10,000 before enjoying the beaches locked in their room with screaming kids. then they are ready to go home..


Either they are so smart and the rest of the world is SO SO SO stupid...I doubt that.

this government only interested to cater to the royal families and their holdings only which could be in luxury hotels in Phuket...the pool worker from Easan trying to make a living-- forget him. at least " you are not infected"


instead blabber stupidity..these officials need to look at data. how many tourist they got each month last year, size of family, country of origin, lenght of stay, how they travel and and how much they spend by looking at tax collection for these month  and many more questions.....they have all that


then add in the model the 14quarantene and the cost per person....

I can predict the result  zero tourists arrival


they can assure the zero infection to the thai people  because there are zero tourists arrival  5555 to the poor suckers in phuket--no money and no job but you are not infection and go to temple to get food. 


tourists have other beach options. but no foreigners will plan a trip outside their country..because the fear that they may not return or cost them a lot of money to travel Not forget they were all out of work for 3 month too. they used their savings to live on it. then you ask them to come to thailand lay out cash to the corrupt government and their rotten royal elite another $10,000 ..for what  ?  let me laugh what is so great about thailand











Careful there, think you know what I mean.

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12 minutes ago, bartender100 said:

Spain and France soon to go back into national lockdown, UK will be about 4 weeks behind, so no one is going anywhere for a while yet unfortunately and IMHO

As for France, I don't think so. Most probably, some local lockdowns

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9 minutes ago, bartender100 said:

Not a chance in hell of a total lockdown. Europe understands now that they cannot destroy their economy over a virus that has a lethality of about 1%. Unlike Prayut and his muppets. Local restrictions only. Even if Macron says otherwise.

Edited by TommyL727
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1 hour ago, bartender100 said:

Spain and France soon to go back into national lockdown, UK will be about 4 weeks behind, so no one is going anywhere for a while yet unfortunately and IMHO

I desperately want to disagree but I can't because I think you are right. Europe is starting it's second wave, many countries are still on the first, so it looks like we are a year or 2 from getting through this crisis.

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1 hour ago, bartender100 said:

Spain and France soon to go back into national lockdown, UK will be about 4 weeks behind, so no one is going anywhere for a while yet unfortunately and IMHO

 No evidence that Spain and France will go back, nor that the UK will follow. Just more ridiculous scare stories. 

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56 minutes ago, TommyL727 said:

Not a chance in hell of a total lockdown. Europe understands now that they cannot destroy their economy over a virus that has a lethality of about 1%. Unlike Prayut and his muppets. Local restrictions only. Even if Macron says otherwise.

He doesn't say otherwise.

He only said this option is not totally excluded, which is quite different.


"Nous faisons tout pour éviter le reconfinement", a déclaré vendredi Emmanuel Macron à des journalistes, même si le chef de l'Etat n'exclut pas "totalement" cette hypothèse.


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On 8/28/2020 at 8:14 AM, Thunder26 said:

It could be true. There were thousands of Chinese from Wuhan travelling in Thailand during December-January 2019- 20.


In my opinion the virus was spreading unnoticed.  We could guess so, as there was a spike in deaths in Thailand during February and March that was above average.


Also there is a study that 20% of Thai population has antibodies to the virus. That proves the virus has been here well in 2019.


In my opinion if you don't talk or mention about this virus the lives could've continued as normal with no effect to economy. Some countries actually chose this model (Turkmenistan for example).

And if so, how did the virus spread so quickly to all parts of the world?  Frozen Shrimp.  I know I was down May 2019 for a month with symptoms that resemble C-19.  Testing showed it was not Influenza A and was not Pneumococcus.  Ram hospital was flooded with patients with similar symptoms at that time.  May have already burned through which is why so few cases at this point.

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27 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

 No evidence that Spain and France will go back, nor that the UK will follow. Just more ridiculous scare stories. 

Not really, we may have never seen anything like this before in our lifetime, however apparently the last 2 pandemics both had second waves which were more severe then the first, after which they died out. So I think it is reasonable to assume it will happen again as we have no vaccine. Wearing masks is just a token really, a simple surgical mask (or the new "fashionable", material masks) can never stop tiny microscopic particles which is what the covid virus is.. The second waves are happening now in Spain and France, the UK is seeing signs of the second wave so it is sensible to assume it is going to happen again. 

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Same ol' standard operating procedures as ever. Spout off, act intelligent & important, do nothing cuz the acting is just that and terrible, backtrack cuz don't really have a clue, look like fools.


Seen this ineptitude for a quarter century now. Is anyone here truly surprised??? Saw this coming from 8550 miles away! See it every time and the silly place never proves it wrong.


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1 hour ago, 473geo said:

Sure the virus is still around and breaking out sporadically but the death rates appear to have slumped?

True, my sister caught it. She was ok as the medical profession is getting better at dealing with the symptoms, however she has been sick for over 6 weeks now. I guess there are less deaths because less vulnerable people are being exposed due to social distancing which would make a big difference, I am sure if we were not all acting responsibly with social distancing the death rate would be very high again.

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On 8/28/2020 at 12:23 PM, oompie69 said:

What she needs to do, and what is extremely difficult to do, it seems, is study what the result has been of allowing foreigners into other countries that did not totally shut their borders. Did those countries show a marked spike in infected casers from abroad? Otherwise it is just baseless speculation.

"because the government has to consider too many details"---

Is this not where the problem lies , perhaps?


compie69, is'nt the UK a good example of that. We critisized the gov't for not locking down inbound flights but six months I'm happy with it and visitors sor returnees self-quarratining at home as required. Would this work for Thailand ? 

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13 hours ago, joe jadore said:

Try re newing your drivers license, they now want a proof of residency certificate, I went to BK and the outer immigration offices, NAH go another 20 minutes to a big empty building, fill out forms. Lady was NOT interested in rent receipts, my lease, AIS receipts, D-Tac receipts, oh what about my last six 90 day reports!? Nah, they aren't done in BK, so go away and figure that out, aaaaaargh! It took me 4 trips to Bang Chak to get my tax done. I need some black hair dye and a lot of fake tan!

why are you bothering with useless stuff?
You already have a drivers license for life use it ????
Thais dont want you to pay tax why do you insist? there's no benefits u know??
90 day reports? very funny ????

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10 hours ago, Letseng said:

Thinking of entry via Myanmar. Illegal border crossings are a much bigger risk than a few tourists entering through quarantine. Vietnam also thought they were clear of the problem after 100 days without infection.

Im afraid kovid doesn't have a visa & doesnt respect border closures & particularly not quarantines!

On the non approved phuket tourism idea I think a final model may be whats mentioned already namely long stay retirees from EU such as denmark, sweden, germany, UK, Netherlands etc...

90 days non o-a visa extendable 2 times total 9 months so might be some takers even with the prereqs! Might be viable way for the married folks not yet of age to return too, but first PM have to approve the scheme!


And hopefully extend the amnesty so us already can keep spending & traveling around although immigration ofcuz will resist it as hard they can as I guess they are not compensated proportionately ????

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16 hours ago, MrMo said:

"Entry will also only be limited to tourists from Covid-free countries."


OK, perhaps the first 'detail' we should look at is Which countries are Covid free ?

Apparently, there are just 8 of them.

- Six of them are Pacific islands with a total population of around 1.6 million

- Then there is Turkmenistan with roughly 6 million bodies.

- And lastly, with a population of close to 26 million, we have North Korea.


That screams out that there can't be any other details worth looking at.   


but you are trying to apply western logic.  In Thailand, for most the details that matter are how to make sure they can make money.  The difficulty now is that their imagination is limited by their lack of understanding of the North Korean psyche.  North Korea is far more advanced than Thailand, all money is funnelled to the top man who redistributes a fraction to those he likes and lets the others starve.  The Thai grafters have to figure a way to persuade the great leader to share his largess and his techniques so it can be applied here for the greater good of those who have more.


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