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Thailand races to contact trace as coronavirus reappears


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1 hour ago, JackThompson said:

The same was found when the USA-CDC "revised" it's COVID numbers - 94% had TWO co-morbidities, and the vast majority of cases of very advanced-age. 


Recent studies showing "asymptomatic spread" to be virtually non-existent, have put that theory in the trash-bin, also.


This is much less dangerous than flu (which kills many small-children every year), except to a small percentage of the population, for whom it is worse.  The vulnerable need to self-isolate, and everyone else resume life.  Govts should help the vulnerable isolate an survive while doing so, while everyone else gets this, so the virus can die-out. 


The only logical explanations for NOT doing this, are:
 - Many powerful are very-old, and don't care about everyone else's lives.

 - Big-Pharma needed to keep this virus alive long enough to make Trillions on a vaccine - which takes time to develop to the point it won't kill more than 1/10,000 or so.  The long-term side-effects won't be "discovered" until later, after the money has long been moved to Swiss accounts, and similar.

Thank you, I agree completely!

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As I have stated several times before, with only .03% of people in Thailand tested for the virus no one really knows how many cases of virus is in Thailand. Most of the mountain people just think they have the flu. I do agree Thailand has not the funds to buy needed tests for the virus, but why tell everyone Thailand is virus fee? Thailand is not even counting the people who test positive coming into this country they are counting Thai people. When the virus does hit Thailand hard Thailand will be between an rock and a hard place with their pants down. 

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27 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

As realistic as eradicating influenza or any if the common cold types... 

With a highly effective vaccine, eradication is possible. 


Ok, influenza would be nice to eradicate as well.


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5 hours ago, hobz said:

The real 'conspiracy' is that covid19 is not actually dangerous and that the cure (lockdowns, shutdowns etc) are worse than the disease. 


Average age of people dying from covid-19 in sweden is 82. Average life expectancy in sweden is 82.

Only 6% of people dying from covid in sweden didn't have underlying medical issues as cause of death.

Sweden had no lockdown and no masks etc.


The entire world is seriously overreacting to this thing. It was understandable in the early days when we didn't know, but now we know.


Also, imagine if we put as much effort into preventing the regular flu every year. Or road deaths.. 

I can no longer edit this so all I can do is reply.

In this post I claimed that 94% had other underlying disease as cause of death, it has since come to my attention that comorbidity is not cause of death. But I still think the reaction to the virus is not in proportion to how dangerous it is.. 


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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Sorry to burst the bubble of the panic mongering Zombie Apocalypse crowd, but one case does not represent "the reappearance of Covid in Thailand". It is less than a pimple on the cheek of a teenager. It will be easily managed. Now, if hundreds or thousands of new cases were to appear, that would be a concern. This is not. Not on any level. It will very quickly be contained. 

And the government will claim a great success, prove to the masses that they can control the virus and HEY PRESTO!!! the boarders can now re-open and rescue the tourist industry.


Thailand is great!!!!!

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7 minutes ago, Anna Rak said:

And the government will claim a great success, prove to the masses that they can control the virus and HEY PRESTO!!! the boarders can now re-open and rescue the tourist industry.


Thailand is great!!!!!


i'm not sure boarding schools are going to be enough save the tourist industry... ????

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22 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

No mention of where this young man could have contracted the virus.  Airport?  ASQ Hotel?  Hospital?  Magic?

Given that just last night I took a baht bus to walking street. On the songtow a man was bragging he just arrived to Thailand. Yet he didn't even have a mask in sight. I would say that it won't be difficult for covid to spread with people like the man I saw last night walking around. 

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7 hours ago, hobz said:

The real 'conspiracy' is that covid19 is not actually dangerous and that the cure (lockdowns, shutdowns etc) are worse than the disease. 


Average age of people dying from covid-19 in sweden is 82. Average life expectancy in sweden is 82.

Only 6% of people dying from covid in sweden didn't have underlying medical issues as cause of death.

Sweden had no lockdown and no masks etc.


The entire world is seriously overreacting to this thing. It was understandable in the early days when we didn't know, but now we know.


Also, imagine if we put as much effort into preventing the regular flu every year. Or road deaths.. 

And why do you think all of tis contact tracing is done and emergency decrees and all the other stuff that's happened because of covid.. Surely it must be a real threat.. Or perhaps a good excuse to enforce control measures to the people. 

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7 hours ago, hobz said:

The real 'conspiracy' is that covid19 is not actually dangerous and that the cure (lockdowns, shutdowns etc) are worse than the disease. 


Average age of people dying from covid-19 in sweden is 82. Average life expectancy in sweden is 82.

Only 6% of people dying from covid in sweden didn't have underlying medical issues as cause of death.

Sweden had no lockdown and no masks etc.


The entire world is seriously overreacting to this thing. It was understandable in the early days when we didn't know, but now we know.


Also, imagine if we put as much effort into preventing the regular flu every year. Or road deaths.. 

you want to get this, be my guest.  not good at any age and can have life long after effects.

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There is many things we have to understand about this COVID situation:

1/ COVID pandemic situation is at his end time, because it is no more a dangerous virus. His power to kill is down by 10 or more. Like every virus, most of the time, his power going lower by the time. Has quick as it can be transmit, as quick his power will fall down.

2/ The COVID world situation was a case of panic pandemic communication who is a sign that business under the carpet is there...

3/ let's say that some of the biggest international Pharma companies (who give money to some experts to speak the way they want it to be) are so influential and have a so big business on this that they have a plan on this to make money with..... vaccine. What ever a vaccine need 2 years to be done, what ever they want ti tin 6 month (they failed, because not possible), what ever this virus immunity is fine for 2 or 3 month, what ever a quick made vaccine is also a problem for the sanity (border bad effects probability is high), they want to make money with that, and what is the idea to let you think about a dangerous pandemic situation where there is no more ? To force you to buy the vaccine to come (we are talking about 100 of billion of dollars...).

4/ In my own country, they did forbid a medic who was there for 30 years and kill no one because he was close to be free (no money back on this one), and force people (and doctors) to use an other one new and very expensive medic (with a ugly list of second non desirable effects)... there is a deputy investigation on this right now and the doctors who defend the practice to care about health of people have a big pressure. Opposite side way, the so well know and communicants (the one we can see every where in the TV) doctors/experts (who doesn't have the same higher level of knowledge) who has been paid by Gilead company (big Pharma international company), ilegaly (that we are talking about to be corrupted) don't have any problem. WHY ? They are in illegal statement due to there own interest conflict.

5/ About Thailand, who do not test a lot, same than in all other countries who do not test a lot (look at the list of contaminated cases by country, it is flagrant) it is absolutely normal they don't have to much cases, because they do not test too much.

6/ About Thailand who has more than 3000 death people more than the number of death on last year at the same time, we can ask them: why in this situation there is so much death than last year ? Did you test them ? No, they don't. Maybe they die because of COVID (must probably they did). But why exactly to deny a very high probability ? More than deny, to not speak about that ? Is it in a kind of plan we don't know about ?

7/ Sure, the farang are people who don't trust so easy what a power said (more study level you rich, lower is your aptitude to trust easy what someone said, much more when there is an interest)... and sure, better to not have to much influential farang in the country in the same time a big business plan on health is running... (maybe ?)

8/ The good point is that even with the death people who die more than last year, Thailand has a good score for COVID management situation (from 58 to 3000 up, but stil good enough to justify a "good" management), that is also very true. Because sure, if you close a border, the virus will grow slower. But for the people who had been already contaminated in Thailand (Thai national people i mean), the virus doesn't stop to propagate himself. It is not possible. Even with confinement.

9/ The price for a strong management is sure to be paid by an other one way (the population, and most probably the poor one... not probably, sure it is). This way is to reduce the opportunity to make money by work for all of them who are working for tourism. What ever they deny it, everybody see this impact, so to deny is absolutely not a good strategy, better to assume to hold o bit of credibility.

10/ people who die on the road in Thailand is 100 times upper than people they said to die from COVID (but if we are more serious with the probability and the real fact new abnormal death, we can said it is 2 times upper). But the road is not close and the car you can by still can run to more than 100 km/h ! Why ? In my own country, 30 years ago they did ask the population if they were happy if they limit the velocity in factory directly around 100km/h... 70% of the population said: "yes, do it". They didn't and never ask anymore. Why ? because of the business market.

They also said that (a real fact) smoking is very bad for the body and can occur cancer. But they don't forbid the sale of cigarettes, instead they grow up the price of the cigarettes (by the expensive tax on it). Look at the fact of the importance of some business up to some other... tourism business concern population interest, poor class and middle class directly (who is a little money back for the government, but also no influential people back to this can paid for corrupt someone, not enough to do that). They absolutely don't care really about them... what ever they said, we can just see what they are doing (in opposition to what they are saying).


But the most important is to understand about COVID that actually in French country we are testing a lot (a lot !) and we get a lot of infected asymptomatic subjects. ASYMPTOMATIC is meaning that they had been in contact, the are or have been infected, but still NEVER have any symptom. And that is a fact that it exists thousand and million of virus who exist and we bring a lot of them inside our body (some of them have a symbiotic life with our organism and are necessary for some tasks) and it is not a problem. It can become a problem if one day, someone target on it and make panic a population with that.

It is a fact also that the people who die because of the covid now is close to 0.001% of infected people (less than a season flu).

We, little people do not have the mass media company to speak for us. These companies of propaganda are the propriety of very powerful people who are other interest that to said COVID pandemic is finish. And as long as we are not stupid and observe their own practices, we can understand that it is impossible to trust what they said (they loose all credibility).


that's it, COVID pandemic

is    f i n i s h

but still the big business of a little minority with big interest in conflict with the true in the world on this subject is still dominant. it will be as long as everybody didn't paid his vaccine. OR... no one trust and submit themselves to this panic business men story time.


And i don't think or said someone build the virus for that, i just said that some big powered opportunists big rich companies (we know as they show what they are really) want to profit this situation and push for that. Look at how much is the affair business money they have... compare to the budget of small nations now. Ok, you get it now ? Free market mentality in the world... right ?

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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

you want to get this, be my guest.  not good at any age and can have life long after effects.

you do not understand what he try to explain.

It is not so difficult to understand, so i think your panic emotive mind thinking push you from "can not understand" to "do not want to understand" situation.


what you can have for long time who will also decrease your quality and life time is more about the Lyme infection or Malaria or eat to much sugar or smocking or drinking alcohol and many many other than just have the covid and be asymptomatic.


It is not an idea from a panic mind brain control, it is a real observed fact.

As long as you can not calm down and reflect without fear and emotive statement, you will not be able to be free and understand relative things in the world. You will then be one of them to be a kind of slave of anyone powerful manipulator also.


Think about that when you feel yourself better, when you no more afraid. What i tell you now is something we know about the humans.


And this COVID story is really a world case to notice to be a fear panic pandemic much more than a virus dangerous pandemic case. And why ? because of many interest conflict all over the so free market world.

Don't you get it ? You will... i promise, you will by necessity. Just a question of time.

Edited by jerolamo
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A post in ALL CAPS has been removed.


A post (and a sensible reply to it) quoting hundreds of lines of statistics has been removed. Instead of posting huge amounts of irrelevant numbers, please extract the relevant data and write a post about your findings. This is a discussion forum, not a copy and paste forum.

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2 minutes ago, blackcab said:

A post in ALL CAPS has been removed.


A post (and a sensible reply to it) quoting hundreds of lines of statistics has been removed. Instead of posting huge posts containing irrelevant numbers, please extract the relevant data and write a post about your findings. This is a discussion forum, not a copy and paste forum.

or maybe if you want, the best solution is to provide the link to the site who contain these numbers. Because in the same time people are free to check the source. This will be much more informative than to cut a part of numbers.

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11 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

If you work in the tourist trade this is the last thing you need to happen. 


Borders closed and lockdown imminent. 

Great...  We are tired of the "return of the bike shtheads" already... tearing up and down in peak traffic in all their glory....  quite enjoyed the lockdown..

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12 hours ago, Wiggy said:

I can’t see the cabinet being too worried about all of this. They’ll all soon be singing “We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine” 


    Yellow submarines , laden with Gold ingots .

      This Cabinet , is here too stay , long time .

      Tank's , win  over democracy every time , ref China ..


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2 hours ago, jerolamo said:

There is many things we have to understand about this COVID situation:

1/ COVID pandemic situation is at his end time, because it is no more a dangerous virus. His power to kill is down by 10 or more. Like every virus, most of the time, his power going lower by the time. Has quick as it can be transmit, as quick his power will fall down.

2/ The COVID world situation was a case of panic pandemic communication who is a sign that business under the carpet is there...

3/ let's say that some of the biggest international Pharma companies (who give money to some experts to speak the way they want it to be) are so influential and have a so big business on this that they have a plan on this to make money with..... vaccine. What ever a vaccine need 2 years to be done, what ever they want ti tin 6 month (they failed, because not possible), what ever this virus immunity is fine for 2 or 3 month, what ever a quick made vaccine is also a problem for the sanity (border bad effects probability is high), they want to make money with that, and what is the idea to let you think about a dangerous pandemic situation where there is no more ? To force you to buy the vaccine to come (we are talking about 100 of billion of dollars...).

4/ In my own country, they did forbid a medic who was there for 30 years and kill no one because he was close to be free (no money back on this one), and force people (and doctors) to use an other one new and very expensive medic (with a ugly list of second non desirable effects)... there is a deputy investigation on this right now and the doctors who defend the practice to care about health of people have a big pressure. Opposite side way, the so well know and communicants (the one we can see every where in the TV) doctors/experts (who doesn't have the same higher level of knowledge) who has been paid by Gilead company (big Pharma international company), ilegaly (that we are talking about to be corrupted) don't have any problem. WHY ? They are in illegal statement due to there own interest conflict.

5/ About Thailand, who do not test a lot, same than in all other countries who do not test a lot (look at the list of contaminated cases by country, it is flagrant) it is absolutely normal they don't have to much cases, because they do not test too much.

6/ About Thailand who has more than 3000 death people more than the number of death on last year at the same time, we can ask them: why in this situation there is so much death than last year ? Did you test them ? No, they don't. Maybe they die because of COVID (must probably they did). But why exactly to deny a very high probability ? More than deny, to not speak about that ? Is it in a kind of plan we don't know about ?

7/ Sure, the farang are people who don't trust so easy what a power said (more study level you rich, lower is your aptitude to trust easy what someone said, much more when there is an interest)... and sure, better to not have to much influential farang in the country in the same time a big business plan on health is running... (maybe ?)

8/ The good point is that even with the death people who die more than last year, Thailand has a good score for COVID management situation (from 58 to 3000 up, but stil good enough to justify a "good" management), that is also very true. Because sure, if you close a border, the virus will grow slower. But for the people who had been already contaminated in Thailand (Thai national people i mean), the virus doesn't stop to propagate himself. It is not possible. Even with confinement.

9/ The price for a strong management is sure to be paid by an other one way (the population, and most probably the poor one... not probably, sure it is). This way is to reduce the opportunity to make money by work for all of them who are working for tourism. What ever they deny it, everybody see this impact, so to deny is absolutely not a good strategy, better to assume to hold o bit of credibility.

10/ people who die on the road in Thailand is 100 times upper than people they said to die from COVID (but if we are more serious with the probability and the real fact new abnormal death, we can said it is 2 times upper). But the road is not close and the car you can by still can run to more than 100 km/h ! Why ? In my own country, 30 years ago they did ask the population if they were happy if they limit the velocity in factory directly around 100km/h... 70% of the population said: "yes, do it". They didn't and never ask anymore. Why ? because of the business market.

They also said that (a real fact) smoking is very bad for the body and can occur cancer. But they don't forbid the sale of cigarettes, instead they grow up the price of the cigarettes (by the expensive tax on it). Look at the fact of the importance of some business up to some other... tourism business concern population interest, poor class and middle class directly (who is a little money back for the government, but also no influential people back to this can paid for corrupt someone, not enough to do that). They absolutely don't care really about them... what ever they said, we can just see what they are doing (in opposition to what they are saying).


But the most important is to understand about COVID that actually in French country we are testing a lot (a lot !) and we get a lot of infected asymptomatic subjects. ASYMPTOMATIC is meaning that they had been in contact, the are or have been infected, but still NEVER have any symptom. And that is a fact that it exists thousand and million of virus who exist and we bring a lot of them inside our body (some of them have a symbiotic life with our organism and are necessary for some tasks) and it is not a problem. It can become a problem if one day, someone target on it and make panic a population with that.

It is a fact also that the people who die because of the covid now is close to 0.001% of infected people (less than a season flu).

We, little people do not have the mass media company to speak for us. These companies of propaganda are the propriety of very powerful people who are other interest that to said COVID pandemic is finish. And as long as we are not stupid and observe their own practices, we can understand that it is impossible to trust what they said (they loose all credibility).


that's it, COVID pandemic

is    f i n i s h

but still the big business of a little minority with big interest in conflict with the true in the world on this subject is still dominant. it will be as long as everybody didn't paid his vaccine. OR... no one trust and submit themselves to this panic business men story time.


And i don't think or said someone build the virus for that, i just said that some big powered opportunists big rich companies (we know as they show what they are really) want to profit this situation and push for that. Look at how much is the affair business money they have... compare to the budget of small nations now. Ok, you get it now ? Free market mentality in the world... right ?


      Please , submit a concise reply .

       After , two paragraphs , gets boring . 

      For us Golden Oldies .. 555

Edited by elliss
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