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Plan on the table to allow Europe’s ‘snowbirds’ into Thailand for up to 9 months


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1 hour ago, Jenoroth said:

Is this government really serious about destroying the country's economy for a flu-like virus?


Millions of thai right now have already or gonna lose their jobs soon due to the lack of tourism.


My girlfriend who works in a restaurant in bangkok. has just been laid off by her boss due to the lack of customers.


Now she has no choice but to go back to her hometown.


I really feel like the whole world is overreacting to this "pandemic". 


The lives lost due to covid will be nothing in comparison to what is coming ahead, which is the millions of people who are going to lose their jobs, ending up starving or committing suicide. This is <deleted> up.

@Jenoroth i totally agree with you,but there is one thing you are forgetting in this... its not just the government but the citizens of thailand they are petrified of this virus. and even the ones who are out of work because of it don't want foreigners back either.    its a total irrational fear held by most thais, as they are a hell of a lot more likely to end up in hospital because of the dangerous roads but you cannot change their way of illogical thinking unfortunately. and to be fair there are still a lot of people who are scared of this virus around the world and not just in thailand, but what can you do. there's nowt stranger than folk.    

Edited by paulikens
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13 hours ago, expat1010 said:

What a joke. Most western tourists and snowbirds are not going to jump thru stupid hoops just to come to Thailand. Sure the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese will but they are very close by. The westerners will just go somewhere else that is easier and warm; Columbia, Panama, Bahamas, Dominican, Cuba, Red Sea, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cabo etc.. There are lots of warm places with beaches as nice or nicer than Thailand. I suspect many will just stay home and tough it out this winter until a vaccine becomes available.

Panama? Columbia? Get realistic

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10 hours ago, american2 said:

tell me again why tourists are dying to come to thailand rather Vietnam or Indonesia?

I think you're mainly looking at people who have holiday homes here, there are many, perhaps tens of thousands of retirees who own nice apartments and villas throughout Thailand and they come every year to escape the bad weather.


I know plenty of retired couples from the UK and other countries who make this trip to Hua Hin, they fly out every winter, own an apartment or house one way or another and some of them have been coming for decades.


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8 hours ago, Blumpie said:

Even though we don't agree with the government, these are real people who are basically destroyed.

Perhaps they will learn a valuable lesson from what's happening.


I wouldn't hold my breath while waiting but stranger things have happened over time.


Rounding up and deporting as many foreigners as possible while at the same time actively introducing regulations to make it harder to stay in Thailand doesn't make for good news headlines, that damage has already been done.


It's going to be an interesting few years, that's for sure. I'll be watching with interest.

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39 minutes ago, ukrules said:

I think you're mainly looking at people who have holiday homes here, there are many, perhaps tens of thousands of retirees who own nice apartments and villas throughout Thailand and they come every year to escape the bad weather.


I know plenty of retired couples from the UK and other countries who make this trip to Hua Hin, they fly out every winter, own an apartment or house one way or another and some of them have been coming for decades.


That group of retired european elderly foreigner couples coming each year 6-9 months to Thailand has nearly diminished over the last years. Due to Complicated visa hassles, insurances , general unfriendliness ,strong bht , dirty ocean water and other nicer  more visa friendly affordable optionse in other countries...

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2 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

That group of retired european elderly foreigner couples coming each year 6-9 months to Thailand has nearly diminished over the last years. Due to Complicated visa hassles, insurances , general unfriendliness ,strong bht , dirty ocean water and other nicer  more visa friendly affordable optionse in other countries...

The home owners are still coming, I know plenty of them. Year in, year out, they're mostly Scandinavian in this part of the country but there's a fair few Aussies and Brits as well.


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3 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

Not sure where you're getting that from - there is no restriction on people leaving Australia or New Zealand. They both have restrictions on people coming in however - basically only their own citizens or permanent residents are allowed in (plus others in a few special categories, like diplomats).

I'm getting it directly from the Australian government.


Foreign travel is banned unless you get a special permit from the government, look it up.


Here : https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/COVID-19




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31 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

That is the safe list, not the quarantine list.

Notification page - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-corridors#exemption-rules


The quarantine web page has not been updated -

Published 3 July 2020
Last updated 27 August 2020 — see all updates


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Noone is coming with any restrictions, testing, quarentine, expendive insurance and bars cloded at 12 midnight with no clubs. May a well face it, the new nomal will devestate the country until we return to normal as we should. COVID is no killer, that is why they are only reporting people who have it which is everyone. But no symptoms. You cannot subject healthy people to testing, hazmat suits, quarentine, expense, mask wearing, checks, paperwork please, masks, no food on a 13 hour expensive flight, that before they fly. Get real there will be no return to normal until we return to normal. Noone wants or trusts a vaccine that is untested and offers no compensation of dhat happened with Bill Gates previous escapades in India from where he was banned until he bought off Modi. 

Strange that Bill Gates has the patent on COVID 19? You can't own a patent on anything you did not create and you cannot patent anything that is natural? Ot is illegal to own a patent on a natural virus and it is illegal to create a virus as it is termed a bio weapon. No matter what way you look at it, Gates btoke the law. 

The nobel lauriet Dr. Luk Montagnier an eminent virologist has said publicly that "COVID 19 was very clevrrly created in a lab" more than likely in Wuhan.

Watch Plandemic Indoctrination if you want truth, available on BitChute and londonreal free.

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13 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

At least this island only has a 2 week sentence the island in this story has an indefinite sentence.



Its all Aussie <deleted>. My mate's partner lay in a Buriram hospital dying from spinal cancer aged 25. He was refused permission to leave the country to see her, and later on again refused permission to attend her funeral. But recently we see that a very rich businessman was giver permission to go to Europe to pick up his new luxury yacht.



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For me it’s all about reasonable pricing in regard for this idea. But knowing TH for quite long, I know there will be some scams involved. Thai Airways will be able to charge what they want, the offered hotels will be positioned in the upper/luxury segment and the Covid Tests will be overpriced like they have been all the time for farangs. 

If they were smart, they would offer that package, the planned 9months Visa at the lowest possible price. People intending to stay in TH for such a long period, will spend it anyway afterwards. 

As we are talking about one-way tickets, everything over 20k from Europe would be too much (and It was always below 20k pre Covid with Thai). Adding to that, there should be reasonable hotel prices for those 14 days of not more than 3k Baht/per Night..including the covid Tests.


The visa itself shouldn’t be more than 6k Baht (similar to the METV).

Altogether 68k Baht..that’s a reasonable price. 

However I doubt it will be offered for way more than 100k.

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11 hours ago, sungod said:

This cannot be correct as i read a couple of months ago that a top Immam in the UK was telling his people that Covid-19 does not affect Muslims and Indonesia is a muslim country.


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10 hours ago, hotchilli said:

T.A.T is full of wind.... catching it should be easy, they should bottle it, sell- ship it as a "Tatse of Tailand"

[T.A.T] and prop up the tourism industry with the proceeds..

Another day another hair-brained scheme

Grasping at any idea that comes into their miNUTE brains.

What do you expect when the Army try to run the country, especially when most of the senior officers have bought their rank. The very officers who get the top government jobs. A good example was the national airline being run by an ex top air force officer.  Tell us what happened to Royal Thai Airlines.


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49 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

Noone is coming with any restrictions, testing, quarentine, expendive insurance and bars cloded at 12 midnight with no clubs. May a well face it, the new nomal will devestate the country until we return to normal as we should. COVID is no killer, that is why they are only reporting people who have it which is everyone. But no symptoms. You cannot subject healthy people to testing, hazmat suits, quarentine, expense, mask wearing, checks, paperwork please, masks, no food on a 13 hour expensive flight, that before they fly. Get real there will be no return to normal until we return to normal. Noone wants or trusts a vaccine that is untested and offers no compensation of dhat happened with Bill Gates previous escapades in India from where he was banned until he bought off Modi. 

Strange that Bill Gates has the patent on COVID 19? You can't own a patent on anything you did not create and you cannot patent anything that is natural? Ot is illegal to own a patent on a natural virus and it is illegal to create a virus as it is termed a bio weapon. No matter what way you look at it, Gates btoke the law. 

The nobel lauriet Dr. Luk Montagnier an eminent virologist has said publicly that "COVID 19 was very clevrrly created in a lab" more than likely in Wuhan.

Watch Plandemic Indoctrination if you want truth, available on BitChute and londonreal free.

How do I "unread" such utter garbage? You owe me 3 minutes of life for reading this waste of time. 


I wish conspiracy theory loonies would just crawl back in their boxes and let normal people focus on the important stuff like keeping the vulnerable safe and development of a vaccine. We just want a return to normal life, it will come due to careful control of the spread and rapid manufacture and release of the vaccine, all of which will be done without the help from conspiratory theory nutters.. Of course once the sensible people do return life back to normal the conspirators will all melt away as they always do,,, won't be too soon if you ask me.

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10 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

Thank you - and well said!


Thailand really was heaven on earth 20 years ago -and well before that.


As you said, it's a long way back - if at all.


Its a wake up call for Thailand and also for major investors here. This could get really bad.


IF you think of think of the massive amounts of money invested into International schools that have just been opened here for example = how are they going to survive?
There are no new tribes moving to bangkok for business now - certainly not with families.


And all those international teachers who have not been home for months - how long can this go on before they need to get back to their homeland to visit dad who's in hospital with covid? Or mum - who's actually now dead?


And the holidays are no longer the same in Thailand. 


If you go to Pattaya and stay at a family resort like the Hard Rock Hotel - it's as boring as heck. Pattaya is dead - there's not atmosphere and nowhere to EAT!!


And what about BKK nightlife?


It thrived and RELIED on visitors and first timers coming in and rollin goggle-eyed down soi Cowboy and stand agape in Baccara and losing their minds in Crazy House - that's all gone! Gone!! Gone for good!


I'm not going down Soi Cowboy anytime soon - I only took visiting friends there. So sad.

I remember the good old days where you could sit in an outside bar on the pavement until 5am and get drunk with people of the night - that went ages ago and with it - a huge part of the charm of BKK.

China Town is f***d.  Kao San Road is F*****d.


It's ALL f*****d.


You forgot the street stalls at night on lower Sukumvit which the army thought were unappropiate.

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12 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

How do I "unread" such utter garbage? You owe me 3 minutes of life for reading this waste of time. 


I wish conspiracy theory loonies would just crawl back in their boxes and let normal people focus on the important stuff like keeping the vulnerable safe and development of a vaccine. We just want a return to normal life, it will come due to careful control of the spread and rapid manufacture and release of the vaccine, all of which will be done without the help from conspiratory theory nutters.. Of course once the sensible people do return life back to normal the conspirators will all melt away as they always do,,, won't be too soon if you ask me.

So, what did I say exactly that is untrue??? Everything is available to search. You are just a TROLL. Do not search on Google, You Tube or FB. Search Firefox, BitChute and use your own common sense. If you have not watched the documentary or even heard of Luc Montagnier then you only listen to the Mainstream Media and platforms that are the playground for those who are lying to you. Even if you do not believe get the knowledge and then decide. Remember, Gates has said, Give the vaccine to the blacks, indigenous and the government workers first. I wonder which category  you will fall into? Everything I say is true and can be verified by anyone with a computer or a phone. It is your life. This has been coming a long time. 

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17 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

but what they don't want is treating like they are some sort of diseased dog kept in a quarantine kennel .. 

  I couldn't agree more.


It's so apparent that we are treated like a disease, and some Thais might even believe the fake news from China that American soldiers brought the virus to Thailand.


 And for them, all Caucasians look like Americans, methinks.


Come on, snowbirds, come to Thailand, get into an expensive quarantine, and pay triple what the locals pay.


 Not even mentioning they very high "fly off balcony" syndrome, which doesn't seem familiar to me.


But it seems to be an excellent way to get rid of somebody without facing justice.


Does Thailand not understand that most foreigners do have common sense and rethink traveling to this country twice?


IMO, Thailand's "good days" are over, and they will never come back as it was. 


The few people who come will have to pay a lot more to compensate for those who will never fly to LOS again.


And this number's getting higher from day to day, week to week. 




Edited by teacherclaire
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