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Anutin promises his marijuana plans will go as planned


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45 minutes ago, Bluedan said:

...on the other hand just do a little search and you will find sugar kills more than alcohol and cigarettes...both of which which you would also like to see banned?

THAT was my first thought while pursuing through this.


And, also, anyone that doesn't like it is free to abstain - as well as all the other aforementioned that are also legal-but-not-good-for-you substances (indisputable health benefits not withstanding).

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23 hours ago, Sambotte said:

Will the dirty farangs be under the same law ?

Considering the very bad quality of what you (not me hm ????) find everywhere in Thailand, the bad compressed full of chemicals...

It would be a great news to be able to grow your (no no, not me i swear ????) own product, you would have access to a clean product that way (and only that way, no pharmaceutical extract, this millenaire plant has many components acting in synergy, not just THC or CDB).


For "those" talking about addiction, well let's start with booze and sleeping-anxiety pills... All legal. Most of all very addictive. Wikipedia has a good page about that, including social dangerosity.

That said i am not one to critic those who need booze or pills. I just know ganja is WAY less dangerous and much better for health. Looks like medecine finally has agreed after so many year of prohibition (still existing), thanks to the USA.

Wow man! Like, far out man! What a great move that’s going to enhance the mental capacity of mankind and might even lower the number of deaths on our highways. And all those dead-heads with the munchies will offset the huge losses we’re seeing in the tourism industry. BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! 
ps - Dave’s not here man!

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4 hours ago, rtco said:

Despite their similar chemical structures, CBD and THC don’t have the same psychoactive effects. CBD is psychoactive, just not in the same manner as THC. It doesn’t produce the high associated with THC. CBD is shown to help with anxiety, depression, and seizures.

THC binds with the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors in the brain. It produces a high or sense of euphoria. CBD binds very weakly, if at all, to CB1 receptors. CBD needs THC to bind to the CB1 receptor and, in turn, can help reduce some of the unwanted psychoactive 

Thx Doc.

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On 8/31/2020 at 3:05 PM, redwood1 said:

Cannabis may not be physically addictive......But dont even try and say it does not have the possibility to be mentally addictive....Sure some people have no problem with it but many people fall deep into a cannabis lifestyle.........I am judging it just speaking the truth.... 

Then just scroll and keep drinking 

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On 8/31/2020 at 3:40 PM, Susco said:


I thought going by the comments of the "knowledgeable" TVF community, each time dope is mentioned in a thread, that is a cure for every disease known to mankind.


Just wait a little, and they will be here again

Don’t forget the Alcoholic Haters of Ganja always knocking it 

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On 8/31/2020 at 3:53 PM, thaichina said:

Did you see that happen in palces where it has been legal? Do you have some sources or are these just your thoughts on it?

Absolutely No research of bad effects on smoking can Vape as alternative , I don’t think Cancer even occurs 

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22 hours ago, Blumpie said:

So in addition to some of the worst drivers on the planet you are throwing in high drivers.  


These porcupines probably want to go tour a balloon factory next.  

Research the Internet it’s actually Safer but trying to make sense to a Drinker losing battle same as talking to a Trump Supporter 

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1 hour ago, mindfulness said:

Nice to see the f’wit soothsayers out on TV commenting as though they have full industry, medical and recreational use knowledge 

As per usual they come crawling out of their dark life to just spew out utter ignorant garbage    

i kinda do have that knowledge. should i leave so i don't sound like a f'wit ? 

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1 hour ago, mindfulness said:

Nice to see the f’wit soothsayers out on TV commenting as though they have full industry, medical and recreational use knowledge 

As per usual they come crawling out of their dark life to just spew out utter ignorant garbage    

Growing and smoking at home isn't that hard.

I have no knowledge of industrial growing or medical use.

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12 hours ago, kiteman9 said:

Marijuana is a herb that is always being talked about all over the media. There is constant debate on whether it should be legalized or not. Also, debate on if it were to be legalized, how would they make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account every day. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter. Some people think it should be, others think it shouldn’t, and some think it should be with some modifications on the usage. When you look at the benefits, there is no question that marijuana should be legal throughout the entire country. There are way more positive things that could come out of it being legal.

The first reason weed should be legalized is because how many other drugs are legal. Weed is one of a few not too harmful herbs that are illegal. Many hard drugs such as painkillers, heroine, and cocaine are drugs that are very destructive to your health and possibly even your life. Marijuana should not be put under the same category as these drugs. It should be under the category that includes alcohol, tobacco, and even sugar. These drugs are more commonly related to marijuana than hard drugs (Nathan). Also, it is clear that alcohol and tobacco are more harmful to a person that marijuana. That’s why I don’t understand how the policy on marijuana isn’t equal if not more in favored than the policies on alcohol and tobacco. Even sugar in many health aspects can be considered more harmful than marijuana. Marijuana is a herb that is a lot safer and harder to over dose than alcohol (Nathan). That’s why many cannot understand why marijuana isn’t legal and alcohol is. Marijuana should have fair legal policies just like all the other “drugs” that are considered to be in the same category as it. The policy must be changed.

The next reason marijuana should be legalized is because it would keep kids off the streets and away from drugs that are more harmful. Marijuana in many cases could be sold from dealers who also sell hard drugs. Therefore, if marijuana was legal and sold in a store in the correct way, it would help kids stay away from other drugs that dealers have to offer (Nathan). Also, it would stop kids from getting into the drug dealing business. They would have fewer motives to sell to their friends and other people. If the policy was changed and it could be sold in stores it would stop kids from selling all together. Being a dealer would be way less effective and it could stop many drug dealers and clean up the streets (Alternet). Marijuana is going to be sold either way, so it might as well be sold legally. If the policy was changed and it was sold legally it would keep kids out of danger and make it harder to be a drug dealer.

Another very good reason to legalize marijuana is how much it could save the government money, and maybe even make money out of it. Marijuana is very hard on the justice system financially. If the policy was changed and it was legalized it could be taxed and used for government funding (Alternet). It has been studied and many studies show that weed could create very good revenue (Head). Not only can legal marijuana help make money but it can also help out the justice system a lot. Over 750,000 people are arrested for marijuana a year. This number is crazy if you think about the danger level of marijuana. 750,000 people are arrested for something that doesn’t directly cause harm to anyone else. Also, not only does enforcement have to arrest these people but also they have to pay for each individual case. Another way it could help out the justice system is by opening up jail spots. Marijuana users take up far to much jail space which could be used for much more serious offenders (Alternet). All in all, legalizing marijuana could help out the justice system immensely and the policy should be changed immediately.

The health and comfort of the people should be the major concern of the government. Marijuana has many positive attributes that could help people in every day life. Many people that are suffering from ailing symptoms could use this herb. Marijuana could be used to help with pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms that normal drugs just simply aren’t curing. Also, it could be a great way to allow people to relax themselves on a normal basis. For the most parts the symptoms of marijuana are very mild and are easy to deal with. Not very often are people uncontrollable or in a state of danger when using this herb. Marijuana is a herb that easily builds tolerance and allows people to handle the symptoms better. If people can handle the symptoms and use the herb properly I don’t understand why it shouldn’t be legalized. Many people will tell you that the symptoms are much more positive than negative.

Last, does the government ever ask themselves the question “has anyone ever died from marijuana usage?” They must not ask themselves that question because the answer would be no. There isn’t even a section for marijuana in the disease control and protection section. That is because marijuana is not linked to death in any way. Also, it is shown to have no link to cancer or any other harmful diseases there are out there. Marijuana isn’t even linked to lung cancer. Many people would think it would be linked to cancer especially of the throat but that is not the case (huffing). The fact that marijuana doesn’t directly cause death and also doesn’t lead to other harmful diseases just proves why it should be legal. The policy clearly should be changed if the government doesn’t even consider the herb a danger to disease. However, the government has such a big concern on alcohol use and spends most its time worrying about that. If marijuana isn’t a major concern for the government then why not just make it legal. If it isn’t dangerous enough to even have a category then why wouldn’t it be legal. The policy is clearly not right and much be changed.

The use of marijuana has always been questioned but now is the time for countries to let the usage of the herb to be addressed.  It is no longer acceptable to not consider legalization because the countries have already taken matters into their own hands by making it legal, Colorado and Washington were the first to do so this past election season.  The counter argument to legalization of marijuana would be studies that show smoking “weed” would change emphazama and lower IQ’s but smoking cigarettes or any tobacco product also cause emphazema and drinking alcohol is proven to harm your IQ and kill your brain cells.

All in all, marijuana should be legalized and the policy should be changed immediately. There is too much good to come from this policy changed not to do it. There are many people that agree with a policy change and the government needs to do the same. Marijuana can clearly help make any country better for the people in many ways. Health is obviously a major concern for the government and that is why they might hesitate to legalize it. But, as studies show there are few health risks and even some positive health factors that weed could contribute. Also, how much legal marijuana can help our government funding and justice system is another reason the policy needs to be changed now. Keeping kids off the streets and drug dealers from selling to kids is also more proof of how poorly the current policy is running. Legal marijuana could help hard drugs from spreading to the wrong people. Also, it will keep the amount of drug dealers down and the amount of legal shops up. All in all marijuana would do much more positive than it would negative if it were to be legalized. The policy that is preventing the legalization of marijuana must be changed at once. Legal marijuana can help. The government needs to see these facts and change the marijuana policy as soon as possible.


Today's assignment. Please write a 1500 word essay about the benefits of marijuana and why it should be legalized. You can refer to Mr. Kiteman's excellent essay as an example.

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On 9/1/2020 at 12:24 AM, nobodysfriend said:

This herb is known for it's ' consciousness enlarging ' abilities .

And that is exactly what is desperately needed these days ...

It makes people think about what they are really doing , and if it is worth to do so ...

Don't have to be stoned all the time , but a tea from time to time helps a lot already .

People who like that are definitely more peaceful , and think twice before starting wars or other problems ...

Laugh about it , laughing is good for your ( mental ) health . 55

It's not consciousness enlarging, it just makes people think that trivial observations are profound.

Edited by suzannegoh
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4 hours ago, suzannegoh said:

It's not consciousness enlarging, it just makes people think that trivial observations are profound.

“Cannabis brings us an awareness that we spend a lifetime being trained to overlook and forget and put out of our minds.” 

— Carl Sagan

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20 hours ago, Ireland32 said:

Did you get your prescription, Clinic not far from Don Muang 200 b 

Sawasdee clinic?


Will it be useful for growing legally? Or possessing weed?

As far as I've heard you can only possess prescribed oil...


2 to 6 Sep there's an event at Impact MTT, Herb Expo 2020 with Cannabis clinic.

Might try it there.

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On 9/1/2020 at 11:18 AM, kiteman9 said:

Marijuana is a herb that is always being talked about all over the media. There is constant debate on whether it should be legalized or not. Also, debate on if it were to be legalized, how would they make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account every day. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter. Some people think it should be, others think it shouldn’t, and some think it should be with some modifications on the usage. When you look at the benefits, there is no question that marijuana should be legal throughout the entire country. There are way more positive things that could come out of it being legal.


Seems like this essay is liberally pilfered?


Unless you wrote the original maybe provide attribution?








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On 8/31/2020 at 3:05 PM, redwood1 said:

Cannabis may not be physically addictive......But dont even try and say it does not have the possibility to be mentally addictive....Sure some people have no problem with it but many people fall deep into a cannabis lifestyle.........I am judging it just speaking the truth.... 

doesn't that apply to everything though? Anything even remotely enjoyable could be considered mentally addictive...

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43 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Seems like this essay is liberally pilfered?


Unless you wrote the original maybe provide attribution?








Yes I copied and liberally pilfered from Mike Kelly's RCL ePortfolio and changed drug to herbs please don't call the police  

“I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?”

Willie Nelson


Marijuana is a herb that is always being talked about all over the media. There is constant debate on whether it should be legalized or not. Also, debate on if it were to be legalized, how would they make it work. All these questions are things the government takes into account every day. There is a big divide between people’s beliefs on this matter. Some people think it should be, others think it shouldn’t, and some think it should be with some modifications on the usage. When you look at the benefits, there is no question that marijuana should be legal throughout the entire country. There are way more positive things that could come out of it being legal.

The first reason weed should be legalized is because how many other drugs are legal. Weed is one of a few not too harmful herbs that are illegal. Many hard drugs such as painkillers, heroine, and cocaine are drugs that are very destructive to your health and possibly even your life. Marijuana should not be put under the same category as these drugs. It should be under the category that includes alcohol, tobacco, and even sugar. These drugs are more commonly related to marijuana than hard drugs (Nathan). Also, it is clear that alcohol and tobacco are more harmful to a person that marijuana. That’s why I don’t understand how the policy on marijuana isn’t equal if not more in favored than the policies on alcohol and tobacco. Even sugar in many health aspects can be considered more harmful than marijuana. Marijuana is a herb that is a lot safer and harder to over dose than alcohol (Nathan). That’s why many cannot understand why marijuana isn’t legal and alcohol is. Marijuana should have fair legal policies just like all the other “drugs” that are considered to be in the same category as it. The policy must be changed.

The next reason marijuana should be legalized is because it would keep kids off the streets and away from drugs that are more harmful. Marijuana in many cases could be sold from dealers who also sell hard drugs. Therefore, if marijuana was legal and sold in a store in the correct way, it would help kids stay away from other drugs that dealers have to offer (Nathan). Also, it would stop kids from getting into the drug dealing business. They would have fewer motives to sell to their friends and other people. If the policy was changed and it could be sold in stores it would stop kids from selling all together. Being a dealer would be way less effective and it could stop many drug dealers and clean up the streets (Alternet). Marijuana is going to be sold either way, so it might as well be sold legally. If the policy was changed and it was sold legally it would keep kids out of danger and make it harder to be a drug dealer.

Another very good reason to legalize marijuana is how much it could save the government money, and maybe even make money out of it. Marijuana is very hard on the justice system financially. If the policy was changed and it was legalized it could be taxed and used for government funding (Alternet). It has been studied and many studies show that weed could create very good revenue (Head). Not only can legal marijuana help make money but it can also help out the justice system a lot. Over 750,000 people are arrested for marijuana a year. This number is crazy if you think about the danger level of marijuana. 750,000 people are arrested for something that doesn’t directly cause harm to anyone else. Also, not only does enforcement have to arrest these people but also they have to pay for each individual case. Another way it could help out the justice system is by opening up jail spots. Marijuana users take up far to much jail space which could be used for much more serious offenders (Alternet). All in all, legalizing marijuana could help out the justice system immensely and the policy should be changed immediately.

The health and comfort of the people should be the major concern of the government. Marijuana has many positive attributes that could help people in every day life. Many people that are suffering from ailing symptoms could use this herb. Marijuana could be used to help with pain, nausea, spasticity, and other symptoms that normal drugs just simply aren’t curing. Also, it could be a great way to allow people to relax themselves on a normal basis. For the most parts the symptoms of marijuana are very mild and are easy to deal with. Not very often are people uncontrollable or in a state of danger when using this herb. Marijuana is a herb that easily builds tolerance and allows people to handle the symptoms better. If people can handle the symptoms and use the herb properly I don’t understand why it shouldn’t be legalized. Many people will tell you that the symptoms are much more positive than negative.

Last, does the government ever ask themselves the question “has anyone ever died from marijuana usage?” They must not ask themselves that question because the answer would be no. There isn’t even a section for marijuana in the disease control and protection section. That is because marijuana is not linked to death in any way. Also, it is shown to have no link to cancer or any other harmful diseases there are out there. Marijuana isn’t even linked to lung cancer. Many people would think it would be linked to cancer especially of the throat but that is not the case (huffing). The fact that marijuana doesn’t directly cause death and also doesn’t lead to other harmful diseases just proves why it should be legal. The policy clearly should be changed if the government doesn’t even consider the herb a danger to disease. However, the government has such a big concern on alcohol use and spends most its time worrying about that. If marijuana isn’t a major concern for the government then why not just make it legal. If it isn’t dangerous enough to even have a category then why wouldn’t it be legal. The policy is clearly not right and much be changed.

The use of marijuana has always been questioned but now is the time for countries to let the usage of the herb to be addressed.  It is no longer acceptable to not consider legalization because the countries have already taken matters into their own hands by making it legal, Colorado and Washington were the first to do so this past election season.  The counter argument to legalization of marijuana would be studies that show smoking “weed” would change emphazama and lower IQ’s but smoking cigarettes or any tobacco product also cause emphazema and drinking alcohol is proven to harm your IQ and kill your brain cells.

All in all, marijuana should be legalized and the policy should be changed immediately. There is too much good to come from this policy changed not to do it. There are many people that agree with a policy change and the government needs to do the same. Marijuana can clearly help make any country better for the people in many ways. Health is obviously a major concern for the government and that is why they might hesitate to legalize it. But, as studies show there are few health risks and even some positive health factors that weed could contribute. Also, how much legal marijuana can help our government funding and justice system is another reason the policy needs to be changed now. Keeping kids off the streets and drug dealers from selling to kids is also more proof of how poorly the current policy is running. Legal marijuana could help hard drugs from spreading to the wrong people. Also, it will keep the amount of drug dealers down and the amount of legal shops up. All in all marijuana would do much more positive than it would negative if it were to be legalized. The policy that is preventing the legalization of marijuana must be changed at once. Legal marijuana can help. The government needs to see these facts and change the marijuana policy as soon as possible.




Edited by kiteman9
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