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This place is becoming like a ghost town


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37 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

That's strange, I don't recall seeing you there when I was talking with him.


No, he specifically said that the overall business was back to 70% of normal, nothing about the number of buses in service.


You do realize that Greenbus goes to many other destinations besides Chiang Rai, don't you? And now it appears you are riding every bus to CR seeing that they are all 100% full..... too <deleted> funny!


   Yes , 70 % of bus services are now back running, is what he meant , you misunderstood him .

  I take that journey regularly , last week I got to Arcade at 6 AM and the next available bus was at 11.30 AM and the time before that I got to Arcade at 2 PM and there ware no tickets left for that day and I had to take a red car to CR for 300 Baht .

   That is enough to know that buses usually are 100 % full .

(And busses that leave from CM to CR also serve the Maesai.Chiang Kong /Chiang saen route) 

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21 hours ago, Mickeem said:

In Chang Mai there are MANY Thai Yai (Shan) Lisu Akha Lahu etc living and working, they go out and speak among themselves in their own languages .. and yes I can also differentiate between them and know which language they are conversing in

Same in Yunnan, a bit to the north. But there, Thai is one of the dialects ???? (Or something very close to Thai/Lao: the Dai minority language. There seem to be Dai-style restaurants all over China.)

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I stopped participating in this ridiculous topic back in August when it became obvious the OP was just trolling people. I just checked it out again today to find the exact same arguments have never stopped for 37(!) pages, and not a single point has been conceded. At this rate, it's looking like a contender for longest thread, right up there with "Rain" and "Best burger".


What is the point of arguing with this guy? He obviously knows far more about everything, certainly more than any of you do. His observational skills are clearly unmatched. And his photographs are, like, wow, Pulitzer Prize worthy! Yet, while he keeps trying to prove this to you, you all just keep letting him down and refuse to acknowledge his superior skills and intellect /s


Seriously people, get a life, and put this topic to bed and put this poor old sod out of his misery.


As for OP, I'll remind you again of this post which is linked at the top of every page. Please give them a call, I think you'll find someone who can help.




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10 minutes ago, clokwise said:

What is the point of arguing with this guy? He obviously knows far more about everything, certainly more than any of you do. His observational skills are clearly unmatched. And his photographs are, like, wow, Pulitzer Prize worthy!

While I totally agree with your excellent observations you have missed a few  "attributes"
Ability to listen into to 2 party private conversations and reinterpret them to mean the opposite of what the participants report.
Transport shops from one area of CM to another.
See closed down signs on businesses that are actually open etc

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1 hour ago, fangless said:

While I totally agree with your excellent observations you have missed a few  "attributes"
Ability to listen into to 2 party private conversations and reinterpret them to mean the opposite of what the participants report.
Transport shops from one area of CM to another.
See closed down signs on businesses that are actually open etc

....one more to add:


The super power ability to ride every single GreenBus to Chiang Rai and back every single day to report they are all 100% full.....  ????

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Just now, dingdongrb said:

....one more to add:


The super power ability to ride every single GreenBus to Chiang Rai and back every single day to report they are all 100% full.....  ????


   If you attempt to buy a ticket in the morning and all tickets are sold out for the rest of the day , that shows all the buses are full , 

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1 hour ago, clokwise said:

I stopped participating in this ridiculous topic back in August..........


Seriously people, get a life,..........



Really, then I must have read an imaginary post just made by someone claiming to be you.....  ????


........ and you have one?  ????

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Just now, CorpusChristie said:


   If you attempt to buy a ticket in the morning and all tickets are sold out for the rest of the day , that shows all the buses are full , 

You try to buy a ticket every morning every day of the week, every day of the month...... Hmmmmm

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1 hour ago, dingdongrb said:

You try to buy a ticket every morning every day of the week, every day of the month...... Hmmmmm

If you and I cannot buy tickets how do the passengers sitting in all these full seats get their tickets?

I also wonder if these buses are only full going to CR in which case CM should be empty by now or if they are full travelling both ways then CM cannot be as "ghostly" as our intrepid reporter  "reports"!

What do you think?

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15 minutes ago, fangless said:

If you and I cannot buy tickets how do the passengers sitting in all these full seats get their tickets?

I also wonder if these buses are only full going to CR in which case CM should be empty by now or if they are full travelling both ways then CM cannot be as "ghostly" as our intrepid reporter  "reports"!

What do you think?


    They buy their tickets in advance .

Buses going to and from CM-CR are full both ways , so it makes no difference to either towns population count , although I think you knew that and were just being argumentative 

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I am stating categorically that Chiang Mai is NOT A GHOST TOWN by any known criteria!


Can anyone, apart from the OP, honestly say that Chiang Mai falls into the category of a ‘Ghost Town’ under any of the following dictionary definitions taken from reputable US/UK dictionaries (and Wiki!)?;

Definition of ghost town;


Merriam-Webster; (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ghost%20town)

: a once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource;


Dictionary.com (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/ghost-town)
a town permanently abandoned by its inhabitants, as because of a business decline


Collins Dictionary (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/ghost-town)
: A ghost town is a town which used to be busy and wealthy but is now poor and deserted.


Cambridge Dictionary (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/ghost-town)
: a town that was busy in the past but is now empty or nearly empty because the activities that kept people there have stopped


Oxford reference, (https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20111019092740884)
: ghost town a deserted town with few or no remaining inhabitants;


From Wiki, although I do not consider this a reliable source I have included it to stop deter a certain person quoting it;


A ghost town or alternatively deserted city or abandoned city is an abandoned village, town, or city, usually one that contains substantial visible remaining buildings and infrastructure such as roads. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it (usually industrial or agricultural) has failed, or due to natural or human-caused disasters such as floods, prolonged droughts, government actions, uncontrolled lawlessness, war, pollution, or nuclear disasters. The term can sometimes refer to cities, towns, and neighbourhoods that are still populated, but significantly less so than in past years; for example, those affected by high levels of unemployment and dereliction.


NB;  CM does not in my opinion fall under the category of

"The term can sometimes refer to cities, towns, and neighbourhoods that are still populated, but significantly less so than in past years; for example, those affected by high levels of unemployment and dereliction."

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2 minutes ago, fangless said:

The term can sometimes refer to cities, towns, and neighbourhoods that are still populated, but significantly less so than in past years; for example, those affected by high levels of unemployment and dereliction.


   Yes, that is the definition of "Ghost town" that I was referring to .  

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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   Yes, that is the definition of "Ghost town" that I was referring to .  

Did you not bother to read the bit that said;

"Can anyone, apart from the OP, honestly say that Chiang Mai falls into the category of a ‘Ghost Town ?

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On 11/11/2020 at 12:31 PM, dingdongrb said:

That 70% I posted wasn't an estimate, it was from a very reliable source who works for the company at a high level.


Leaving every 15 minutes or every hour doesn't indicate at what percentage of normal the company is running. 


By the way, it's GreenBus I was talking about not Greenline.


Googling Greenline bus Chiang Mai gives me Greenbus. One and the same?

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Back on topic, as I posted recently, the people I was chatting with in the Anusarn Market on the Night Bazaar street were saying that they expected the situation to be dire for up to two years


If the people on the ground think that, well.... A lot of people are going to be in a very tight spot. 


It's a bit sad when people are opening their little shops knowing full well that no one will come. As one said to me, "We don't have anything else to do, and we can't just sit at home." 


As for the "ghost town" concept, yes, I would agree in the areas that were previously teeming with tourist life. I think if you look at the "old town" inside the moat, you will definitely notice that life has changed for a lot of merchants and restaurateurs. Particularly in the evening.


So it is a bit on the ghostly side, and unless the authorities here understand that having zero cases of the China bug is a hopelessly impossible criteria for re-opening fully, get used to the quietude. 

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29 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Yes, got them mixed up with Greenline, which is a UK bus company 

Did anyone else feel the earth move a few minutes ago?
CC, although not giving an apology, has actually admitted an error in his posting!
A day for Saints and the record books indeed!


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1 minute ago, fangless said:

Did anyone else feel the earth move a few minutes ago?
CC, although not giving an apology, has actually admitted an error in his posting!
A day for Saints and the record books indeed!



   One of the businesses , closed business down your favorite street , which I posted a photo of which I said looks permeantly closed , surprisingly has now reopened .

   As you complained and got the photo removed , I am not going to post a photo now of the reopened business 

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

which I said looks permeantly closed , surprisingly has now reopened

That is because it obviously never closed permanently in the first place, along with the other still open businesses! 

BTW-What was the name of the still open business? 


PS; We don't all rely on photos to make a reliable and believable comment!  Just becoming factually consistent and believable helps achieve that!

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25 minutes ago, fangless said:

That is because it obviously never closed permanently in the first place, along with the other still open businesses! 

BTW-What was the name of the still open business? 


PS; We don't all rely on photos to make a reliable and believable comment!  Just becoming factually consistent and believable helps achieve that!


   I am not telling you , had you not asked for the photos to be  removed, I could have posted a new photo of the business open, but as the old photo is no longer there , I am not going to post a new photo or tell you the business location 

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33 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   I am not telling you , had you not asked for the photos to be  removed, I could have posted a new photo of the business open, but as the old photo is no longer there , I am not going to post a new photo or tell you the business location 

I have not asked for a Photo and do not want a Photo of anything from you.


I would like to know which business it is that you are talking about so that the record can be corrected and put straight!

Is that too much to ask? 

 It is good of you to admit you "made an error",  Thank you,

But don't you think that  since you were the one who wrongly claimed that it was permanently closed that it is only right to name that business now so that potential customers can go and use it, rather than staying away from the area because of your false claims?


Do you not understand that claiming on a public forum like TV that "Business A" is closed, when it is not closed, does "Business A" harm?






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