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UK minister surprised by Scottish independence referendum move

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

Still hanging on sadly.

What about Cummins?

No, he is not an MP yet, plus he never had C19.......????

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1 hour ago, phetchy said:

OK, the sweaties surprisingly won the first leg at Bannockburn, but the English saw the match out as winners at Culloden.  It took 431 years of extra time, and now Ms Krankie wants a replay.

Couple of things there.

The act of union was in 1707. Culloden was in 1745.

Almost half the troops in Cumberlands army were Scottish.

Her name is Nicola Sturgeon. She is the first minister of Scotland. 

If you are going to vent your spleen at least do so from a position of knowledge. 


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31 minutes ago, transam said:

No, he is not an MP yet, plus he never had C19.......????

He didnt?

Oh I have no idea what all the fuss was about then. Especially given he said he had corona in his public address from the rose garden at Downing street.

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7 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Sturgeons Power grab by hoping to jail Alex Salmond, is staring to unravel. 


The sex and politics scandal that could bring down Sturgeon's SNP chief executive husband sent texts telling staff to put 'pressure' on police to probe Alex Salmond over false rape and indecent assault allegations .


Anyone that followed the case against Salmond --would have to be blind not to see Sturgeons hand in it, Even after he was totally acquitted, she started up a "Go fund me page" for the Accusers--who has had nothing to pay out as the crown prosecuted, but were rewarded by many thousand of pounds. 


SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon with husband - and the party's chief executive - Peter Murrell as they cast their votes in the 2019 General Election at Broomhouse Park Community Hall in Glasgow

  • Sturgeon claimed she first knew of claims in April 2, 2018 meeting at her home
  • But it has since emerged she was told three days earlier - and claims she forgot


This is off topic.....shouldn't it be deleted?

  • Haha 2
9 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

This is off topic.....shouldn't it be deleted?

Why because it doesn't fit in with your narrative ?

We are talking about a Scottish independence referendum move--led by the "honorable" N Sturgeon........but don't lets talk about her . Please censor

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46 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Still hanging on sadly.

What about Cummins?

A pathetic attempt at whataboutism. Soooo weak. Cummings is not a Member of Parliament. He didn't have a positive test result. He went by private car, not by public transport. Not even in the same ball park to what the SNP's Margaret Ferrier did, getting on public transport and spending hours in close proximity to members of the public after testing positive.


If Ress Mogg's gardener got a parking ticket you'd try and use that as justification for the disgraceful, irresponsible, hypocritical behaviour of this SNP politician. 

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37 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Daily Mail.

Ruth Davidson accuses.

Absolutely watertigh

Just for you Rookiescot....... the headline in yesterdays Scotsman........... Not got anyone to censor other peoples views yet ??


Nicola Sturgeon's lies to Salmond inquiry show greater contempt for voters

than Margaret Ferrier's Covid breach

It’s a feature of all political parties which have been in government for a long period of time that they become increasingly complacent and insulated from public opinion.


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50 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

A pathetic attempt at whataboutism. Soooo weak. Cummings is not a Member of Parliament. He didn't have a positive test result. He went by private car, not by public transport. Not even in the same ball park to what the SNP's Margaret Ferrier did, getting on public transport and spending hours in close proximity to members of the public after testing positive.


If Ress Mogg's gardener got a parking ticket you'd try and use that as justification for the disgraceful, irresponsible, hypocritical behaviour of this SNP politician. 

We did this already.

At least Ferrier has been honest about her mistakes.

Cummins just lied.

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6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Yes, if Scotland left the UK and joined the EU then the EU would insist on it.

You mean like Northern Ireland.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Anyway you still did not reply to the question why after such a major shirt (breaking from the EU) cant the Scots vote for freedom.

Do you feel they are in a state of incarceration at the moment robblock ?

1 hour ago, sanuk711 said:

Just for you Rookiescot....... the headline in yesterdays Scotsman........... Not got anyone to censor other peoples views yet ??


Nicola Sturgeon's lies to Salmond inquiry show greater contempt for voters

than Margaret Ferrier's Covid breach

It’s a feature of all political parties which have been in government for a long period of time that they become increasingly complacent and insulated from public opinion.


The Mogg tactfully poked fun at this in the house yesterday ????

  • Like 2
9 hours ago, robblok said:

Great then let Scotland leave. Make a hard border kill business. Xenophobes around the world worry too much. 

another schoolboy insult,calm yourself dear,while your touching concern for the british is commendable,as you don,t live in the uk is it down to gratitude of britain liberating you in ww 2? if so move on .

12 hours ago, transam said:

Correct, a blanket quote...Drunken Brits..

Correct, you told us you smoke dope..

I have never referred to any nationality as drunks.

I have never called you unintelligent either, but you keep posting that stuff..


On topic..


The SNP is is making a complete cock up of running Scotland and blaming it on the Union, which is complete nonsense, even the SNP "corvid" MP will not stand down, just shows you how irresponsible that lot are...????

Cock up in what way? Specifics, please, not rehashed Daily Express nonsense. 

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RR knows moves are afoot to void the union of 1707 which would be a game changer in neutering the SNP. What he doesn't yet know is just who is planning to stand for election into the ???????????????????????????? Parliament next year intending to do to Holyrood what the SNP does to Westminster...

3 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

So your analysis of this situation, is that you can not mention the leader of your independence movement, or I take it anyone else in it, but only the movement its self?  

Convenient really, as the disposing of her mentor and maybe biggest rival for leadership, by being complicit in him being accused of a heinous crime, is beginning to unravel. Her husband texting people to put pressure on the police for a prosecution that would ruin him. both politically and personally. Her loss of memory-on dates, Her starting a "Go Fund" page to get money for the 5 women who's evidence was completely rejected by by the jury.  

I don't think she needs to worry about Alex--Men never seem come from those sex accusations , even after the courts reject them.


**Quote-it's off topic because independence is not based upon a personality but a belief

So if we have a quick peruse of your post we would see that you never mention Farage --just his Brexit moment,  and of course when mentioning any past independence uprising in Scotland YOU only mention the movement not any person........... ?????



I think you & your Rookie friend would do better if you do not ask the Mods to censor posts that you don't like.


I am all for Scotland braking away RuamRudy, .. but as I mention to you before, your best chance of this to happen is to let the English working man in on the vote.  It would be a landslid.


Happier times--before Nicola decided it wasn't  so much about unity , as being Number 1



Of course you can mention it, and it is completely disingenuous to suggest that it is not to be discussed, but it does not take away from the fact that it is off topic. You are free to raise it but raising it does not convey it legitimacy in relation to the topic under discussion.

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11 minutes ago, evadgib said:

RR knows moves are afoot to void the union of 1707 which would be a game changer in neutering the SNP. 

I have said it before, upon independence, I firmly believe that the SNP will fall apart and its members will realign towards more traditional left/right parties. The important thing for the country is, however, that the structure of our government be radically different from that of the UK; it makes no sense to leave the UK merely to replicate the same failed model and be hamstrung by the same narrow band of self interested, non delivering professional parliamentarians.  


It is interesting to note that the SNP seems to be as intent on frustrating the current 'Peoples Action on Section 30' as the UK government is, leading to suggestions that some in the SNP are quite comfortable in their current situation. 


28 minutes ago, evadgib said:

What he doesn't yet know is just who is planning to stand for election into the ???????????????????????????? Parliament next year intending to do to Holyrood what the SNP does to Westminster...

Douglas Ross is a shoe-in, but only because he is most likely standing as a list candidate - hardly becoming of a party leader to show such cowardice by sneaking in the back door, but I guess he recognises just how unlikely he would be to win a straight election against an SNP candidate.


But if, as projected, the SNP wins by a landslide (and even with their current travails, there are no indications that this prediction is looking less likely) then no matter what Dross gets up to, he will still be as impotent in Holyrood as his predecessors. 


Or did you mean Gorgeous George? Haha - that would be fantastic; this avowed supporter of the IRA, a man who called on foreign insurgents to attack British troops, standing up for the union. Life gets stranger and stranger.

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6 minutes ago, transam said:


So you are unable to articulate it in your own words and have to resort to heavily biased cartoon-graphic propaganda for the hard of thinking? Well, colour me shocked.

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13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

So you are unable to articulate it in your own words and have to resort to heavily biased cartoon-graphic propaganda for the hard of thinking? Well, colour me shocked.

There are no cartoons in the vid, I would rather you listen to Scottish words than you comment on my English words. YOU can't have it both ways chap.....

Now comment on the words in the vid.....Go for it....

2 minutes ago, transam said:

There are no cartoons in the vid, I would rather you listen to Scottish words than you comment on my English words. YOU can't have it both ways chap.....

Now comment on the words in the vid.....Go for it....

Why do you talk about Scottish words and English words? I made no comment on your country of birth.


I hear Scottish words every day; none of them reflect the views you hold from afar, but I would like to read YOUR words. I can find all manner of garbage on youtube; posting a video from a flat earther doesn't make it true because it is on t'internet.


So tell me, from YOUR experience, in what ways the Scottish government is failing Scotland (and if you can also explain why, if this is true, they are sitting at near 60% in the polls, that would be great too).

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

Why do you talk about Scottish words and English words? I made no comment on your country of birth.


I hear Scottish words every day; none of them reflect the views you hold from afar, but I would like to read YOUR words. I can find all manner of garbage on youtube; posting a video from a flat earther doesn't make it true because it is on t'internet.


So tell me, from YOUR experience, in what ways the Scottish government is failing Scotland (and if you can also explain why, if this is true, they are sitting at near 60% in the polls, that would be great too).

So you won't comment on the vid....That's OK, I thought you wouldn't....???? 

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