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UPDATE: Pushback from local associations over the Thai government’s “Phuket Model”


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2 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

I think that thailand refuses or is unable, to view themselves from the outside perspective.


What made Thailand a popular tourist destination in the past, was that it was

  • cheap
  • carefree
  • accessible
  • fun
  • exciting    

People came to Thailand because it meant they could get away from the bureaucracy which plagues the west; one could come here and clamber on a motorcycle and travel on pavements. You could dash away and be anonymous at a full moon party, or go up north and get lost in the jungle and fall in love with some crazy isaan girl and have mad sex parties until dawn (if that floats your boat) or you could take the family to a high-end resort in the south and have all manner of fun on boats and beaches.


You could be a pretty broke student backpacker with $50 in your bumbag, and you could stay in a crappy hostel and meet up with other fellow stinkies, and hitch it down to the south and have an adventure and make friends for life.


You could go kickboxing and train with some of the best in the word. Go rock climbing, sky diving, snorkelling and deep sea diving, and all at competitive prices.

You could finish it all off with a couple of hedonistic nights in Bangkok, which might still only cost you 1500-3000 baht, if you weren't completely insane ( less than that 10 years ago)

You could visit the silk factories in the north and go camping in Kao Yai, or if you were elderly you could receive great medical attention and get pleasured by a pretty nurse into the bargain.

If you were american you could have a stab at setting up a business pretty easily ( it would fail after a year or 2  - but still have some fun).


Simply put, that has all gone; poof! Up and disappeared like a fart in the wind, never to return.


It was going downhill long before Covid, and now it's well and truly gone forever.

The problem lies within Thailand and their inability to appreciate tourists and to integrate - and hell - even to learn the bloody english language properly.


Nobody is getting on a plane to stay here anymore.


As long as covid exists it will be over.


Thailand needs to accept that the world is not standing at the departure gates across the globe straining at the leash to get here - and even if and when they DID get here - they'd soon find out how deathly BORING it is now!


There's a horrible pall of depression hanging over everything and the current political situation is further dragging everything down and is like a powder keg waiting to blow. 


You can't have FUN here anymore.


Pattaya is dead - its all GONE. The fun was in the relative anonymity - the great melting pot hodgepodge of people from all over the world - getting lost in clubs in Silom and China town and waking up hungover with a bad tattoo  - it's all gone. It's over.


Stupid hairbrained "Schemes" are not going to solve it  - because nobody is thinking about thailand. Nobody wants to come - everyone just wants their lives back - and that starts at HOME. And HOME is screwed because some Chinese clowns wanted to eat bats for dinner.






While I love your comment and I find it mostly accurate, you are wrong in the sense that you can't have fun here anymore. I would argue that Thailand has become more fun than ever before. I traveled down to Bangla Road last weekend for a bit of mischief. OMG...I've never had so much fun in my entire life. It's totally ridiculous now, completely lawless. If you thought Bangla was wild in the past, I recommend checking it out now. Granted, I'm in my 30s so the experience might be slightly different for me. I was also shocked at how busy it was. Personally, I like the amount of people that are there now. Mostly locals but still a great time.


You're also forgetting one thing. Every other country on Planet Earth is also super boring right now. We are moving towards a clean, green, sanitized world where nobody leaves home and everyone works from home. That is sadly our future. So relatively speaking, Thailand will still remain exponentially more exciting and "fun" relative to Western nations that will become "super boring". Everything is relative my friend. I have many friends that are itching to get out of New York and over to Phuket as NYC is spiraling into the abyss. Same with friends in Los Angeles. They can't wait to get out of super-strict California. California is collapsing, mass exodus happening as we speak as the effective tax rate is being jacked up to 67% if/when Biden wins which seems likely. Many super wealthy California digital nomads now looking at Thailand ( I work for Google from Phuket and absolutely love it here so yeah, the Thailand dynamic is rapidly shifting and I personally think Phuket will become the next California, USA...yes sir...buy real estate in Phuket on this dip ). And I would argue that anyone that comes here is in for the time of their lives when they finally do get here. Thailand rocks and always will. Just my opinion though.

Edited by Pracha Duang
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4 minutes ago, Pracha Duang said:

While I love your comment and I find it mostly accurate, you are wrong in the sense that you can't have fun here anymore. I would argue that Thailand has become more fun than ever before. I traveled down to Bangla Road last weekend for a bit of mischief. OMG...I've never had so much fun in my entire life. It's totally ridiculous now, completely lawless. If you thought Bangla was wild in the past, I recommend checking it out now. Granted, I'm in my 30s so the experience might be slightly different for me. I was also shocked at how busy it was. Personally, I like the amount of people that are there now. Mostly locals but still a great time.

Hmmm  - sounds like Im missing out!!  I'll give it a whirl!! Thanks for the headsup! 

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13 minutes ago, Pracha Duang said:

While I love your comment and I find it mostly accurate, you are wrong in the sense that you can't have fun here anymore. I would argue that Thailand has become more fun than ever before. I traveled down to Bangla Road last weekend for a bit of mischief. OMG...I've never had so much fun in my entire life. It's totally ridiculous now, completely lawless. If you thought Bangla was wild in the past, I recommend checking it out now. Granted, I'm in my 30s so the experience might be slightly different for me. I was also shocked at how busy it was. Personally, I like the amount of people that are there now. Mostly locals but still a great time.


You're also forgetting one thing. Every other country on Planet Earth is also super boring right now. We are moving towards a clean, green, sanitized world where nobody leaves home and everyone works from home. That is sadly our future. So relatively speaking, Thailand will still remain exponentially more exciting and "fun" relative to Western nations that will become "super boring". Everything is relative my friend. I have many friends that are itching to get out of New York and over to Phuket as NYC is spiraling into the abyss. Same with friends in Los Angeles. They can't wait to get out of super-strict California. California is collapsing, mass exodus happening as we speak as the effective tax rate is being jacked up to 67% if/when Biden wins which seems likely. Many super wealthy California digital nomads now looking at Thailand ( I work for Google from Phuket and absolutely love it here so yeah, the Thailand dynamic is rapidly shifting and I personally think Phuket will become the next California, USA...yes sir...buy real estate in Phuket on this dip ). And I would argue that anyone that comes here is in for the time of their lives when they finally do get here. Thailand rocks and always will. Just my opinion though.

 I see ( with no disrespect) That you're a newbie here? How long have you lived in Thailand I wonder?

Also- it's all well and good (Trump is getting in - absolutely NO chance for Biden whatsoever) to talk about people moving to Thailand from America - but WHEN?  And are you cognisant of the difficulties of getting the right visas for living and working in Thailand? I'm hoping you are - but you're the first person I've ever heard in my life come up with this prognosis. I'd love it if you were right, but I sincerely doubt it! 

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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

The quarantine and isolation measures might reduce the risk to Thai people, but what will Thailand do to reduce the risk that the foreigners face? And the risk is very high. These visitors will be elderly and many will have age related chronic conditions  such as heart disease, kidney disease, respiratory deterioration etc.


Thailand does not have a large amount of testing, so no one really knows the true extent of infection in Thailand.  There is most likely a sizable asymptomatic reservoir in Thailand that is ready to spread the disease to the high risk visitors.  Without a regular and extensive testing in Thailand,  those foreign   visitors would be foolish to return if forced to remain in tourist ghettos.

Dr Doom has spoken again...

High risk for foreigners to get infected by Thailand's Hidden Spreader Army!

Pathetic BS!

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2 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

You can't have FUN here anymore

A great post summed up by that one sentence. 

Thailand was "amazing" - fun and cheap but then became as dull as Spain. Full of big hotels and lifeless, boring 2 week tourists. 

Thailand destroyed the backpacker scene when Thaksin went after 5 star tourists. Then that was destroyed by the push for Chinese tour groups. The TM30 nonsense with all the xenophobia that came with it, drove out many expats. Finally covid19 finished off anything that was left. The Chinese will return but the rest of us won't except for those of us with family/property ties. 

The good times are over and any form of quarantine will stop any meaningful recovery. Especially as we are likely to be quarantined when returning home as well. 

Backpackers would have been the first to venture out as they will put up with more inconveniences than most but not if it is expensive and certainly not if it's not going to be fun.

eeworldwide blamed covid19 on bat eaters but these sort of viruses can occur anywhere. I think the CCP are far more culpable due to their hiding it until it was too late to slow the spread and the WHO for being too scared to stop all unnecessary air travel as soon as the truth came out.


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Koh Samui, also desperate for tourists to reboot its flagging economy, has its own set of problems. Businesses, from restaurants to hotels, car rental businesses to tour operators, bars, massage services and retail shops, all report an almost 99% drop in business since the start of the year. Many hotels have not only shut their doors but shut down for ever.

I wonder how many "many" is in "Many hotels have not only shut their doors but shut down for ever"...????

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The GM of a leading hotel group confided with The Thaiger that some sort of re-opening plan was “urgent” but that the government’s plan would not work and would only benefit a few hotels whilst adding a lot of inconvenience for the rest of the island as ‘quarantined’ tourists would be allowed to roam in a 1 kilometre radius from their registered hotel.


“Who is going to track these people? What happens to all the hotel staff, residents and other tourists that also work or wander into these 1 kilometre zones? The plan hasn’t been thought through.”

It's not a plan, it's a disaster waiting to happen!

They will not be quarantined... allowed to roam in a 0ne-kilometre radius with all other residents & businesses... whoever thinks this is a bright idea needs to be removed from the decision making. 

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41 minutes ago, Pracha Duang said:

While I love your comment and I find it mostly accurate, you are wrong in the sense that you can't have fun here anymore. I would argue that Thailand has become more fun than ever before. I traveled down to Bangla Road last weekend for a bit of mischief. OMG...I've never had so much fun in my entire life. It's totally ridiculous now, completely lawless. If you thought Bangla was wild in the past, I recommend checking it out now. Granted, I'm in my 30s so the experience might be slightly different for me. I was also shocked at how busy it was. Personally, I like the amount of people that are there now. Mostly locals but still a great time.


You're also forgetting one thing. Every other country on Planet Earth is also super boring right now. We are moving towards a clean, green, sanitized world where nobody leaves home and everyone works from home. That is sadly our future. So relatively speaking, Thailand will still remain exponentially more exciting and "fun" relative to Western nations that will become "super boring". Everything is relative my friend. I have many friends that are itching to get out of New York and over to Phuket as NYC is spiraling into the abyss. Same with friends in Los Angeles. They can't wait to get out of super-strict California. California is collapsing, mass exodus happening as we speak as the effective tax rate is being jacked up to 67% if/when Biden wins which seems likely. Many super wealthy California digital nomads now looking at Thailand ( I work for Google from Phuket and absolutely love it here so yeah, the Thailand dynamic is rapidly shifting and I personally think Phuket will become the next California, USA...yes sir...buy real estate in Phuket on this dip ). And I would argue that anyone that comes here is in for the time of their lives when they finally do get here. Thailand rocks and always will. Just my opinion though.

So you're a 30 year old, making Silicon Valley money while living in Phuket...  Sounds like a vision of the future of Thailand.  Wealthy spenders who only care about their own wants and needs.  I have to say, I see shades of this in the way things are going now.  I don't begrudge your position.  I came here years ago as a government employee and we experienced the same scenario.  Me and my co-workers made mad money (compared to the locals) there were few tourists and everyone catered to our every beck and call.  And by the way, that was the mid to late 1970s...  It's 2020, been living here for 20 years continuously and it is almost, almost still the same now.  

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1 hour ago, Pracha Duang said:

I would argue that Thailand has become more fun than ever before.

I first came to "man paradise" 20 years ago and it was amazing but I  kept being told "you should have seen what it was like 10 or 20 years ago". I found it hard to believe it could have been better. 

Lamai on Samui was my destination of choice. Almost entirely backpackers and expats. Even on my "recovery" nights I could have a good time chatting to anyone around me just drinking soda or coke. The tsunami ended that. The Phuket crowd swamped the island with 2 week tourists. Overnight the fun was replaced with large hotels and rip off prices but worst of all  were the utterly dull people and the ever increasing greed of the now mostly imported Thais.

Sure you can still have some good nights but first it will cost you and soon you will realise that without money there is not much to enjoy now - those smiles are fake and soon disappear once the money has gone. I can almost guarantee you bought one or two drinks for the girls. Try going out and not buying anyone a drink or any tipping and definitely no bell ringing. Reality will soon return. Everyone loves your money not you. It has always been this way but now it is at a totally different level. 

Right now things are different but before covid19 Thailand was certainly not my first choice anymore. I hope the good times have returned but I very much doubt they will last. 

Edited by chang1
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3 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

Stupid hairbrained "Schemes" are not going to solve it  - because nobody is thinking about thailand. Nobody wants to come

Only old farts like me who will turn the place into a rest home. There will be long queues at nurse recruitment centres in Isan.

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3 hours ago, SbuxPlease said:


Ouch for Thailand, but well said. I think these tourist calling cards have been in a death spiral for the better part of a decade. But alas... Not all Thai people want Thailand to be the world's frat house, or at least they don't think a tourist-centric economy will reliably will fund their own frat parties indefinitely. The growing middle class is tuned in to the rest of the world through Facebook and Instagram - they want to drive BMWs and buy iPhones, they want to carry Prada and Gucci just like their idols in Japan and Korea. I don't think there is a common belief among Thai's younger generations that a tourist economy holds the type of future they are dreaming of right now.



A large tourist economy suits the low skill,poor education (PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES) constituency of a very large proportion of the population and there is the substantial investment in the infrastructure to support that. Exports are under pressure from emerging cheaper neighbours too . No,Thailand simply hasn’t got the wherewithal nor the vision to address chronic deep seated issues, including political ones. The outlook is grim and unrest is on the horizon.

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4 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

I think that thailand refuses or is unable, to view themselves from the outside perspective.


What made Thailand a popular tourist destination in the past, was that it was

  • cheap
  • carefree
  • accessible
  • fun
  • exciting    

People came to Thailand because it meant they could get away from the bureaucracy which plagues the west; one could come here and clamber on a motorcycle and travel on pavements. You could dash away and be anonymous at a full moon party, or go up north and get lost in the jungle and fall in love with some crazy isaan girl and have mad sex parties until dawn (if that floats your boat) or you could take the family to a high-end resort in the south and have all manner of fun on boats and beaches.


You could be a pretty broke student backpacker with $50 in your bumbag, and you could stay in a crappy hostel and meet up with other fellow stinkies, and hitch it down to the south and have an adventure and make friends for life.


You could go kickboxing and train with some of the best in the word. Go rock climbing, sky diving, snorkelling and deep sea diving, and all at competitive prices.

You could finish it all off with a couple of hedonistic nights in Bangkok, which might still only cost you 1500-3000 baht, if you weren't completely insane ( less than that 10 years ago)

You could visit the silk factories in the north and go camping in Kao Yai, or if you were elderly you could receive great medical attention and get pleasured by a pretty nurse into the bargain.

If you were american you could have a stab at setting up a business pretty easily ( it would fail after a year or 2  - but still have some fun).


Simply put, that has all gone; poof! Up and disappeared like a fart in the wind, never to return.


It was going downhill long before Covid, and now it's well and truly gone forever.

The problem lies within Thailand and their inability to appreciate tourists and to integrate - and hell - even to learn the bloody english language properly.


Nobody is getting on a plane to stay here anymore.


As long as covid exists it will be over.


Thailand needs to accept that the world is not standing at the departure gates across the globe straining at the leash to get here - and even if and when they DID get here - they'd soon find out how deathly BORING it is now!


There's a horrible pall of depression hanging over everything and the current political situation is further dragging everything down and is like a powder keg waiting to blow. 


You can't have FUN here anymore.


Pattaya is dead - its all GONE. The fun was in the relative anonymity - the great melting pot hodgepodge of people from all over the world - getting lost in clubs in Silom and China town and waking up hungover with a bad tattoo  - it's all gone. It's over.


Stupid hairbrained "Schemes" are not going to solve it  - because nobody is thinking about thailand. Nobody wants to come - everyone just wants their lives back - and that starts at HOME. And HOME is screwed because some Chinese clowns wanted to eat bats for dinner.


All I can say is thank god that era is well and truly over. 

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The Phuket local Associations not the council have the will,  the interest or the experience in operating such a scheme. It would need to be handled by central Government.

At this time if they are serious about not having a major flare up of the virus to an extent where all hospitals are overwhelmed & possibly thousands of locals die, I see no way around compulsory Quarantine at this time as dozens of countries have found out about at their their peril.

Just take a really close look at NZ & Australia who thought they had beaten it.

Herd immunity,,,,,,,,,I am heading for the hills & leaving the resultant madness behind.


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5 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

I think that thailand refuses or is unable, to view themselves from the outside perspective.


What made Thailand a popular tourist destination in the past, was that it was

  • cheap
  • carefree
  • accessible
  • fun
  • exciting    

People came to Thailand because it meant they could get away from the bureaucracy which plagues the west; one could come here and clamber on a motorcycle and travel on pavements. You could dash away and be anonymous at a full moon party, or go up north and get lost in the jungle and fall in love with some crazy isaan girl and have mad sex parties until dawn (if that floats your boat) or you could take the family to a high-end resort in the south and have all manner of fun on boats and beaches.


You could be a pretty broke student backpacker with $50 in your bumbag, and you could stay in a crappy hostel and meet up with other fellow stinkies, and hitch it down to the south and have an adventure and make friends for life.


You could go kickboxing and train with some of the best in the word. Go rock climbing, sky diving, snorkelling and deep sea diving, and all at competitive prices.

You could finish it all off with a couple of hedonistic nights in Bangkok, which might still only cost you 1500-3000 baht, if you weren't completely insane ( less than that 10 years ago)

You could visit the silk factories in the north and go camping in Kao Yai, or if you were elderly you could receive great medical attention and get pleasured by a pretty nurse into the bargain.

If you were american you could have a stab at setting up a business pretty easily ( it would fail after a year or 2  - but still have some fun).


Simply put, that has all gone; poof! Up and disappeared like a fart in the wind, never to return.


It was going downhill long before Covid, and now it's well and truly gone forever.

The problem lies within Thailand and their inability to appreciate tourists and to integrate - and hell - even to learn the bloody english language properly.


Nobody is getting on a plane to stay here anymore.


As long as covid exists it will be over.


Thailand needs to accept that the world is not standing at the departure gates across the globe straining at the leash to get here - and even if and when they DID get here - they'd soon find out how deathly BORING it is now!


There's a horrible pall of depression hanging over everything and the current political situation is further dragging everything down and is like a powder keg waiting to blow. 


You can't have FUN here anymore.


Pattaya is dead - its all GONE. The fun was in the relative anonymity - the great melting pot hodgepodge of people from all over the world - getting lost in clubs in Silom and China town and waking up hungover with a bad tattoo  - it's all gone. It's over.


Stupid hairbrained "Schemes" are not going to solve it  - because nobody is thinking about thailand. Nobody wants to come - everyone just wants their lives back - and that starts at HOME. And HOME is screwed because some Chinese clowns wanted to eat bats for dinner.









Very well put .. 

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At least they can see it’s the rich filling their pockets by picking select hotels to be on the quarantine list . Plus using an airline that owes an utterly insane amount of debt at 250 billion bht !!  
2 weeks quarantine = nobody but the desperate coming !

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2 hours ago, nchuckle said:

A large tourist economy suits the low skill,poor education (PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES) constituency of a very large proportion of the population and there is the substantial investment in the infrastructure to support that. Exports are under pressure from emerging cheaper neighbours too . No,Thailand simply hasn’t got the wherewithal nor the vision to address chronic deep seated issues, including political ones. The outlook is grim and unrest is on the horizon.

I agree with all of your points, although consider that the "low skill, poor education" have essentially no control over Thailand's present or future so all immigration, covid, governmental decisions are being made outside of their spheres of influence. I'm sure the ruling class will continue to do whatever it takes to keep them at bay and little more.

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It is always time to be logic with what you said.

If you want something to happen, you have to do things for this to be possible to happen.

If you come n a free place and said: "ho buddies, i want to help you to come back there easy", and just next you put many fences everywhere, it is dumb.

To be logic and judge as normal, your movements should be in accordance with the sentences who goes out of your mouth, if not, sure people will see that you have a psychic problem.

After, we also can understand that same as a fragile people who is terrify about something, because he never have a real difficult life before, it is the first time for many things suddenly, his own moves can sometimes be disorganized due to this fear, his words can be confused.
As all the time with people in panic situation.
That is the difference between a theory to learn and the experience of a real situation to manage (the stress, the pressure, imply that the manager should be strong enough and have a stable  psychic to be able to manage)
There is absolutely all the concern sign of a panic observed because of the contradiction between what they said they want and what they do who is more and more restrictive and go in opposite way to what they just said.


Calm down, stop to be in panic. It is finish now.

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1 hour ago, ronaldo0 said:

At least they can see it’s the rich filling their pockets by picking select hotels to be on the quarantine list . Plus using an airline that owes an utterly insane amount of debt at 250 billion bht !!  
2 weeks quarantine = nobody but the desperate coming !

i'm a desperate one (and shocked by the way how they practice) , and i will not come.


First i don't have this money to loose, and second, i can see a panic when this is happening.

I've learned to care also about low mental health conditioned people who push them to panic easy or doesn't support any frustration with there own image reflected, because they can become like monsters suddenly.


And even if I was rich and desperate, I would not succumb to blackmail too.


I think close to no one will succumb to this blackmail situation. The mixed Thai/farang families are in pain, we have no other choice than to wait they finish their panic tantrum.

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